Fakultät für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin |
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte |
Prof. Dr. Aline Koch
Gebäude WN E4_1.323, Tel: 0941 943-3023
E-Mail: aline.koch[at]biologie.uni-regensburg.de
PD Dr. Gudrun Herzner
Gebäude WN DE_1.107 Tel: 0941 943-5719
E-Mail: gudrun.herzner[at]biologie.uni-regensburg.de
PD Dr. Laura Manelyte
Gebäude PHY 8.0.22 Tel.: 0941 943 2867
Email: Laura.Manelyte[at]vkl.uni-regensburg.de
Bekanntmachungen der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten finden Sie am Schwarzen Brett im Gang der Fakultätsverwaltung.
Chancengleichheit an der Universität Regensburg
Koordinationsstelle Chancengleichheit & Familie der Universität Regensburg
1. Mailing list for female scientists past PhD
Please email me if you wish to be included or removed from the list
2. FAS-Mittel zur Förderung der Gleichstellung auf Fakultätsebene
(Financial Incentive System for equality support, at faculty level)
2.1. Deadlines
Applications for support will be processed two times per year, after
May 15th and November 1st
2.2. Main aim of funding
Support of early career researchers
(doctoral students can also receive funding, but with less priority)
Second aim: Supportin measures related to the faculty’s Gleichstellungskonzept
2.3. How to apply (to Aline.Koch@ur.de)
always include
+ your academic CV
+ publication record
+ statement on how the funding measure would support your career
Additional documents, depending on measure: indicated below in italics or at the given links
2.4. Main possibilities for support
• student helper positions WHKs/SHKs max. 40 h/month, max. for 6 months
(+ description of own project and related work plan for the student helper)
• short-term postdoc or habilitation fellowship for termination of project (if not funded centrally by UR CHF because of insufficient resources; for application rules check https://www.uni-regensburg.de/chancengleichheit/nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen/index.html
⇒ Stipendien für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen)
• support of travel grants for conferences (300 EUR national, 600 EUR international)
(+ short statement by your group leader/professor that you are not on a DFG project or financed by similar third-party funding with extra travel funds, and also no other funding sources are available)
• support of other mobility (for application rules check https://www.uni-regensburg.de/chancengleichheit/nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen/index.html ⇒ Mobilitätsstipendien International)
• literature/software
• courses – e.g. gender competence, also possible for male researchers
• invitation of female guest scientists (including a talk) or cooperation partners (of any gender) of female scientists