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Previous Speakers


11.01.2024 Radek Cichy Freie Universität Berlin Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition


26.10.2023 Jody Culham Western University (aka University of Western Ontario) Immersive Neuroscience: Bringing Cognitive Neuroscience Closer to the Real World


19.12.2022 Ella Striem-Amid Georgetown University Perception and action without hands
27.10.2022 Diana Tamir

Princeton           University

Why do we think?
07.07.2022 Nikolaus Kriegeskorte Columbia University

Controversial stimuli: Optimizing experiments to adjudicate among computational hypotheses


Marius Peelen Donders Centre Nijmegen Neural mechanisms underlying the efficiency of naturalistic vision
06.05.2022 Nicholas Root Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam What Language Tells Us About Synesthesia, What Synesthesia Tells Us About Language
11.02.2022 Simone Bosbach-Schütz University of Munich (LMU) Interoception and embodied predictive coding
14.01.2022 Radek Cichy Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition Lab, Freie Universität Berlin Dynamics of visual cognition: A spatio-temporally resolved and algorithmically explicit account


26.11.2021 Beatrice de Gelder Brain and Emotion Laboratory, Maastricht University A computational neuroethology perspective on body, expression and action perception
02.07.2021 Cristina Becchio Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) Mindreading at the intersection of kinematic encoding and readout
28.05.2021 Leyla Isik Johns Hopkins University The neural basis of social interaction perception
21.05.2021 Jeff Zacks Washington University in St. Louis Constructing events: From childhood to old age, from basic mechanisms to improving memory
07.05.2021 Paul Cisek University of Montreal Rethinking behavior in the light of evolution
23.04.2021 Chris Baker National Institute of Mental Health Making sense of the world: People, places, and things
12.02.2021 Gilles Vannuscorps UC Louvain The transformation of retinotopic representations into conscious perception of objects: new insights from a neuropsychological case-study
15.01.2021 Bernd          Ludwig University of Regensburg Analyzing time series of eye tracking data


04.12.2020 Kami Koldewyn Bangor University Social Interactions in the Social Brain
27.11.2020 Jeremy Decroix Université de Lille, France Away from the hierarchy: Reconsidering the role of the IFG/IPL in the processing of others’ actions
20.11.2020 Raphael Wimmer University of Regensburg Latency in Interactive Systems - why it matters, how to measure it, and how to reduce it
13.11.2020 Martin Hebart MPI Leipzig Revealing the mental and neural representations of objects in humans


Marius Zimmermann Technical University of Denmark, Section for Cognitive Systems Inter-brain synchronization during interaction and observation in a mirror-game paradigm: a dual-EEG study
29.05.2020 Oleg Vrabie University of Regensburg A Machine Learning Approach to the Analysis of Intracranial Pressure Waveforms
08.05.2020 Viola Wagner University of Regensburg Examining test-retest reliability of stimulus intensity amplitude at pain threshold by using cutaneous electrical stimulation.


Nadine Dijkstra Radboud University Neural dynamics of visual perception and mental imagery
07.02.2020 Stefania Bracci KU Leuven Investigating dimensions underlying object representations in human high-level visual cortex
31.01.2020 Johanna Bogon University of Regensburg The short, the long, and the binding: Integration of stimulus and response duration into event files.
24.01.2020 Nathan Weisz University of Salzburg

Eavesdropping on the predictive listening brain


13.12.2019 Moritz Wurm Center for Mind/ Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento A novel framework for the neural organization of action and object knowledge
29.11.2019 Simona Monaco Center for Mind/ Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento The role of the early visual cortex in action and perception: beyond visual processing
22.11.2019 Andreas Wutz University of Salzburg Different abstraction levels by distinct functional circuits in prefrontal cortex
15.11.2019 Petra Jansen & Jennifer Lehmann University of Regensburg The relation of motor processes and mental rotation
12.07.2019 Olivia Cheung NYU Abu Dhabi From percepts to concepts: Understanding category selectivity for animals and objects
14.05.2019 Florian Wörgötter Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Towards an Understanding of Actions and Objects: Comparing Humans with Robots
03.05.2019 Sabine Huber University of Regensburg Discretized organization of the human hippocampus - functional connectivity analyses on 7T fMRI

  1. Faculty of Human Sciences
  2. Institute of Psychology

Chair of Cognitive Neuroscience
