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Digital.me EU Projekt

Project Abstract/Summary

The EU FP7 funded project Digital.Me aims at integrating all personal data in a personal sphere by a single, user-controlled point of access: the Di.Me userware. This tool will run on the user’s devices, and rely on scaleable peer-to-peer communication in order to avoid external storage of personal data as far as possible and to enhance data portability. External services (e.g. web-communities, enterprise systems) will be integrated via gateways. Communication to individuals and services will make use of digital faces, i.e. user data selected for a particular purpose and context. An open trust, privacy, and security infrastructure will enable the user to securely use personal data. Trust metrics will guide the user to avoid risky behaviour. Anonymous data disclosure, data withdrawal and policies will foster privacy and trust. A semantic core with data mining, semantic mapping and reasoning, will support an intelligent management of personal data and communication history including recommendations how to take advantage of the personal sphere. Intelligent user interfaces on desktop and mobile devices will promote the intuitive usage of powerful semantic and privacy-technologies and will enable the user to monitor, control, and interpret personal data.

Contribution of the IT Security and Privacy Group

The IT Security and Privacy Group (University of Siegen) is leading the WP4 concerned with delivering an Infrastructure for Trust, Privacy, and Security. The most important tasks are: 

·       Task 4.1     Concepts for Multidimensional Trust Metrics

·       Task 4.2     Anonymity and Security on the Network Level

·       Task 4.3     Security at Application Level for Di.Me Userware

·       Task 4.4     Identity Management System Prototype for Dynamic and Semi-automatic Trust Evaluation

Other contributions are related to the following tasks:

·       Task 3.1     Ontology Framework

·       Task 3.2     Data Mining Engine & Semantic Mapping Engine

·       Task 3.4     Ontology-based Trust, Privacy, and Security Modeling

·       Task 5.2     Development Desktop-based Intelligent User Interface Layer

·       Task 6.1     Di.Me System Architecture

·       Task 6.6     System Prototype Integration and Delivery I-IV

·       Task 7.1     Dissemination


For more information, please contact Prof. Dr. D. Kesdogan or Mohamed Bourimi.
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Publications accepted after blind-review, Acknowledge: digital.me

Marcel Heupel, Mohamed Bourimi, Dogan Kesdogan
Trust and Privacy in The di.me Userware
To appear in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International), 2013

Fatih Karatas, Mohamed Bourimi, Dogan Kesdogan
Towards Visual Configuration Support For Interdependent Security Goals
To appear in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International), 2013

Marcel Heupel, Mohamed Bourimi, Simon Scerri and Doǧan Kesdoǧan
Privacy-preserving concepts for supporting recommendations in decentralized OSNs
To appear in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media / Co-located with ACM Hypertext 2013, Paris, France
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Fatih Karatas, Marcel Heupel, Mohamed Bourimi, Dogan Kesdogan, Sophie Wrobel
Considering Interdependent Protection Goals in Domain-Specific Contexts: The di.me Case Study
To appear in IEEE Xplore as part of the proceeding of: 10th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2013)

Philipp Schwarte, Mohamed Bourimi, Marcel Heupel, Dogan Kesdogan, Rafa Gimenez, Sophie Wrobel, Simon Thiel
Multilaterally secure communication anonymity in decentralized social networking
To appear in IEEE Xplore as part of the proceeding of: 10th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2013)

Sophie Wrobel, Mohamed Bourimi, Marcel Heupel, Fabian Herrmann, Massimo Valla
Towards a minimal framework considering privacy and data protection goals for social networking platform providers
The Power of Information Conference '13 Extended Abstracts, Brussels (2013)
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Mohamed Bourimi, Thomas Barth, Dogan Kesdogan, D. Abou-Tair, Fabian Hermann and Simon Thiel
Using distributed user interfaces in collaborative, secure and privacy-preserving software environments
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction Volume 28, Issue 11, 2012 Download Paper

Mohamed Bourimi, Simon Scerri, Keith Cortis, Ismael Rivera, Marcel Heupel, and Simon Thiel
Integrating multi-source User Data to enhance Privacy in Social Interaction
Proceedings of the first Joint Conference between the HCI community of Spain and the HCI community of Mexico: Interaccion 2012 and Mexican Conference MexIHC 2012, ACM Digital LibraryProceedings of the first Joint Conference between the HCI community of Spain and the HCI community of Mexico: Interaccion 2012 and Mexican Conference MexIHC 2012, ACM Digital Library Download Paper

M. Bourimi, M. Heupel, B. Westermann, D. Kesdogan, R. Gimenez, M. Planagumà, F. Karatas and P. Schwarte
Towards transparent anonymity for user-controlled servers supporting collaborative scenarios
Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2012 Ninth International Conference on. Download paper

Lars Fischer, Marcel Heupel, Mohamed Bourimi, Dogan Kesdogan, Rafael Gimenez
Enhancing Privacy in Collaborative Scenarios Utilising a Flexible Proxy Layer
To appear in IEEE Xplore as part of the proceeding of: International Confernce on Future Generation Communication 2012, At London, UK

Marcel Heupel, Lars Fischer, Mohamed Bourimi, Dogan Kesdogan, Simon Scerri, Fabian Hermann and Rafael Gimenez
Context-aware, trust-based access control for the digital.me userware
New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2012 5th International Conference on. Download paper

Fatih Karatas, Mohamed Bourimi, Thomas Barth, Dogan Kesdogan, Rafael Gimenez, Widura Schwittek, and Marc Planaguma
Towards Secure and At-Runtime Tailorable Customer-Driven Public Cloud Deployment
Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2012 IEEE International Conference on. Download paper

Simon Scerri, Keith Cortis, Ismael Rivera, Fabian Hermann, and Mohamed Bourimi
di.me: Context-Aware, Privacy-Sensitive Management of the Integrated Personal Information Sphere
In Proceedings of the EU Project Networking Track at ESWC 2012.

