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La Cruz-Thea B. de, Natali L., Ho-Xuan H., Bruckmann A., Coll-Bonfill N., Strieder N., Peinado V.I, Meister G., Musri M.M (2024) Differentiation and Growth-Arrest-Related lncRNA (DAGAR): Initial Characterization in Human Smooth Muscle and Fibroblast Cells. International journal of molecular sciences 25(17). DOI: 10.3390/ijms25179497

Ho T., Eichner N., Sathapondecha P., Nantapojd T., Meister G., Udomkit A. (2024) Ago4-piRNA complex is a key component of genomic immune system against transposon expression in Penaeus monodon. Fish & shellfish immunology 151:109693. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2024.109693

Scarfiello E., Eichlinger J., Meister G. (2024) The double-stranded microRNA precursor. Postepy biochemii 70(1):57–61. DOI: 10.18388/pb.2021_522

Bludau A., Schwartz U., Zeitler D.M, Royer M., Meister G., Neumann I.D, Menon R. (2024) Functional involvement of septal miR-132 in extinction and oxytocin-mediated reversal of social fear. Molecular psychiatry 29(6):1754–1766. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-023-02309-3


Helm M., Bohnsack M.T, Carell T., Dalpke A., Entian K.-D., Ehrenhofer-Murray A., Ficner R., Hammann C., Höbartner C., Jäschke A., Jeltsch A., Kaiser S., Klassen R., Leidel S.A, Marx A., Mörl M., Meier J.C, Meister G., Rentmeister A., Rodnina M., Roignant J.-Y., Schaffrath R., Stadler P., Stafforst T. (2023) Experience with German Research Consortia in the Field of Chemical Biology of Native Nucleic Acid Modifications. ACS chemical biology 18(12):2441–2449. DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.3c00586

Klein T., Funke F., Rossbach O., Lehmann G., Vockenhuber M., Medenbach J., Suess B., Meister G., Babinger P. (2023) Investigating the Prevalence of RNA-Binding Metabolic Enzymes in E. coli. International journal of molecular sciences 24(14). DOI: 10.3390/ijms241411536

Larivera S., Neumeier J., Meister G. (2023) Post-transcriptional gene silencing in a dynamic RNP world. Biological chemistry 404(11-12):1051–1067. DOI: 10.1515/hsz-2023-0203

Meindl A., Romberger M., Lehmann G., Eichner N., Kleemann L., Wu J., Danner J., Boesl M., Mesitov M., Meister G., König J., Leidel S.A, Medenbach J. (2023) A rapid protocol for ribosome profiling of low input samples. Nucleic acids research 51(13):e68. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkad459

Natali L., Luna Pizarro G., Moyano S., La Cruz-Thea B. de, Musso J., Rópolo A.S, Eichner N., Meister G., Musri M.M, Feliziani C., Touz M.C (2023) The Exosome-like Vesicles of Giardia Assemblages A, B, and E Are Involved in the Delivering of Distinct Small RNA from Parasite to Parasite. International journal of molecular sciences 24(11). DOI: 10.3390/ijms24119559

Nicolas C., Ju A., Wu Y., Eldirdiri H., Delcasso S., Couderc Y., Fornari C., Mitra A., Supiot L., Vérité A., Masson M., Rodriguez-Rozada S., Jacky D., Wiegert J.S, Beyeler A. (2023) Linking emotional valence and anxiety in a mouse insula-amygdala circuit. Nature communications 14(1):5073. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40517-1

Pichler M., Meindl A., Romberger M., Eckes-Shephard A., Nyberg-Brodda C.-F., Buhigas C., Llaneza-Lago S., Lehmann G., Hopes A., Meister G., Medenbach J., Mock T. (2023) Ribosome Profiling in the Model Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Current protocols 3(7):e843. DOI: 10.1002/cpz1.843

Shah V.N, Neumeier J., Huberdeau M.Q, Zeitler D.M, Bruckmann A., Meister G., Simard M.J (2023) Casein kinase 1 and 2 phosphorylate Argonaute proteins to regulate miRNA-mediated gene silencing. EMBO reports 24(11):e57250. DOI: 10.15252/embr.202357250


Quévillon Huberdeau M, Shah VN, Nahar S, Neumeier J, Houle F, Bruckmann A, Gypas F, Nakanishi K, Großhans H, Meister G, Simard MJ. (2022).                                           A specific type of Argonaute phosphorylation regulates binding to microRNAs during C. elegans development.                                                                                          Cell Rep. 2022 Dec 13;41(11):111822. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111822.

