Experimental Psychologists Meet in Regensburg
TeaP 2024 welcomes renowned researchers at the University of Regensburg from 17-20 March
29 January 2024
The so-called TeaP 2024 (short for “Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen”), a major conference of experimental psychologists, will take place in Regensburg from 17 to 20 March 2024. It is organized by the University of Regensburg’s Department of Psychology. The annual event of the General Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie e. V.) is a renowned psychological research conference of international early career and senior scientists from various fields of experimental psychology (e. g. cognitive, social, developmental, biological psychology) and related disciplines. It has been held since 1958 and usually attracts between 600 and 900 scientists from Germany, Europe, and North America.
TeaP’s organizing committee and the conference venue change every year. In 2024, TeaP will be hosted by the Department of Psychology at the University of Regensburg, represented by professors Gesine Dreisbach, Angelika Lingnau, Moritz Köster, and Karl-Heinz Bäuml, and the additional organizing team of Magdalena Abel, Kerstin Fröber, Felix Götz, Oliver Kliegl, and Gregor Volberg.
“Each member of the organizing team has numerous memories of previous TeaP visits. It is the conference where the first experiments of the doctoral thesis, newest findings of entire research groups and methodological developments are presented and discussed,” says Professor Dr. Gesine Dreisbach, Dean of UR’s Faculty of Human Sciences and co-organizer of the conference: “The TeaP was and is the international conference in German-speaking countries, comparable to a class reunion. We are very pleased to be able to host this great conference at the UR this year.”
The conference program includes regular talk sessions as well as symposia that focus on specific topics, such as the perception of actions, scenes, and objects (organized by Marius Zimmermann & Angelika Lingnau), the interplay of affect, motivation, and cognitive control (organized by Kerstin Fröber), developmental cognitive neuroscience (organized by Moritz Köster), the use of tests to enhance learning (organized by Oliver Kliegl), and collective remembering in social groups (organized by Magdalena Abel). In addition, each day of the conference will provide opportunity to participate in an interactive poster session and attend a keynote lecture.
Keynote speakers at TeaP 2024 are Dorthe Berntsen, Center on Autobiographical Memory Research, Aarhus University, Denmark (“What happened to Ebbinghaus’ second category of memories? Basic findings on involuntary autobiographical memories”); Senne Braem, Ghent University, Belgium (“Learning to be in control”); and Marieke Mur, The Brain and Mind Institute, Western University, Canada (“Object recognition in humans and artificial neural networks in naturalistic visual tasks”).
The TeaP will take place entirely on-site. Registration is possible until 25 February. Find further information here
Pre-conference Workshops
Department of Psychology, University of Regensburg