Simon Thiel, Mohamed Bourimi, Rafael Giménez, Simon Scerri, Andreas Schuller, Massimo Valla, Sophie Wrobel, Cristina Frà and Fabian Hermann
A requirements-driven approach towards decentralized social networks
Future Information Technology, Application, and Service Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012, Volume 164, Part 6, 709-718, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4516-2_75
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Simon Scerri, Rafael Gimenez, Fabian Herman, Mohamed Bourimi and Simon Thiel
digital.me towards, an integrated Personal Information Sphere
Federated Social Web Summit, , Berlin (Germany). June 3rd-5th 2011.
Visit the agenda and download the paper

Publications (di.me internally reviewed)

M. Bourimi, S. Scerri, M. Planaguma, M. Heupel, Fatih, K., P. Schwarte
A two-level approach to ontology-based access control in pervasive personal servers
Scientific research paper (ger. Wissenschaftlicher Artikel),2011 OPUS Siegen, German National Library Resolver: urn:nbn:de:hbz:467-5789
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M. Bourimi, M. Heupel, D. Kesdogan and T. Fielenbach
Enhancing Usability of Privacy-Respecting Authentication and Authorization in Mobile Social Settings by Using Idemix
Scientific research paper (ger. Wissenschaftlicher Artikel),2011 OPUS Siegen, German National Library Resolver: urn:nbn:de:hbz:467-4839
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Publications accepted after blind-review and partly acknowledging di.me

Mohamed Bourimi, Dogan Kesdogan, Marcel Heupel, Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair, Niki Lambropoulos
PETs at CSCL Service: Underutilised Potentials for Privacy-Enhancing Distance Education
To appear in Journal of Universal Computer Science. Special Issue: Interaction Design in Educational Environments (J.UCS 2013)

F. Karatas and D. Kesdogan
A Flexible Approach for Considering Interdependent Security Objectives in Service Composition
To appear in the ACM Digital Library as part of the 28thACM Symposium on Applied Computing -SAC 2013

Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair, Mohamed Bourimi, Ricardo Tesoriero, Dogan Kesdogan, Marcel Heupel
A generic location-based mobile application framework supporting privacy-preserving end-user tailorability
To appear in IEEE Xplore as part of the proceeding of: International Confernce on Future Generation Communication 2012, At London, UK

M. Heupel, M. Bourimi, D. Kesdogan, T. Barth, P. Schwarte and P. G. Villanueva
Enhancing security and usability of DUI based collaboration with proof based credential systems
Proceedings of the Distributed User Interfaces 2012 CHI Workshop, held in conjunction with 2012 CHI conference, 23-26, ISBN-10: 84-695-3318-5 , Download proceedings

F. Karatas, T. Barth, D. Kesdogan, H. M. Fardoun and P. G. Villanueva
Using Distributed User Interfaces to Evaluate Decision Making in Cloud Deployment
Proceedings of the Distributed User Interfaces 2012 CHI Workshop, held in conjunction with 2012 CHI conference, 17-22, ISBN-10: 84-695-3318-5 , Download proceedings

M. Heupel and D. Kesdogan
Towards usable interfaces for proof based access rights on mobile devices
OPEN PROBLEMS IN NETWORK SECURITY Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Volume 7039/2012, 15-27, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27585-2_2
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USIEGEN's Deliverables

Mohamed Bourimi, Marcel Heupel, Lars Fischer, Fatih Karatas, Philipp Schwarte, Rafa Gimenez
Infrastructure Mobile Security
Digital.me Consortium Public Deliverable 2011.
Visit di.me deliverables page

Mohamed Bourimi, Simon Scerri, Marcel Heupel, Fatih Karatas, Philipp Schwarte
Ontology-based Trust, Privacy, and Security Modeling - Access Control Engine
Digital.me Consortium Public Deliverable 2011.
Visit di.me deliverables page

Marcel Heupel, Mohamed Bourimi, Lars Fischer
Concepts for Multidimensional Trust Metrics
Digital.me Consortium Public Deliverable 2011.
Visit di.me deliverables page

Mohamed Bourimi, Benedikt Westermann, Marcel Heupel, Philipp Schwarte, Vinh Pham
Infrastructure for Anonymity and Security on Network Level For Specific digital.me Use Cases
Digital.me Consortium Public Deliverable 2011.
Visit di.me deliverables page

  1. Fakultät für Informatik und Data Science
  2. Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik IV

Prof. Dr. Doğan Kesdoğan


Vielberthgebäude Raum 3.13

Universität Regensburg
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg

Semesterplan WS24/25