Royer M, Pai B, Menon R, Bludau A, Gryksa K, Perry RB, Ulitsky I, Meister G, Neumann ID. (2022).                                                                                                 Transcriptome and chromatin alterations in social fear indicate association of MEG3 with successful extinction of fear.                                                                               Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Oct;27(10):4064-4076. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01481-2

Linck-Paulus L, Meißgeier T, Pieger K, Horn AHC, Matthies A, Fischer S, Meister G, Sticht H, Kappelmann-Fenzl M, Bosserhoff AK. (2022). 2022.                                        A previously unknown Argonaute 2 variant positively modulates the viability of melanoma cells.                                                                                                         Cell Mol Life Sci. 2022 Aug 9;79(9):475. doi: 10.1007/s00018-022-04496-8.

Shang R, Kretov DA, Adamson SI, Treiber T, Treiber N, Vedanayagam J, Chuang JH, Meister G, Cifuentes D, Lai EC. (2022).                                                                Regulated dicing of pre-mir-144 via reshaping of its terminal loop.                      Nucleic Acids Res . 2022 Jul 22;50(13):7637-7654. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac568.

Willkomm S, Jakob L, Kramm K, Graus V, Neumeier J, Meister G, Grohmann D. (2022).                                                                                                                  Single-molecule FRET uncovers hidden conformations and dynamics of human Argonaute 2.                                                                                                              Nat Commun. 2022 Jul 02.13(1):3825. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31480-4.

Larivera S and Meister G. (2022).                                                                          Domain confusion 2: m6A-independent role of YTHDC2.                                               Mol Cell. 82(9): 1608-1609. 2022 May 05.

Hennig T, Prusty AB, Kaufer BB, Whisnant AW, Lodha M, Enders A, Thomas J, Kasimir F, Grothey A, Klein T, Herb S, Jürges C, Sauer M, Fischer U, Rudel T, Meister G, Erhard F, Dölken L, Prusty BK. (2022).                                                                               Selective inhibition of miRNA processing by a herpesvirus-encoded miRNA.        Nature. 2022 May;605(7910):539-544. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04667-4. Epub 2022 May 4. PMID: 35508655

Kiel C, Strunz T, Hasler D, Meister G, Grassmann F, Weber BHF. (2022).                    Seed sequence polymorphism rs2168518 and allele-specific target gene regulation of hsa-miR-4513.                                                                                                        Hum Mol Genet. 2022 Mar 21;31(6):875-887. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddab292.

Cordsmeier A, Rinkel S, Jeninga M, Schulze-Luehrmann J, Ölke M, Schmid B, Hasler D, Meister G, Häcker G, Petter M, Beare PA, Lührmann A. (2022).                                       The Coxiella burnetii T4SS effector protein AnkG hijacks the 7SK small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex for reprogramming host cell transcription.                          PLoS Pathog. 2022 Feb 8;18(2):e1010266. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010266. ePub ahead of print.

Kilikevicius A, Meister G, Corey DR. (2022)                                                 Reexamining assumptions about miRNA-guided gene silencing.                           Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 25;50(2):617-634. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab1256.


Audrius Kilikevicius, Gunter Meister, David R. Corey. 2021.                         Reexamining assumptions about miRNA-guided gene silencing.                           Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Dec 30. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab1256. Online ahead of print.

Eva Schöller, James Marks, Virginie Marchand, Astrid Bruckmann, Christopher A. Powell, Markus Reichold, Christian Daniel Mutti, Katja Dettmer, Regina Feederle, Stefan Hüttelmaier, Mark Helm, Peter Oefner, Michal Minczuk, Yuri Motorin, Markus Hafner & Gunter Meister. 2021.                                                                                     Balancing of mitochondrial translation through METTL8-mediated m3C modification of mitochondrial tRNAs.                                                                                                 Mol Cell. 2021 Nov 12. Epub ahead of print. - You can find a pdf download here.

Christina Kiel, Tobias Strunz, Daniele Hasler, Gunter Meister, Felix Grassmann, Bernhard H. F. Weber. 2021.                                                                                   Seed sequence polymorphism rs2168518 and allele-specific target gene regulation of hsa-miR-4513.                                                                                                       Hum Mol Genet. 2021 Oct 4; doi:10.1093/hmg/ddab292. Epub ahead of print.

La Rocca G, King B, Shui B, Li X, Zhang M, Akat K, Ogrodowski P, Mastroleo C, Chen K, Cavalieri V, Ma Y, Anelli V, Betel D, Vidigal J, Tuschl T, Meister G, Thompson CB, Lindsten T, Haigis K, Ventura A. 2021.                                                                           Inducible and reversible inhibition of miRNA-mediated gene repression in vivo.        Elife. 2021 Aug 31;10:e70948. doi: 10.7554/eLife.70948. Online ahead of print.

