Zu Hauptinhalt springen

Verena Kriechbaum



  • 2019 Master of Science in Psychology, Regensburg Universität

Professional Experience

  • since 2020 Research Assistant at Psychology Department

        (Head: K.-H. T. Bäuml, Regensburg Univeristy)


Winter Term 2023/24

  • Practiacal Course (Bachelor): Retrieval Practice enhances new learning - can elaborative studying simulate this effect?

Summer Term 2023

  • Practical Course (Bachelor): Retrieval Practice enhances new learning - can elaborative studying simulate this effect?



  • Kriechbaum, V. M. & Bäuml, K.-H. T. (in press). Retrieval practice can promote new learning with both related and unrelated prose materials. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
  • Kriechbaum, V. M. & Bäuml, K.-H. T. (2023). The critical importance of timing of retrieval practice for the fate of nonretrieved memories. Scientific Reports, 13:6128.
  • Kliegl, O., Kriechbaum, V. M., & Bäuml, K.-H.T. (2022). The effects of interspersed retrieval practice in multiple-list learning on initially studied material. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 889622.

  1. Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Psychologie

Verena Kriechbaum

Regensburg University
Psychology Department
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg, Germany

Verena Kriechbaum Neu

Office: PT, Room 4.1.70
Phone 0941 943-3766
Fax     0941 943-3872


Office hour: