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Events at the University of Regensburg

Open Science - Concept, Practices and Challenges

Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 17:00 o'clock - Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 19:00 o'clock

A Lecture by Prof. Dr. Konrad Förstner (ZB MED, TH Köln)

In recent years, the concept of Open Science has gained significant momentum, transforming the traditional research landscape and revolutionizing the way knowledge is created, shared, and utilized. Open Science embodies a set of principles and practices that emphasize transparency, accessibility, reproducibility, and collaboration in the scientific process. This talk aims to explore the multifaceted aspects of Open Science and its potential to accelerate scientific discovery, foster innovation, and address societal challenges.

The Graduate Research Academy RNA Biology invites all interested parties to its final event with the guest lecture of Prof. Dr. Konrad Förstner (ZB MED, TH Köln) on the topic "Open Science - Concept, Practices and Challenges" on May 31, 2023 at 5 p.m. in H 53.

Admission is free, all interested visitors are welcome.

Event poster (PDF)


University of Regensburg
Faculty of Biology and Pre-Clinical Medicine
Hörsaal / Lecture Hall H 53


Faculty of Biology and Pre-Clinical Medicine
Graduate Research Academy RNA Biology
LS Zellbiologie
Kinga Ay
Telephone: +49 941 943-3111
E-mail: kinga.ay@ur.de 

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