Lisa Linck-Paulus , Lisa Lämmerhirt, Daniel Völler, Katharina Meyer, Julia C Engelmann, Rainer Spang, Norbert Eichner, Gunter Meister, Silke Kuphal, Anja Katrin Bosserhoff. 2021.                                                                                                          Learning from Embryogenesis-A Comparative Expression Analysis in Melanoblast Differentiation and Tumorigenesis Reveals miRNAs Driving Melanoma Development.    J Clin Med . 2021 May 24;10(11):2259. doi: 10.3390/jcm10112259.

Anne Gaza, Valerie Fritz, Lara Malek, Laura Wormser, Nora Treiber, Johannes Danner, Andreas E. Kremer, Wolfgang E. Thasler, Jürgen Siebler, Gunter Meister, Markus F. Neurath, Claus Hellerbrand, Anja K. Bosserhoff, Peter Dietrich. 2021.               Identification of novel targets of miR-622 in hepatocellular carcinoma reveals common regulation of cooperating genes and outlines the oncogenic role of zinc finger CCHC-type containing 11.                                                                                   Neoplasia. 2021 April 24. Epub ahead of print.

Julia Neumeier, Gunter Meister. 2021.                                                                        siRNA Specificity: RNAi Mechanisms and Strategies to Reduce Off-Target Effects.       Front Plant Sci. 2021 Jan 28;11:526455. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.526455. eCollection 2020.                                                                  

Deepak Ramanujam, Anna Patricia Schön, Christina Beck, Paula Vaccarello, Giulia Felician, Anne Dueck, Dena Esfandyari, Gunter Meister, Thomas Meitinger, Christian Schulz, Stefan Engelhard. 2021.                                                                                     MiR-21-Dependent Macrophages-to-Fibroblast Signaling Determines the Cardiac Response to Pressure Overload.                                                                                  Circulation. 2021 Feb 08. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1161/ CIRCULATIONAHA. 120.050682.


Hung Ho-Xuan, Gerhard Lehmann, Petar Glazar, Foivos Gypas, Norbert Eichner, Kevin Heizler, Hans Jürgen Schlitt, Mihaela Zavolan, Nikolaus Rajewsky, Gunter Meister, Christina Hackl. 2020.                                                                                            Gene Expression Signatures of a Preclinical Mouse Model during Colorectal Cancer Progression under Low-Dose Metronomic Chemotherapy.                                   Cancers. 2020 Dec 26. 13(1):49. doi: 10.3390/cancers13010049.

Lessel D., Zeitler D.M., Reijnders M.R.F., Kazantsev A., Hassani Nia F., Bartholomäus A., Martens V., Bruckmann A., Graus V., McConkie-Rosell A., McDonald M., Lozic B., Tan ES, Gerkes E., Johannsen J., Denecke J., Telegrafi A., Zonneveld-Huijssoon E., Lemmink H.H., Cham B.W.M., Kovacevic T., Ramsdell L., Foss K., Le Duc D., Mitter D., Syrbe S., Merkenschlager A., Sinnema M., Panis B., Lazier J., Osmond M., Hartley T., Mortreux J., Busa T., Missirian C., Prasun P., Lüttgen S., Mannucci I., Lessel I., Schob C., Kindler S., Pappas J., Rabin R., Willemsen M., Gardeitchik T., Löhner K., Rump P., Dias K.R., Evans C.A., Andrews P.I., Roscioli T., Brunner H.G., Chijiwa C., Lewis M.E.S., Jamra R.A., Dyment D.A., Boycott K.M., Stegmann A.P.A., Kubisch C., Tan E.C., Mirzaa G.M., McWalter K., Kleefstra T., Pfundt R., Ignatova Z., Meister G., Kreienkamp H.J.. 2020.                                                                                                               Germline AGO2 mutations impair RNA interference and human neurological development.                                                                                                            Nature Communications. 11 5797 (2020). doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19572-5. 2020 Nov 16.

