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Hier finden Sie alle aktuellen Veranstaltung und die derzeit laufenden Workshop-Ausschreibungen des WIN. 

Bitte beachten Sie: Veranstaltungen ohne Teilnahmebeschränkungen sind nach dem Termin der Veranstaltung gelistet, Angebote mit begrenzter Platzzahl jedoch nach dem Anmeldeschluss. 

Leadership Skills - What Does It Take to be a Young Leader?

Sonntag 03. November 2024

Often young researchers take on leadership roles early on in their career. In this workshop you will learn about important aspects of an inspiring approach to leadership which engages you and your team members and which addresses, at the same time, current management issues.

Workshop topics

  • Leadership fundamentals: what is expected of an effective leader?
  • Tools and understandings that help to become a role model
  • The importance of communication for effective leadership
  • Aspects of motivation
  • How do I enter an existing team as a new leader?
  • What helps to be accepted and appreciated by the team members?
  • Health and success: How to create a sustainable work climate

Your lecturer: Wolfgang Leybold

Feedback on the trainer from his former courses at WIN

"He is one of the best coaches out there!"
"Great job, love the enthusiasm you have for your job/the topic!"


Application via GRIPS until 03.11.2024


Presence Workshop in English
on 11.11.2024, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., room: SG 4.16
Deadline for applications (via GRIPS): 03.11.2024


Cernter for Graduate & Postgraduate Reseachers, WIN


Zentrum zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses

Center for Graduate & Postgraduate Researchers