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01/9/2024 - A new member joins our team

Bianca Panhirsch will support our University Outpatient Clinic as behavioural therapy-oriented psychotherapist for children and adolescents. A warm welcome!

01/3/2024 - A new member joins our team

Mirjam Sötz will support our University Outpatient Clinic as behavioural therapy-oriented psychotherapist with additional qualification for children and adolescents. A warm welcome!

01/12/2023 - A new member joins our team

Julia Moser will support our Team of the University Outpatient Clinic from the 1st of December. She works as a behavioural therapy-oriented psychotherapist with additional qualification for children and adolescents. A warm welcome!

10/11/2023 - We moved!

We are now offering our services at Clermont-Ferrand-Allee 34, 93049 Regensburg. Happy to welcome you in our new facilities!

20/2/2023 - Group psychotherapy for adolescents

From now on we offer a behavioural therapy group psychotherapy for adolescents. Dr. Sebastian Ertl and Ute Windauer will lead the group together, in which fundamental issues will be discussed and worked on across various disorders. Group psychotherapy is highly effective and has the advantage that one does not have to cope by themselves, but can work together with peers.

If you are interested please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

09/1/2023 - New members in the therapy team

At the beginning of the year two new staff members will be joining our team. Dr. Sebastian Ertl will take over the deputy directory of the outpatient centre and tasks in the area of patient-oriented teaching, which will be carried out in the new master's/postgraduate degree programme with the aim of licence for psychotherapy. Ute Windauer will offer individual and group psychotherapies as a behaviour therapy-oriented child and adolescent psychotherapist. 

15/10/2022 - We welcome Amelie Hofmann to our team

We are pleased to welcome Amelie Hofmann to the University Outpatient Centre for Children and Adolescents. Ms. Hofmann is a psychologist and child and youth depth psychotherapist. From now on, we can therefore also offer treatment in psychodynamic psychotherapy.


01/8/2022 - Re-Opening of the Outpatient Clinic for Children and Adolescents

The University Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic for Children and Adolescents was opened on 06/4/2021. Since 01/8/2022, the university outpatient clinic has been under the direction of Prof. Dr. David Kolar.

University Outpatient Psychotherapy Centre for Children and Adolescents

Contact by E-Mail or

Phone: 0941 943-6038

(availability by phone on tuesdays 10am -1pm and wednesdays 10-11 am)