Hung Ho-Xuan, Petar Glazar, Claudia Latini, Kevin Heizler, Jacob Haase, Robert Hett, Marvin Anders, Franziska Weichmann, Astrid Bruckmann, Debbie Van den Berg, Stefan Hüttelmaier, Nikolaus Rajewsky, Chrisitna Hackl, Gunter Meister. 2020.                         Comprehensive analysis of translation from overexpressed circular RNAs reveals pervasive translation from linear transcripts.                                                          Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Sep 21. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa704

Souvik Ghosh, Joao C. Guimaraes, Manuela Lanzafame, Alexander Schmidt, Afzal Pasha Syed, Beatrice Dimitriades, Anastasiya Börsch, Shreemoyee Ghosh, Nitish Mittal, Thomas Montavon, Ana Luisa Correia, Johannes Danner, Gunter Meister, Luigi M. Terracciano, Sebastien Pfeffer, Salvatore Piscuoglio, Mihaela Zavolan. 2020.          Prevention of dsRNA-induced interferon signaling by AGO1x linked to breast cancer cell proliferation.                                                                                                    EMBO J. 2020 Aug 19. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.15252/embj.2019103922

Franziska Weichmann, Robert Hett, Aloys Schepers, Taku Ito-Kureha, Andrew Flatley, Kaouthar Slama, Florian Hastert, Nick Angstmann, Christina M. Cardoso, Julian König, Stefan Huettelmaier, Christoph Dieterich, Stefan Canzar, Mark Helm, Vigo Heissmeyer, Regina Feederle and Gunter Meister. 2020.                                                      Validation strategies for antibodies targeting modified ribonucleotides.                 RNA. 2020 Jul 07. Epub ahead of print. DOI:10.1261/rna.076026.120.

Shubhangini Kataruka, Martin Modrak, Veronika Kinterova, Radek Malik, Daniele M Zeitler., Filip Horvat, Jiri Kanka, Gunter Meister, Petr Svoboda. 2020.              MicroRNA Dilution During Oocyte Growth Disables the microRNA Pathway in Mammalian Oocytes.                                                                                            Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jul 01. Epub ahead of Print.

Daniele Hasler, Gunter Meister, Utz Fischer. 2020.                                            Stabilize and Connect: The Role of LARP7 in Nuclear Non-coding RNA Metabolism. RNA Biol. 2020 Jun 03. Epub ahead of Print.

Lim C. X., Lee B., Geiger O., Passegger C., Beitzinger M., Romberger J., Stracke A., Högenauer C., Stift A., Stoiber H., Poidinger M., Zebisch A., Meister G., Williams A., Flavell R. A., Henao-Mejia J., Strobi H. 2020.                                                     miR-181a Modulation of ERK-MAPK Signaling Sustains DC-SIGN Expression and Limits Activation of Monocyte-Derived Dentritic Cells.                                                        Cell Rep. 2020 Mar 17. 30 (11).

Sotomayor-Flores C., Rivera-Mejias P., Vasquez-Trincado C., Lopez-Crisosto C., Morales P. E., Pennanen C., Polakovicova I., Aliaga-Tobar V., Garcia L., Roa J. C., Rothermel B. A., Maracaja-Coutinho V., Ho-Xuan H., Meister G., Chiong M., Ocaranza M. P., Corvalan A. H., Parra V., Lavandero S. 2020.                                   Angiotensin-(1-9) prevents cardiomyocyte hypertrophy by controlling mitochondrial dynamics via miR-129-3p/PKIA pathway.                                                                Cell. Death Differ. Epub ahead of print. 2020 Mar 09.

Wang X., Li Z.t., Yan Y., Tang W., Hasler D., Meduri R., Li Y., Hua M. M., Qui H. T., Lin D. H., Shi H. J., Hui J., Li J., Li D., Yang J. H., Lin J., Meister G., Fischer U., Liu M. F. 2020.                                                                                                                 LARP7-mediated U6 snRNA Modification Ensures Splicing Fidelity and Spermatogenesis in Mice.                                                                                        Mol. Cell. 2020 Mar 05. In Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.01.002

Hasler D., Meduri R., Bak M., Lehmann G., Heizinger L., Wang X., Li Z.-T., Sement F. M., Bruckmann A., Dock-Bregeon A., Merkl R., Kalb R., Grauer E., Kunstmann E., Zavolan M., Liu M., Fischer U., Meister G. (2020).                                                     The Alazami Syndrome-Associated Protein LARP7 Guides U6 Small Nuclear RNA Modification and Contributes to Splicing Robustness.                    Mol. Cell. 2020 Mar 05. In Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.01.001




© Barbara Jaumann

Klatt F., Leitner A., Kim I.V., Ho-Xuan H., Schneider E. V., Langhammer F., Weinmann R., Mueller M.R., Huber R., Meister G., Kuhn C. D. (2020).                                            A precisely positioned MED12 activation helix stimulates CDK8 activity.                        Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.  2020 Feb 01. 117(6):2894-2905. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1917635117



Tiwari M. D., Zeitler D.M., Mesiter G., Wodarz A. (2019).Molecular profiling of stem cell-like female germ line cells in Drosophila delineates networks important for stemness and differentiation.                                                          Biol Open. 2019 Nov 12. 8 (11).


Rohweber B., Lehmann G., Eichner N., Polen T., Rajendran C., Ruperti F., Linde M., Treiber T., Jung O., Dettmer K., Meister G., Bott M., Gronwald W., Sterner R. (2019). Library Selection with a Randomized Repertoire of  (βα)8 -Barrel Enzymes Results in Unexpected Induction of Gene Expression.                                                      Biochemistry. Epub ahead of print. 2019 Oct 7.

Bludau A., Royer M., Meister G., Neumann I.D., R. Menon R. (2019).                             Epigenetic Regulation of the Social Brain.                                                            Trends Neurosci. Epub ahead of print. 2019 May 15.                       

Moschall R., Rass M., Rossbach O., Lehman G., Kullmann L., Eichner N., Strauss D., Meister G., Schneuwly S., Krahn M. P., Medenbach J. (2018).                                          Drosophila Sister-of-Sex-lethal reinforces a male-specific gene expression pattern by controlling Sex-lethal alternative splicing.                                                           Nucleic Acids Res. 47(5):2276-2288. 2019 Mar 18. 

Weiss K., Treiber T., Meister G., Schratt G. (2019).                                                    The nuclear matrix protein MAtr3 regulates processing of the synaptic microRNA-138-5p.                                                                                                          Neurobiol Learn Mem. 159:36-45. Epub 2019 Feb 18.

Slama K., Galliot A., Weichmann F., Hertler J., Feederle R., Meister G., Helm M. (2019).                                                                                                      Determination of enrichment factors for modified RNA in MeRIP experiments.     Methods. 156:102-109. Epub 2018 Oct 28.



Linck L., Liebig L., Voeller D., Eichner N., Lehmann G., Meister G., Bosserhoff A. (2018).                                                                                                            MicroRNA-sequencing data analyzing melanoma development and progression.      Exp Mol Pathol. Epub ahead of print. 2018 Nov 08.

Slama K., Galliot A., Weichmann F., Hertler J., Feedderle R., Meister G., Helm M. (2018). Determination of enrichment factors for modified RNA in MeRIP experiments.               Methods. Epub ahead of print. 2018 Oct 28.                                                 

Cover Treiber

Treiber T., Treiber N., Meister G. (2018).            Regulation of microRNA biogenesis and its crosstalk with other cellular pathways.           Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. Epub ahead of print. 2018 Sep 18.

Treiber T., Treiber N., Meister G. (2018).                                                                  Regulation of microRNA biogenesis and its crosstalk with other cellular pathways.       Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. Epub ahead of print. 2018 Sep 18.

Schäfer P., Tüting C. Schönemann L. Kühn U., Treiber T., Treiber N., Ihling C., Graber A., Keller W., Meister G., Sinz A., Wahle E. (2018).                                                Reconstitution of mammalian Cleavage Factor II involved in 3' processing of mRNA precursors.                                                                                                                    RNA. Epub 2018 Aug 23.                                          

Ustianenko D., Chiu H.S., Treiber T., Weyn-Vanhentenryck S.M., Treiber N., Meister G., Sumazin P., Zhang C. (2018).                                                                                LIN28 Selectively Modulates a Subclass of Let-7 MicroRNAs.                                     Mol Cell. 71(2):271-283. 2018 Jul 19.

Treiber T., Treiber N., Meister G. (2018).                                                                        Identification of microRNA Precursor-Associated Proteins.                                             Methods Mol Biol., 1823:103-114.

Musri M.M., Coll-Bonfill N., Maron B. A., Peinado V. I., Wang R., Altirriba J., Blanco I., Oldham W. M., Tura-Ceide O., Garcia-Lucio J., de la Cruz-Thea B., Meister G., Loscalzo J., Barberà J. A. (2018).                                                                       MicroRNA Dysregulation in Pulmonary Arteries from COPD: Relationships with Vascular Remodeling.                                                                                                    Am J Respir Cell Moll Biol. Epub ahead of print. 2018 May 14.

Dimartino D., Colantoni A., Ballarino M., Martone J., Mariani D., Danner J., Bruckmann A., Meister G., Morlando M., Bozzoni I. (2018).                                                               The long Non-coding RNA lnc-31Interacts with Rock1 mRNA and Mediates Its YB-1-Dependent Translation.                                                                                        Cell Rep., 23(3):733-740. 2018 Apr 17.

