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News from the University of Regensburg

UR continues to improve in the DFG Funding Atlas

Increase of almost 10 percent in total funding

November 26, 2024

On Monday the latest Funding Atlas of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) was officially presented. The Funding Atlas documents the amount of research funding received by German research institutions from the DFG in the years 2020 to 2022. The University of Regensburg has once again achieved an increase in the total amount of research funding, improving its position in the national ranking to 31st out of a total of 229 universities. In recent years, UR has been able to record higher funding amounts in all scientific disciplines.

Natural sciences at UR particularly successful

The DFG has approved a total of €113.8 million in funding for the UR for the period 2020-2022. This represents an increase of 9.4 percent compared to the period from 2017 to 2019.

In the natural sciences, the UR is particularly successful in acquiring third-party funding. The total amount approved in the period analysed was 35.4 million euros. If the total amount is related to the number of professors, the University of Regensburg ranks second in Germany, ahead of all other Bavarian universities.
The pleasing development of reaching a top 40 position in the humanities and social sciences in the period from 2017 to 2019 was maintained in the period now analysed. With a funding volume of 14.2 million euros, the UR once again reached 36th place in Germany.

With a significant increase in funding of around 16 percent from 48.4 million euros to 57.6 million euros, the UR's life sciences sector was able to maintain its 27th place in Germany. In terms of research funding per professorial staff, the UR moved up two places to 28th in Germany.


Dr. phil. Sabrina Viehauser
Research Reputation and Rankings Project Unit
Research Development Unit
Presidential Department
University of Regensburg

Phone +49 (0)941-943 7403
E-Mail: ranking.reputation@ur.de

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