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Lecture by Michael A. Webster

Director, Center for Integrative Neuroscience (NIH COBRE)
Department of Psychology
University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada USA

Title: Adaptation and visual experience

Sensory systems are constantly adjusting to match sensory coding to the properties of the environment. These adjustments occur at most if not all stages of processing and calibrate for changes in both the world and the observer (e.g. as we age). They therefore influence almost everything we perceive. I will discuss the implications of adaptation for the nature of visual experience and the extent to which physiologically different  observers perceive their visual worlds in similar or different ways.


Raum: Sedanstrasse 1 (Außenstelle der UR), Seminarraum 127A
Datum/Zeit: Donnerstag den 20.7.2023 um 16 ct
Gleichzeitig per ZOOM (siehe unten)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 940 678 2677
Passcode: 818442

Lecture by John S. Werner, University of California

Title: Adaptive Changes in Color Vision from Long-Term Filter Usage in Anomalous but Not Normal Trichromacy

DONNERSTAG 13. APRIL 2023, 14:17 UHR - DONNERSTAG 13. APRIL 2023, 14:15 UHR

Link to the uni calendar: www.uni-regensburg.de/kalender/index.html


Sedanstraße 1
Ground floor
Besprechungsraum 041

Join Zoom Meeting: https://uni-regensburg.zoom.us/j/9406782677?pwd=RnhGTENwMkhvYkluOWtNc0dtZjF4dz09
Meeting ID: 940 678 2677
Passcode: will be forwarded by email request


Institut für Psychologie
Prof. Dr. Mark W. Greenlee
Telefon +49 941 943-2402
E-Mail mark.greenlee@psychologie.uni-regensburg.de

Defense of Simon Wein on 07.12.2022

Simon Wein had his doctoral defense on 07.12.2022 (Wednesday).

Defense of Yih-Shiuan Lin on 06.12.2022

Yih-Shiuan Lin had her doctoral thesis defense on 06.12.2022 (Tuesday) in a hybrid format (via Zoom and in Sedanstraße 1)

With the following committee:

Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Sven Hilbert

1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Mark W. Greenlee

2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Angelika Lingnau

This subsite is available in German only.


Nachholklausur Allgemeine Psychologie l / Teil 2 am 19.10.2022

Liebe Studierende,

die Nachholprüfung zu oben aufgeführter Klausur aus dem Sommersemester 2022 wird mündlich zu je 30 Minuten per Zoom oder in Präsenz (Sedanstrasse 1, Raum U05) stattfinden.

Wir wünschen viel Erfolg!

Beste Grüße

Sandra Schmid

  1. Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Psychologie

