11.01.2024 | Radek Cichy | Freie Universität Berlin | Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition |
26.10.2023 | Jody Culham | Western University (aka University of Western Ontario) | Immersive Neuroscience: Bringing Cognitive Neuroscience Closer to the Real World |
19.12.2022 | Ella Striem-Amid | Georgetown University | Perception and action without hands |
27.10.2022 | Diana Tamir | Princeton University | Why do we think? |
07.07.2022 | Nikolaus Kriegeskorte | Columbia University | Controversial stimuli: Optimizing experiments to adjudicate among computational hypotheses |
09.06.2022 | Marius Peelen | Donders Centre Nijmegen | Neural mechanisms underlying the efficiency of naturalistic vision |
06.05.2022 | Nicholas Root | Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam | What Language Tells Us About Synesthesia, What Synesthesia Tells Us About Language |
11.02.2022 | Simone Bosbach-Schütz | University of Munich (LMU) | Interoception and embodied predictive coding |
14.01.2022 | Radek Cichy | Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition Lab, Freie Universität Berlin | Dynamics of visual cognition: A spatio-temporally resolved and algorithmically explicit account |
26.11.2021 | Beatrice de Gelder | Brain and Emotion Laboratory, Maastricht University | A computational neuroethology perspective on body, expression and action perception |
02.07.2021 | Cristina Becchio | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) | Mindreading at the intersection of kinematic encoding and readout |
28.05.2021 | Leyla Isik | Johns Hopkins University | The neural basis of social interaction perception |
21.05.2021 | Jeff Zacks | Washington University in St. Louis | Constructing events: From childhood to old age, from basic mechanisms to improving memory |
07.05.2021 | Paul Cisek | University of Montreal | Rethinking behavior in the light of evolution |
23.04.2021 | Chris Baker | National Institute of Mental Health | Making sense of the world: People, places, and things |
12.02.2021 | Gilles Vannuscorps | UC Louvain | The transformation of retinotopic representations into conscious perception of objects: new insights from a neuropsychological case-study |
15.01.2021 | Bernd Ludwig | University of Regensburg | Analyzing time series of eye tracking data |
04.12.2020 | Kami Koldewyn | Bangor University | Social Interactions in the Social Brain |
27.11.2020 | Jeremy Decroix | Université de Lille, France | Away from the hierarchy: Reconsidering the role of the IFG/IPL in the processing of others’ actions |
20.11.2020 | Raphael Wimmer | University of Regensburg | Latency in Interactive Systems - why it matters, how to measure it, and how to reduce it |
13.11.2020 | Martin Hebart | MPI Leipzig | Revealing the mental and neural representations of objects in humans |
19.06.2020 | Marius Zimmermann | Technical University of Denmark, Section for Cognitive Systems | Inter-brain synchronization during interaction and observation in a mirror-game paradigm: a dual-EEG study |
29.05.2020 | Oleg Vrabie | University of Regensburg | A Machine Learning Approach to the Analysis of Intracranial Pressure Waveforms |
08.05.2020 | Viola Wagner | University of Regensburg | Examining test-retest reliability of stimulus intensity amplitude at pain threshold by using cutaneous electrical stimulation. |
14.02.2020 | Nadine Dijkstra | Radboud University | Neural dynamics of visual perception and mental imagery |
07.02.2020 | Stefania Bracci | KU Leuven | Investigating dimensions underlying object representations in human high-level visual cortex |
31.01.2020 | Johanna Bogon | University of Regensburg | The short, the long, and the binding: Integration of stimulus and response duration into event files. |
24.01.2020 | Nathan Weisz | University of Salzburg | Eavesdropping on the predictive listening brain |
13.12.2019 | Moritz Wurm | Center for Mind/ Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento | A novel framework for the neural organization of action and object knowledge |
29.11.2019 | Simona Monaco | Center for Mind/ Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento | The role of the early visual cortex in action and perception: beyond visual processing |
22.11.2019 | Andreas Wutz | University of Salzburg | Different abstraction levels by distinct functional circuits in prefrontal cortex |
15.11.2019 | Petra Jansen & Jennifer Lehmann | University of Regensburg | The relation of motor processes and mental rotation |
12.07.2019 | Olivia Cheung | NYU Abu Dhabi | From percepts to concepts: Understanding category selectivity for animals and objects |
14.05.2019 | Florian Wörgötter | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | Towards an Understanding of Actions and Objects: Comparing Humans with Robots |
03.05.2019 | Sabine Huber | University of Regensburg | Discretized organization of the human hippocampus - functional connectivity analyses on 7T fMRI |