Corruption and Religion
DFG Joint Project Continues Interdisciplinary Corruption Research at the University of Regensburg for Another Three Years - Focus on Russia and Serbia... more
DFG Joint Project Continues Interdisciplinary Corruption Research at the University of Regensburg for Another Three Years - Focus on Russia and Serbia... more
Felix Bruckner, Tizian Dick, and Miriam Mähner Receive Awards for their Area Studies Theses at the University of Regensburg - Research Colloquium with Dr. Jan Hornát, Charles University Prague... more
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds Center for Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies at the University of Regensburg... more
Exploring Firms, Green Behavior, and Global Challenges at the 2023 Annual Conference of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg... more
Why do we find sustainable behavior so difficult?... more