Mia Fuller: the first Berkeley-Regensburg Visiting Professor
Cooperation expanded to include exchange programme for professors
6 June 2023
In 2017, the University of Regensburg signed a cooperation with the University of California, Berkeley. As part of the collaboration with UC Berkeley’s Institute of European Studies (IES), a doctoral exchange programme was established also involving the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS). The agreement between the Universities was extended for a further five years in 2022 and expanded to include a professorial exchange programme.
Prof. Dr. Mia Fuller, Gladyce Arata Terrill Associate Professor of Italian Studies and Department Chair of Italian Studies at UC Berkeley, will be the first Visiting Professor to come to Regensburg as part of this new programme. She has been here since 5 June until 9 June, collaborating closely with Prof. Dr. Timothy Nunan, Professor of Transregional Cultures of Knowledge, at the new Department of Interdisciplinary and Mulitscalar Area Studies (DIMAS) at UR, and with Prof. Dr. Rainer Liedtke, Chair of European History. During her visit, there will be an opportunity for students and university members to learn more about Prof. Fuller and her research agenda.
The event kicked off on Monday with a brownbag session for students and graduate researchers devoted to methods for researching Italian history, particularly the fascist period.
On Tuesday, 6 June, at 16:15 in room VG0.14 or via Zoom (https://uni-regensburg.zoom.us/j/62051158797) Prof. Fuller will be delivering a talk at the Chair of European History’s colloquium series, entitled “Italy’s Ubiquitous Vestiges of Fascist Monumentality: Comparative Questions of Heritage and Settler Colonialism.”
Her visit is funded by the Universitätsstiftung Hans Vielberth thanks to an application coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer (IOS) and Dr. Paul Vickers (DIMAS). As part of the Regensburg-Berkeley Professorial Exchange Programme, a call will be launched later in the 2023 Summer Semester, inviting colleagues from UR or IOS to apply to stay in Berkeley for up to 10 days. A further call for applications to the Doctoral Exchange Programme is also planned for early in the 2023 Winter Semester.
University President Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel welcomes Prof. Dr. Mia Fuller to the UR. © Herkommer/University of Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Timothy Nunan
Professor for Transregional Cultures of Knowledge
Tel.: +49 (0)941 943-68511
E-Mail: timothy.nunan@ur.de