Rohde M., Sinicina I., Horn A., Eichner N., Meister G., Strupp M., Himmelein S. (2018).   MicroRNA profile of human endo-/perilymph.                                                               J Neurol. Epub ahead of print. 2018 Apr 17.

Gust A., Jakob L., Zeitler D. M., Bruckmann A., Kramm K., Willkomm S., Tinnefeld P., Meister G., Grohmann D. (2018).                                                                   Site-specific labelling of native mammalian proteins for single-molecule FRET measurements.                                                                                                      Chembiochem. Epub ahead of print. 2018 Feb 02.

Schöller E., Weichmann F., Treiber T., Ringle S., Treiber N., Flatley A., Feederle R., Bruckmann A., Meister G. (2018).                                                                   Interactions, localization and phosphorylation of the m6A generating METTL3-METTL14-WTAP complex.                                                                                       RNA. Epub 2018 Jan 18.

Reichardt I., Bonnay F., Steinmann V., Loedige I., Burkard T. R., Meister G., Knoblich J. A. (2018).                                                                                                                  The tumor suppressor Brat controls neuronal stem cell lineages by inhibiting Deadpan and Zelda.                                                                                                                      EMBO reports, 19 (1):102-117. Epub 2017 Nov 30.


Alex Heyam, Claire E. Coupland, Clément Dégut, Ruth A. Haley, Nicola J. Baxter, Leonhard Jakob, Pedro M. Aguiar, Gunter Meister, Michael P. Williamson, Dimitris Lagos, Michael J. Plevin (2017).                                                                      Conserved asymmetry underpins homodimerization of Dicer-associated doublestranded RNA-binding proteins.                                                                   Nucleic Acids Res. 45 (21): 12577-12584. Epub 2017 Oct 09

Quévillon Huberdeau M., Zeitler D.M., Hauptmann J., Bruckmann A., Fressigné L., Danner J., Piquet S., Strieder N., Engelmann J.C., Jannot G., Deutzmann R., Simard M.J. & Meister G. (2017).
Phosphorylation of Argonaute proteins affects mRNA binding and is essential for microRNA-guided gene silencing in vivo.
EMBO J., 36(14): 2088-2106. Epub 2017 Jun 23.

Treiber T., Treiber N., Plessmann U., Harlander S., Daiß J.L., Eichner N., Lehmann G., Schall K., Urlaub H. & Meister G. (2017).
A Compendium of RNA-Binding Proteins that Regulate MicroRNA Biogenesis.
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Loedige I., Jakob L., Treiber T., Ray D., Stotz M., Treiber N., Hennig J., Cook K.B., Morris Q., Hughes T.R., Engelmann J.C., Krahn M.P. & Meister G. (2015).
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Hauptmann J., Schraivogel D., Bruckmann A., Manickavel S., Jakob L., Eichner N., Pfaff J., Urban M., Sprunck S., Hafner M., Tuschl T., Deutzmann R. & Meister G. (2015).
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Nordheim A. & Knippers R. (Eds.), Dröge P., Meister G., Schiebel E., Vingron M. & Walter J. (2015)
Molekulare Genetik (10. Auflage)
Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart, Germany


