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Dr. Martin Rehm




E-Mail martin.rehm@ur.de

Office hour: by arrangement by email


Key words:

  • Social Opportunity Spaces
  • Social Capital
  • Informal Learning
  • Professional Development
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Mixed-Methods


My Research

I am currently working as the Project Manager (Data) for the project "SOSNetLab – A Smart Toolkit for Knowledge Brokers to Visualize Social Opportunity Spaces" (cooperation between University of California, San Diego & University of Regensburg - financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). The central objective of the SOSNetLab project is to build an innovative Learning Recommender that will enable a better understanding of social network structures, the distribution, and dissemination of information and experiences, and thus contribute to making knowledge resources better and more appropriately available to local communities.

My research interests include informal learning in social media, social opportunity spaces, and applying mixed methods to assess the educational value of social media.


You can find a list of my most recent publications here:



Since 02/2022    

PostDoc at the Chair of Educational Science II, Prof. Dr. Regina H. Mulder, University of Regensburg

Project Manager (Data) "SOSNetLab – A Smart Toolkit for Knowledge Brokers to Visualize Social Opportunity Spaces"

Habilitation “Soziale Medien als Möglichkeitsräume – Die Rolle des Sozialkapitals und das Potenzial für informelles Lernen” / „Social Media as Social Opportunity Spaces – The Role of Social Capital and the Potential for Informal Learning”, Educational Science II, Prof. Dr. Regina H. Mulder, University of Regensburg

01/10/20 - 01/22

Projectmanager “RobertaRegioZentrum”, University of Education, Weingarten, Germany

01/08/18 - 01/22

Projectmanager “Kompetenzzentrum Medien”, University of Education, Weingarten, Germany

01/09/18 – 30/06/21

Transfermanager “Institut für Bildungsconsulting”, University of Education, Weingarten, Germany

01/09/17 – 30/07/18

Lecturer “Medienpädagogik”, University of Education, Weingarten, Germany

01/09/17 – 30/07/18

Vocational School Teacher, Geschwister-Scholl-Schule, Leutkirch, Germany

01/12/13 – 31/08/17

PostDoc at the LearningLab, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

01/01/09 – 01/03/13

PhD in Educational Science, “Unified Yet Separated: Empirical Study on the Impact of Hierarchical Positions within Communities of Learning”, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

01/08/06 – 30/11/13

Porgramme Manager eLearning, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

01/08/03 – 30/07/06

Lecturer “International Economic Studies”, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

01/08/98 – 30/06/03

M.Sc. International Economics Studies, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, The Netherlands