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Conferences / Guest lectures

“The Phonetics of Namibian English. Investigating Local Features in a Global Context”
June 2017, World Englishes 2017, Conference of the International Association of World Englishes (IAWE), Syracuse, New York, USA. (in collaboration with Anne Schröder and Frederic Zähres).

“Introducing CNamON: A Corpus of Namibian Online Newspapers”
May 2017, ICAME Conference 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

“Tracing features of a new variety of English: Lexis, spelling and morpho-syntax in a Corpus of Namibian Online Newspapers (CNamON)”
March 2017, Conference on “Corpora and Language”, Paderborn, Germany.

“English in Nambia: Lexical and syntactic features in the Corpus of Namibian Online Newspapers (CNamON)”
January 2017, Guest lecture, Universität Bielefeld, Germany, Prof. Dr. Anne Schröder.

“Dialect in early African-American plays: a qualitative assessment.”
August 2016, 19th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics,
Workshop: “Early American Englishes” (organized by Merja Kytö and Lucia Siebers), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

“English in Germany: Preliminary findings from a survey on language attitudes and use”
July 2016, Guest lecture, Universität Bielefeld, Germany, Prof. Dr. Anne Schröder.

“Assessing (near-)nativeness: The impact of proficiency and time spent abroad on German learners’ British and American accents”
June 2016, The 8th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2016), Aarhus Universitet, Denmark.

“From EFL to ESL? Germany and Namibia in the Model of Extra- and Intra-Territorial Forces”
June 2016, Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Colloquium “English in the Expanding Circle: The shift from foreign language to additional language of use” (organized by Suzanne Hilgendorf), Universidad de Murcia, Spain.

“A British or an American accent? Rhoticity and t-voicing in advanced German learners of English”
February 2016, Guest lecture, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany, Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag.

“English in multilingual and multiethnic Namibia.” In collaboration with Anne Schröder, Sarah Buschfeld and Markus Bieswanger.
September 2015, Anglistentag 2015, Paderborn, Germany.

"Earlier African American English - Tracing evidence for creolization".
May 2014, Guest lecture Universität Bielefeld (Prof. Dr. Anne Schröder)

"The Linguistics of English in Namibia: Language Attitudes and Use." In collaboration with Markus Bieswanger, Sarah Buschfeld and Anne Schröder.
February 2014, Guest lecture University of Cape Town (Prof. Dr. Rajend Mesthrie)

"English in Namibia or Namibian English? – Evidence from a survey on identity constructions and language attitudes and use." In collaboration with Sarah Buschfeld.
July 2013, International Congress of Linguists (ICL), Session 8. Sociolinguistics and multilingualism (organized by Edgar W. Schneider), Geneva, Switzerland.

"Is it British or American? The acquisition of a native-like accent by advanced German learners".
July 2013, International Congress of Linguists (ICL), Workshop: Native language influence in second language acquisition (organized by Julia Herschensohn & Martha Young-Scholten), Geneva, Switzerland.

Workshop "A British accent? An American accent? A German accent? As if it mattered! Second language acquisition and the English as a Lingua Franca perspective."
June 2013, Lehrerfortbildung "Internationalization of 'English' Language and Literature" des Instituts für Anglistik und Amerikanistik der Universität Regensburg.

"English pronunciation teaching in Europe: Inside and outside the classroom".
May 2013, Session at English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP) 3; Murcia; Spain. In collboartion with Alice Henderson, Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova, Dan Frost, David Levey, Deirdre Murphy, Elina Tergujeff, Ewa Waniek-Klimczak, and Lesley Curnick.

"Is English changing status in Namibia? – Some findings from a survey on language attitudes and use." in collaboration with Sarah Buschfreld. 
December 2012, World Englishes 2012, 18th Conference of the International Association of World Englishes (IAWE), Hong Kong & Guangzhou, PRC.

"English in Germany: Retreating exonormative orientation and incipient nativization?
December 2012, World Englishes 2012, 18th Conference of the International Association of World Englishes (IAWE), Hong Kong & Guangzhou, PRC. 

"Earlier African American English. Methods of Reconstructing a Historical Variety." 
June 2012, Guest lecture Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Prof. Dr. Stephanie Hackert).

"Similarity, Markedness or lack of Awareness? Inconsistencies of German learners in the pronunciation of LOT, THOUGHT, STRUT, PALM and BATH"
December 2011, 5th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English (Accents 2011, Łódź, Poland)

"Joint session on English Pronunciation Teaching in Europe Survey"
December 2011, 5th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English (Accents 2011, Łódź, Poland); in collaboration wtih Alice Henderson & Dan Frost, Una Cunningham, Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova, David Levey, Elina Tergujef, Ewa Waniek-Klimczak

"Rhoticity in German Learners of English"
July 2010, World Englishes 2010, 16th Conference of the International Association of World Englishes (IAWE), Vancouver, Canada

"The Pronunciation of English and German Vowels by German English Students from the Universities of Cologne and Regensburg" June 2010, Guest Lecture in the Lecture Series "Bilingualität zwischen Theorie und Praxis" (Initiative for Bilingual Studies, University of Cologne)

"German and English vowel spaces in German Learners of English" December 2009, Accents 2009, Łódź, Poland

"The pronunciation of English by German university students" December 2008, World Englishes 2008, 14th Conference of the International Association of World Englishes (IAWE), Hong Kong

"Reconstructing the history of earlier African American English" January 2007, Guest Lecture, University of Zurich (Prof. Dr. Daniel Schreier)

"Combining early sources: A new approach to the historical study of African American English" September 2001, Anglistentag 2001, Vienna, Austria

"The changing shape of English: Non-finite verb forms" May 2001, ICAME 2001, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

"The Historical Evolution of African American English: Copula usage in Early Sources" December 2000, Dissertation Award Presentation, Bavarian America Academy, Munich, Germany)

"That's sumpen I aint never paid any 'tention to: Negative auxiliary variation in Earlier African American English" October 1999, New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English (NWAVE 28), Toronto, Canada

"Liberian letters and Virginian narratives: Negation patterns in two new sources of earlier AAVE" October 1998, New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English (NWAVE 27), Athens, GA, USA

"Differential creolization: Some evidence from Earlier African American Vernacular English in South Carolina." (with Edgar W. Schneider) June 1998, International Symposium: Degrees of Restructuring in Creole Languages, Regensburg, Germany 

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies