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News from the University of Regensburg

Excellence in Science Communications

UR Archaeology project “Bibione antica - Discovering the Past” awarded by Venetian municipalities

12 October 2023

The science communication project "Bibione antica - Discovering the Past" presents the latest results of a research project regarding a Roman villa in Bibione, within the municipal area of S. Michele al Tagliamento, to a broad public on Facebook and Instagram. Interested visitors are also able to get an idea of the structures of the villa located on the ancient coastline, which were uncovered during excavations in spring 2023, during guided tours directly at the site. The project, headed by the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Regensburg, has now been awarded a prize for this exemplary communication of scientific results: On 6 October 2023, it received an honorary award for "Le buone pratiche per la Sostenibilità" (good sustainability practices) in Chioggia at an annual meeting of Venetian municipal leaders .

The project’s scientific coordinator, Dr Alice Vacilotto (University of Regensburg), is responsible for the public relations work. She has been supported by the students Natalia Meling, Emily Hauner and Francesca Pandolfo. The project on the maritime villa of Bibione and its surroundings is being carried out by the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Regensburg in cooperation with the Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali of the University of Padova and under the supervision of and in close coordination with the archaeological heritage authority (Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l'Area metropolitana di Venezia e per le Province di Belluno, Padova e Treviso). Since November 2022, it has received generous financial support from the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The group of "Summit del Mare", which now has given the award, tries to promote a multifaceted development of the municipalities along the Veneto coast – a development, which is not only oriented towards seaside tourism. The group includes numerous holiday resorts that are very popular especially in Germany (besides Bibione, for example, Caorle, Jesolo and Chioggia). In this context, the award recognizes that the archaeological project draws attention to historical dimensions of the coastal landscape that have hardly been taken into account so far.

Prof. Dr Mariastella Busana (University of Padua) and Dr Alice Vacilotto (University of Regensburg) receiving the award. Credit: Chiara Turrisi


Prof. Dr. Dirk Steuernagel, Phone +49 941 943-3155, E-mail dirk.steuernagel@ur.de
Dr. Alice Vacilotto, Phone +49 941 943-5365

The Project on Social Media:



Further information about the archaeological project Bibione Antica

Press and Public Relations