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Events at the University of Regensburg

Intersectionality and Area Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 16:15 o'clock - Thursday, June 13, 2024, 17:45 o'clock

Natali Stegmann (Regensburg)

Kriegsbeschädigt! Soziale Position und politische Handlungsmacht kriegsversehrter Männer nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg in Ostmitteleuropa und auf der internationalen Bühne

The mini series invites conversation on the junctures of ‘intersectionality’ and ‘area studies.’ Juxtaposing an interdisciplinary sequence of case studies, the series is interested in investigating which potentially different manifestations and definitions of intersectionality emerge in different spatial and communal contexts. As a whole, the series wishes to prepare the grounds for a discussion, comparison, and transconnection of the past and present development, experience, and negotiation of exclusive, oppressive, or violent structures that target identities based on their gender, sexuality, or ability in Europe and the Americas. Ultimately, it hopes to serve as a starting point for a further and continued engagement with ‘intersectionality and area studies’ which will help deepen our critical understanding of the construction and impact of space on identity, opportunity, and processes of in/equality.

This series is organised by Natali Stegmann, Professor of East and Central European History at UR and Birgit Hebel-Bauridl, Managing Director of the Regensburg European American Forum (REAF) at UR, bothcoordinators of the ScienceCampus Research Module Towards Multi-Polar and Multi-Scalar Area Studies. The series also features a talk organised by Dagmar Schmelzer of the Institute for Romance Studies (UR).


Tuesday, 4 June 2024 | 16:15–17:45 | H 24 (Vielberth Building)

Jennifer Ramme (Berlin): Intersectionality and Social Movement Memory: Methodological Approaches and Problems Using the Example of Feminist and LGBTQ Movements in Poland

Thursday, 13 June 2024 | 16:15–17:45 | S. 214 (Sammelgebäude)

Natali Stegmann (Regensburg): Kriegsbeschädigt! Soziale Position und politische Handlungsmacht kriegsversehrter Männer nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg in Ostmitteleuropa und auf der internationalen Bühne

Thursday, 20 June 2024 | 16:15–17:45 | S. 214 (Sammelgebäude)

Jacoba Zapf (Frauenforum Aichach-Friedberg): „Die vergessenen Frauen von Aichach“: Die Geschichte der Frauen in der nationalsozialstischen Strafanstalt Aichach. Bericht und Diskussion über die Errichtung eines Mahnmals und historische Aufarbeitung durch eine Bürger:innen-Initiative

> While the presentation will be in German, participants are welcome to ask questions in English during the joint discussion.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 | 08:30–10:00 | R. 006 (Economics Building)| Organised by Dagmar Schmelzer (UR)

Charlotte Kaiser (Jena): Entre ‘fédérastophobie’ et diversité sexuelle. La nation québécoise et la représentation queer dans le cinéma contemporain au Québec

>While the presentation will be in French, participants are welcome to ask questions in German during the joint discussion.

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Link für weitere Informationen: https://www.europeamerica.de/news-and-events/speaker-series.html

Poster (PDF)


S 214 (Sammelgebäude)


Leibniz ScienceCampus "Europe and America in the Modern World"
Dr. Paul Vickers

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