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The University of Regensburg’s German Studies Department offers the field German Linguistics as a major and minor subject in a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree or in a teaching license program (for primary schools (Grundschule) and secondary schools (Gymnasium, Realschule, and Hauptschule). For further graduate studies, the department also offers a well-established doctorate program in German Linguistics (leading to the degree Dr. phil).

Collaborative projects offer a rich and diverse course of studies with Medieval German Literature (history of language and text, Medieval Studies), Modern German Literature (text analysis, history of literature and cultural studies), German as a Foreign Language (grammar studies, language use and language standardization), Didactics of German Language and Literature (teaching grammar, language usage), German as a Second Language (standard and non-standard varieties, language policy and language politics) as well as Media Studies (language as a culturally influenced means of communication)

Students are strongly encouraged to join and participate in the research projects of  “Arbeitskreis Landeskunde Ostbayern” ( Regional Studies of Eastern Bavaria), “Regensburger Verbund für Werbeforschung” (Regensburg Network for Advertising Studies) together with “Historisches Werbefunkarchiv” (Historical Broadcast Advertising Collection), “Forschergruppe Namen” (study group: Names), “Atlas der historischen deutschen Mundarten in der Tschechischen Republik” (Atlas of the Historic German Dialects in the Czech Republic), “Digitales Ortsnamenbuch Ostbayern” (Digital Book of Place Names in Eastern Bavaria).

Adj. Prof. Dr. Thim-Mabrey is the advisor for current and future students of German Linguistics.


In order to finance your studies in Regensburg you can apply to different research grants and stipends.