Codo, P., Weller M., Meister G., Szabo E., Wolter M., Reifenberger G. & Roth P. (2014).
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Loedige I., Stotz M., Qamar S., Kramer K., Hennig J., Schubert T., Löffler P., Längst G., Merkl R., Urlaub H. & Meister G. (2014)
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Assembly and function of small RNA - Argonaute protein complexes.
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Dueck A., Eichner A., Sixt M. & Meister G. (2014)
A miR-155-dependent microRNA hierarchy in dentritic cell maturation and macrophage activation.
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Strong reduction of AGO2 expression in melanoma and cellular consequences.
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Pfaff J., Hennig J., Herzog F., Aebersold R., Sattler M., Niessing D. & Meister G. (2013)
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Hauptmann J., Dueck A., Harlander S., Pfaff J., Merkl R. & Meister G. (2013)
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Chen Y., Siegel F., Kipschull S., Haas B., Fröhlich H., Meister G. & Pfeiffer A. (2013)
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Conrad K.D., Giering F., Erfurth C., Neumann A., Fehr C., Meister G. & Niepmann M. (2013)
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Loedige I., Gaidatzis D., Sack R., Meister G. & Filipowicz W. (2013)
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Kwanhian W., Lenze D., Alles J., Motsch N., Barth S., Döll C., Imig J., Hummel M., Tinguely M., Trivedi P., Lulitanond V., Meister G., Renner C. & Grässer F.A. (2012)
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Hasler D. & Meister G. (2012)
An argonaute protein directs nuclear xrn2 function.
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MicroRNAs in the CSF: Macro-advance in MS?
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Frohn A., Eberl H.C., Stöhr J., Glasmacher E., Rüdel S., Heissmeyer V., Mann M. & Meister G. (2012)
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Motsch N., Alles J., Imig J., Zhu J., Barth S., Reineke T., Tinguely M., Cogliatti S., Dueck A., Meister G., Renner C. & Grässer F.A. (2012)
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Treiber T., Treiber N. & Meister G. (2012)
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Rüdel S., Wang Y., Lenobel R., Körner R., Hsiao H.H., Urlaub H., Patel D. & Meister G. (2011)
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Imig J., Motsch N., Zhu J.Y., Barth S., Okoniewski M., Reineke T., Tinguely M., Faggioni A., Trivedi P., Meister G., Renner C. & Grässer F.A. (2011)
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Meister G. (2011)
RNA Biology - An Introduction.
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Schraivogel D., Weinmann L., Beier D., Tabatabai G., Eichner A., Zhu J.Y., Anton M., Sixt M., Weller M., Beier C.P. & Meister G. (2011)
CAMTA1 is a novel tumour suppressor regulated by miR-9/9* in glioblastoma stem cells.
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Small RNAs derived from longer non-coding RNAs.
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EBV-encoded miRNAs.
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Experimental Identification of MicroRNA Targets by Immunoprecipitation of Argonaute Protein Complexes.
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In Vitro RISC Cleavage Assay.
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Vision: Dicer leaps into view.
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Gutierrez Aguilar A.L., Piskol R., Beitzinger M., Zhu J.Y., Kruspe D., Aszodi A., Moser M., Englert C. & Meister G. (2010)
The small RNA expression profile of the developing murine urinary and reproductive systems.
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SMADs stimulate miRNA processing.
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Zhu J.Y., Strehle M., Frohn A., Kremmer E., Höfig K.P., Meister G. & Adler H. (2010)
Identification and analysis of expression of novel microRNAs of murine gammaherpesvirus 68.
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MicroRNA processing without Dicer.
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Argonaute proteins at a glance.
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Systematic analysis of viral and cellular microRNA targets in cells latently infected with human gamma-herpesviruses by RISC immunoprecipitation assay.
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Dueck A. & Meister G. (2009)
TRIMming microRNA function in mouse stem cells.
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Weinmann L., Höck J., Ivacevic T., Ohrt T., Mütze J., Schwille P., Kremmer E., Benes V., Urlaub H. & Meister G. (2009)
Importin 8 is a gene silencing factor that targets Argonaute proteins to distinct mRNAs.
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Ender C., Krek A., Friedländer M.R., Beitzinger M., Weinmann L., Chen W., Pfeffer S., Rajewsky N. & Meister G. (2008)
A human snoRNA with microRNA-like functions.
Mol. Cell, 32: 519-528.

Ohrt T. Mütze J., Staroske W., Weinmann L., Höck J., Crell K., Meister G. & Schwille P. (2008)
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy reveal the cytoplasmic origination of loaded nuclear RISC in vivo in human cells.
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Linder B., Plöttner O., Kroiss M., Hartmann E., Laggerbauer B., Meister G., Keidel E. & Fischer U. (2008)
Tdrd3 is a novel stress granule-associated protein interacting with the Fragile-X syndrome protein FMRP.
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RNA interference in the nucleus.
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Phosphorylation of Argonaute proteins: regulating gene regulators.
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Rüdel S., Flatley A., Weinmann L., Kremmer E. & Meister G. (2008)
A multifunctional human Argonaute2-specific monoclonal antibody.
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Höck J. & Meister G. (2008)
The Argonaute protein family.
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Chen P.Y., Weinmann L., Gaidatzis D., Pei Y., Zavolan M., Tuschl T. & Meister G. (2008)
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Barth S., Pfuhl T., Mamiani A., Ehses C., Roemer K., Kremmer E., Jäker C., Höck J., Meister G. & Grässer F. (2008)
Epstein-Barr virus-encoded microRNA miR-BART2 down-regulates the viral DNA polymerase BALF5.
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Höck J., Weinmann L., Ender C., Rüdel S., Kremmer E., Raabe M., Urlaub H. & Meister G. (2007)
Proteomic and functional analysis of Argonaute-containing mRNA-protein complexes in human cells.
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miRNAs get an early start on translational silencing.
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Differential regulation of microRNAs by p53 revealed by massively parallel sequencing: miR-34a is a p53 target that induces apoptosis and G(1)-arrest.
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Beitzinger M., Peters L., Zhu J.Y., Kremmer E. & Meister G. (2007)
Identification of microRNA targets from isolated Argonaute protein complexes.
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The impact of small RNAs.
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Patel D.J., Ma J.B., Yuan Y.R., Ye K., Pei Y., Kuryavyi V., Malinina L., Meister G. & Tuschl T. (2006)
Structural Biology of RNA silencing and its functional implications.
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Kleine nicht-kodierende RNAs als Regulatoren der Genexpression.
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Identification of novel Argonaute-associated proteins.
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Yuan Y-R., Pei Y., Ma J-B., Kuryavyi V., Zhadina M., Meister G., Chen H. Y., Dauter Z., Tuschl T. & Patel D.J. (2005)
Crystal structure of A. aeolicus Argonaute, a site-specific DNA-guided endoribonuclease, provides insights into RISC-mediated mRNA cleavage.
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Ma J-B., Yuan Y-R., Meister G., Pei Y., Tuschl T. & Patel D.J. (2005)
Structural basis for 5'-end-specific recognition of guide RNA by the A. fulgidus PIWI protein.
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Grimmler M., Martin L., Nousiainen M., Körner R., Meister G. & Fischer U. (2005)
Phosphorylation regulates the activity of the SMN-complex during assembly of spliceosomal U snRNPs.
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2003 - 2004


