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  • 2015: Big Urban Renewal Projects in Germany – A Democratic Challenge for Elites and the Civil Society. Paper for the International Symposium “Big Urban Renewal Projects. Complexity, Controversy and Democratic Challenge” convened by Michele Micheletti, Department of Political Science at the Stockholm University (Schweden), May 6-7.
  • 2014: Political Legitimation at the Regional Level - Knowledge and Feelings of Metropolitan Citizens in the Case of Stuttgart. Paper presented at the Panel S36 “Comparing Local Citizenship in city regions: the citizens’ perspective”, guided by Anders Lidström und Linze Schaap at the conference City Futures III in Paris (Frankreich), June 13-14.
  • 2013: Political Legitimacy in German Metropolitan Areas. Paper presented at the Workshop „Comparing Local Citizenship in City-Regions“ unter der Leitung von Anders Lidström in Umea (Schweden), June 17-19.
  • 2011: Metropolitan Governance over Federal State Borders: The Example of Hamburg and the Saxon Triangle. Paper presented at the Workshop “Metropolitan Governance in Federal States” in Barcelona (Spanien), März, 3-5.

  • 2010: Regenerating Urban Neighborhoods in Berlin. Paper presented at the Workshop “The evolution of and variations in Policy Interventions of RUN” in Zürich (Schweiz), September 12-14.

  • 2010: Metropolitan Governance over Federal State Borders: The Example of Hamburg and the Saxon Triangle. Paper presented at the Workshop “Metropolitan Governance in Federal States” in Brisbane (Australien), August 19-21.

  • 2009: Parteireformen und ihre Wirkung auf die Mitgliederentwicklung. Vortrag auf dem Symposium „Parteien ohne Mitglieder?“ des Instituts für Deutsches und Europäisches Parteienrecht und Parteienforschung  an der Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, 23.-24. Oktober.

  • 2007: No choice? Territorial Reformes in the Federal State of Germany. Paper presented at the project seminar “Territorial Choice: The politics of boundaries and borders” in Athen (Griechenland), December 6-9.

  • 2007: Does Political Ecology matter? Voting Behavior in German Metropolitan Areas. Paper presented at the IMO Workshop “Political Ecology of the Metropolis” in Stuttgart, 26-27 January. Zusammen mit Martin Sojer.

  • 2006: The contextual factor of location of poor neighborhoods within the structure and form of the metropolitan area and its governance. Presentation at the international workshop on “Developing a Research Design for the Comparative Analysis of Strategies to Transform Poor Urban Neighborhoods” in Bellagio at the Rockefeller Research Center (Italien), November 13-17.

  • 2006: Territorial reforms in Germany. Paper presented at the project seminar “Territorial Choice: The politics of boundaries and borders” in Rom (Italien), October 6-8.

  • 2006: Participatory Democracy and the use of local referenda in Germany. Paper presented at the 2nd congress on local politics in Europe “Assessing Participatory and Direct Democracy at the Local Level” in Bruxelles (Belgien), May 25-26. Zusammen mit Oscar W. Gabriel.

  • 2006: Metropolitan Governance Reform in Germany. Paper presented at the INRS-UCS (Institut national de la recherche scientifique – Urbanisation, Culture et Société) Conference about “Metropolitan Governance in Context” in Montréal (Kanada), April 24-25. Zusammen mit Martin Sojer.

  • 2005: Crisis of Confidence all Around? Legitimacy of Local, National and Supranational Elites in Europe. Paper presented at the international conference “From Local Politics to Europe: Political Careers on Different Levels”, Second panel “Legitimacy as a Challenge for Politicians on Various Levels” in Jena/Dornburg, October 20-22.

  • 2005: Chair of the panel “Representation and responsiveness in local democracy – New perspectives in a changing environment?” at the 3rd ECPR Conference in the section “Local Governance: Developments and Democratic Challenges” in Budapest (Ungarn), September 8-10. Zusammen mit Harry van der Kaap, University of Twente.

  • 2004: Political and Structural Reforms in the Metropolitan Areas of Germany. Paper  presented at the INRS-UCS Conference “Metropolitan Governance” in Montréal (Kanada), October 7-8.

  • 2004: Westeuropa versus Osteuropa – Alte und neue Demokratien im Spiegel der Umfrageforschung. Workshop beim Sommer Campus der Politischen Akademie in Wien (Österreich) vom 2.-9. Juli. Zusammen mit Oscar W. Gabriel, Kerstin Völkl, Barbara Ratecka und Boleslaw Wos.  

  • 2004: Local reforms – directly elected mayors in Germany, Workshop moderation at the conference “Efter kommunalreformen i 2006: Og hvordan skal kommunerne sa styres?” in Odense (Dänemark), May 25.

  • 2004: Emerging and enduring issues in the policy process. Presentation at the Fulbright/ Odense University conference on “Developing a Comparative Urban Politics Curriculum” in Odense (Dänemark), May 26-29. Zusammen mit Susan E. Clarke (Vereinigte Staaten).

  • 2004: Rolle und Verantwortung der Politik: zwischen Zielvorgaben, Moderation und Entscheidungszwang. Difu/DHV-Fachtagung „Die Stadt und ihre Bürger: neue Kommunikations- und Beteiligungsstrategien“ in Berlin, 5.-6. Mai. Zusammen mit Oscar W. Gabriel.

  • 2004: Metropolitan Governance in Germany. Paper presented at the IPSA Workshop International Metropolitan Observatory in Bordeaux (Frankreich), January 9-10.

  • 2003: Methodological Workshop in Quantitative Political Analysis at the 8th Euroloc Summer School in Local Government Studies, University of Cork (Irland), July 16-25.

  • 2002: Durchführung und Organisation der 7. Euroloc Summer School in Local Government Studies an der Universität Stuttgart vom 17.-26. Juli.

  • 2000: Policy responsiveness in the city - an empirical study of congruence in policy attitudes of local authorities and citizens in Stuttgart. Paper presented at the UAA (Urban Affairs Association) 30th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles (Vereinigte Staaten), May 3-6.

  • 2000: Policy Responsiveness in the City - an empirical study of congruence in policy attitudes of local authorities and citizens in Stuttgart. Paper presented at the 5th European Summer School in Local Government Studies, "New Challenges to Local Democracy" in Bordeaux (Frankreich), July 3-12.

  • 1996: Ratsmitglieder und Bürger: Einstellungskongruenz und ihre Bedeutung für das Vertrauen in lokale politische Institutionen. Vortrag auf der Tagung "Kommunalpolitik und lokale Politikforschung - alte Probleme und neue Herausforderungen an der Schwelle des Jahres 2000" des DVPW-Arbeitskreises "Lokale Politikforschung" in Heidelberg, 28.-30. März. Zusammen mit Frank Brettschneider.

  • 1996: Methods of Measuring Responsiveness - The Problem of Measuring Policy Responsiveness examplary by the Members of Parliament in Stuttgart. Paper presented at the 2th European Summer School in Local Government Studies, Florence University

  1. Fakultät für Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
  2. Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Methoden


Michaela Schmid


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Telefon 0941-943-3601
