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DIMAS regularly offers events of various kinds:

LATinBAY Network Meeting on 11th April

LATinBAY network meeting on April 11

The meeting of the Forschungs- und Kooperationsnetzwerk Lateinamerika in Bayern (LATinBAY, Research and Cooperation Network Latin America in Bavaria) will take place at the University of Regensburg on April 11th 2024 from 10:30-5:30 p.m.!

After a ceremonial opening by the President of the University of Regensburg, Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel, Prof. Dr. Anne Brüske, professor at DIMAS at the University of Regensburg, and Prof. Dr. Silke Jansen (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg) and Prof. Dr. Miriam Lay Brander (KU Eichstätt) will guide you through the program of the network meeting.

The team from the Bavarian University Center for Latin America (Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Lateinamerika, BayLat) led by Dr. Irma de Melo-Reiners will come to Regensburg to provide information about the work of BayLat, the LATinBAY network and funding opportunities for scientific cooperation between Bavaria and Latin America.

In addition, representatives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) and the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) will report on funding instruments for research with or on Latin America. Therefore Dr. Dietrich Halm, program director for Latin America and the Caribbean in the German Research Foundation cooperation with Latin America, will take part with a lecture.

In the second part of the program, the meeting offers the opportunity to exchange ideas in thematic working groups and to network with one another regarding current areas of interest.

Researchers from all disciplines with a connection to Latin America are invited to the network meeting.

Interested researchers and advanced students can register here.

You can find the complete program here.


10:30am, 11 April 2024 | H 19, University of Regensburg


Vorstand | BoardProf. Dr. Anna Steigemann and Prof. Dr. Rike Krämer-Hoppe

Geschäftsführung | Manager: Dr. Paul Vickers

Sekretariat | Secretary dimas@ur.de
Tel. +49 941 943 5966

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