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Master Literature Block Seminar für Lst. Lee: VWL, IVWL, BWL und IMMO (Juni 11- 18, 2016)

Donnerstag 10. Dezember 2015, 00:00 Uhr - Donnerstag 10. Dezember 2015, 00:00 Uhr

Master Literature Block Seminar für Lst. Lee: VWL, IVWL, BWL und IMMO (Juni 11- 18, 2016). Anmeldung (kerstin.zeise@ur.de) ab sofort bis spätestens 21.12.2015! Pre-requisite for the Anmeldung: MUST have taken or will be taking AT LEAST any of Dynamic Macroeconomics I, II, or Immobilieökonomie II Es ist möglich, die Seminarkosten als "Verlustvortrag" für eure künftige Steuerlast beim Finanzamt anzugeben!

Where: Fuerteventura, here is the house for the seminar: https://www.homeaway.co.uk/p62788

Costs: Accommodation and Car Rental are paid from the Lst. Flight and Food (approx. €100) must be covered by each participant.

Max. of 9 seminar participants.

Suggested Topics: Please refer to 


  • These are only the suggested topics: one could pick ones own topic, but if you do so, then please talk to me first.
  • In this topic list, there are some other info about the seminar.

If you have further questions, please contact me or Johannes. 

G. Lee

  1. Startseite Universität Regensburg
  2. IRE|BS - International Real Estate Business School


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