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News from the University of Regensburg

Filtered by Tag Biology and Pre-Clinical Medicine
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Communication Using Molecules

The European Union is funding a project to develop a new concept of information transmission for active implanted medical devices as part of its funding program Horizon... more


Tomer Czaczkes honored with Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize

The prize is Germany's most important award for early career researchers.... more


Bavaria and Queensland Research Alliance

Launch of funding program to support collaborative research projects... more


Tomer Czaczkes awarded the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Prize

UR scientist receives prize for research at the interface between behavioral ecology and comparative psychology.... more


Overcrowding increases tree mortality, perhaps explaining higher biodiversity in tropical forests

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Neurons Can Feel the Pulse in the Brain

UR Researchers at the Faculty for Biology and Preclinical Medicine publish study in Science... more


“Invasive ants evade our attacks”

Invasive ants selectively abandon toxic baits, evading the most effective way we have of controlling them... more


The nanoworld in super-slow motion

New flagship programme for doctoral students in Regensburg approved... more


How Do Plants Sense Water?

Prestigious ERC Synergy Grant for elucidating a universal mechanism for water sensing in plants: Scientists from Regensburg, Nottingham, Tel Aviv, and Trondheim investigate how plants can measure water stress and minimize water loss during drought periods.... more


UR researcher receives ERC Starting Grant

Prof. Dr. Markus Jeschek investigates novel biosensors... more

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