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In addition to research we have the task of providing practical training for future psychotherapists.

Therefore, psychology students and child and adolescent psychotherapists in training work at the University Outpatient Centre as therapy assistants and fulfil tasks within  treatments according to their level of knowledge. For example, this includes attending psychotherapy sessions, carrying out and evaluating psychometric tests including clinical interviews or carrying out individual interventions (e.g., relaxation training) under supervision of licensed child and adolescent psychotherapists. If our patients or their parents or guardians have issues, which they do not wish to be discussed in presence of a therapy assistant, this will be considered naturally. Our patients (or their parents or guardians) may inform their therapist regarding this concern at any time. If our patients (or their parents or guardians) give their consent, an anonymised description of the case or, if applicable, audio and video recordings of psychotherapy sessions will be included for teaching purposes in courses for students. In all cases the data of our patients will only be used with their explicit consent.

All students as well as all outpatient clinic staff are bound to professional secrecy and the legal provisions on data protection.

University Outpatient Psychotherapy Centre for Children and Adolescents

Contact by E-Mail or

Phone: 0941 943-6038

(availability by phone on tuesdays 10am -1pm and wednesdays 10-11 am)