Meister G., Landthaler M., Patkaniowska A., Dorsett Y., Teng G. & Thomas Tuschl (2004)
Human Argonaute2 mediates RNA cleavage targeted by miRNAs and siRNAs.
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Meister G. & Tuschl T. (2004)
Mechanisms of gene silencing by double-stranded RNA.
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Meister G., Landthaler M., Dorsett Y. & Tuschl T. (2004)
Sequence specific inhibition of microRNA- and siRNA-induced RNA silencing.
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Malatesta M., Scassellati C., Meister G., Plöttner O., Bühler D., Sowa G., Martin T., Keidel E., Fischer U. & Fakan S. (2004)
Ultrastructural characterization of a nuclear domain highly enriched in Survival of Motor Neuron (SMN) protein.
Exp. Cell Res., 292: 312-321.


 Pillai R.S., Grimmler M., Meister G., Will C.L, Lührmann R., Fischer U. & Schümperli D. (2003)
Unique Sm core structure of U7 snRNPs: assembly by a specialized SMN complex and the role of a new component, Lsm11, in histone RNA processing.
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Barth S., Liss M., Voss M.D., Dobner T., Fischer U., Meister G. & Grässer F.A. (2003)
Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2 binds via its methylated arginine-glycine repeat to the survival motor neuron protein.
J. Virol., 77(8): 5008-13.

2001 - 2002


Meister G., Eggert C. & Fischer U. (2002)
SMN-mediated RNP assembly: a complex story.
Trends Cell Biol., 12: 472-478.

Meister G. & Fischer U. (2002)
Assisted RNP assembly: SMN- and PRMT5-complexes cooperate in the formation of spliceosomal UsnRNPs.
EMBO J., 21: 5853-5863.

Jablonka S., Holtmann B., Meister G., Bandilla M., Rossoll W., Fischer U. & Sendtner M., (2002)
Gene targeting of Gemin2 in mice reveals a correlation between defects in the biogenesis of U snRNPs and motoneuron cell death.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 15: 10126-31.


Meister G., Eggert C., Buehler D., Brahms H., Kambach C. & Fischer U. (2001)
Methylation of Sm proteins by a complex containing PRMT5 and the putative U snRNP assembly factor pICln.
Current Biology, 11: 1990-1994.

Meister G., Buhler D., Pillai R., Lottspeich F. & Fischer U. (2001)
A multiprotein complex mediates the ATP-dependent assembly of spliceosomal U snRNPs.
Nat. Cell Biol., 3: 945-949.

Meister G., Hannus S., Plottner O., Baars T., Hartmann E., Fakan S., Laggerbauer B. & Fischer U. (2001)
SMNrp is an essential pre-mRNA splicing factor required for the formation of the mature spliceosome.
EMBO J., 20: 2304-2314.

Meister G., Buhler D., Laggerbauer B., Zobawa M., Lottspeich F. & Fischer U. (2000)
Characterization of a nuclear 20S complex containing the survival of motor neurons (SMN) protein and a specific subset of spliceosomal Sm proteins.
Hum. Mol. Genetics, 9: 1977-1986.

  1. Fakultät für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
  2. Faculty Research

Biochemistry I RNA-Biology

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