Regensburg City Administration during the Nazi Era
University of Regensburg and City of Regensburg Sign Agreement for Long-term Research Project at the Center for Commemorative Culture... more
University of Regensburg and City of Regensburg Sign Agreement for Long-term Research Project at the Center for Commemorative Culture... more
A subject-integrated reading promotion program developed at the University of Regensburg for use in Bavarian elementary schools will soon be implemented in Norway.... more
DFG Joint Project Continues Interdisciplinary Corruption Research at the University of Regensburg for Another Three Years - Focus on Russia and Serbia... more
Felix Bruckner, Tizian Dick, and Miriam Mähner Receive Awards for their Area Studies Theses at the University of Regensburg - Research Colloquium with Dr. Jan Hornát, Charles University Prague... more
Sharing insights and experiences from interdisciplinary collaborations between academia, artistic practice, curation, and policy-making: The artists' collective The Neighbours in Regensburg.... more
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds Center for Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies at the University of Regensburg... more
UR visiting scholar Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, University of Alberta, Canada, about testimony research and academic accountability.... more
Plenty of marble, trash of all kinds: It smelled bad in ancient metropolises - From the annual conference of the DFG Research Training Group 2337 "Pre-Modern Metropolitanism" at the University of Regensburg... more
The network explores heritage diplomacy as part of EU’s external relations with a special focus on Ukraine.... more
Why do we find sustainable behavior so difficult?... more