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Prof. Dr. Johannes Helmbrecht



  • General and Comparative Linguistics (major), Philosophy, and Psychology at the University of Bonn, 1983-1989.
  • Standard Arabic at the SOS (Seminar for Oriental Languages), 1985-1987.
  • M.A., University of Bonn (General and Comparative Linguistics (major), Philosophy, Psychology), 1989.
  • Linguistics at the University of Cologne, 1987-1994.
  • Ph.D., University of Bonn (Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology), 1994.
  • Sommerschule der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (Summer School of the German Linguistic Society) in Hamburg, Germany, 1989.
  • Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, 1995.
  • Habilitation. “Habilitationsschrift” (the second PhD theses) and examination at the University of Erfurt in April 2005. Advisors were initially Prof. Hans-Jürgen Sasse (University of Cologne), and then Prof. Christian Lehmann (University of Erfurt.


  • Teaching position at the Northeastern Illinois University (Chicago, IL), 1995.
  • Teaching position at the Linguistic Department of the University of Cologne, Germany, 1997-1999.
  • Temporary professor (replacement) at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne (“Fachhochschule Köln”) at the Department of Foreign Languages, summer semester 1999. Subjects of teaching: translation English-German, languages for special purposes (technical and scientific language), computer linguistics, machine-aided translation, and others. Member of the committee for examination and graduation issues.
  • Assistant professor at the Linguistic Department of the University of Erfurt (director: Prof. Christian Lehmann) for general and comparative linguistics since winter semester 1999/2000. Member of the committee for examination and graduation issues for the BA and MA programs in linguistics.
  • Full Professor (Chair) for General and Comparative Linguistics at the University of Regensburg since fall 2006.



  • Fellowship from the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for preparing the Ph.D. 1991-1994.
  • Grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG (German Research Society) for linguistic fieldwork ("Personal agreement systems") on East Caucasian languages in Makhachkala (Republic of Dagestan, Russia), from April-June 1994.
  • Fellowship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch-Dienst, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for post-doctoral research at the University of California, Los Angeles, CA, September 1994 - June 1995, (Declined).
  • Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation) for post-doctoral research on a comparative-typological study of personal pronouns in North American Indian languages at the Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, IL (also research fellow at the Newberry Library in Chicago, IL) from Summer 1994 - Summer 1996.
  • Northeastern Illinois University Foundation grant for fieldwork on the morphosyntax of Hoocąk (Winnebago), a North American Indian language of the Siouan family, January-June 1996.
  • Grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG (German Research Society) for linguistic fieldwork on the morphosyntax of Hoocąk (Winnebago) in Mauston, WI (at the Hoocąk Language Division) in the USA, August-November 1997.
  • Grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG (German Research Society) for linguistic fieldwork on the morphosyntax of Winnebago in Mauston, WI (at the Hoocąk Language Division) in the USA, August 1999.
  • Grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG (German Research Society) for linguistic fieldwork on the morphosyntax of Hoocąk (Winnebago) in Mauston, WI (at the Hoocąk Language Division) in the USA, 2002.
  • March 2003, participant in the European Academic Exchange Program (ERASMUS) for docents with the University of Pavia, Italy. Fellowship at the Linguistic Department of the University of Pavia.
  • May 2003 – April 2008, director of the DOBES project “Documentation of the Hoocąk language” (together with Prof. Christian Lehmann, University of Erfurt). It is part of the DOBES funding initiative of the Volkswagen Foundation (approximately 300.000 Euro plus a 50.000 Euro extension in the fourth year of the project). This project with three scientific assistants included the preparation of a representative digital corpus of texts from audio and video recordings, a dictionary, a sketch grammar, and teaching materials. Audio and video recordings are digitized, transcribed, grammatically annotated by means of morpheme by morpheme glosses, and translated. Since all documentation is digital, software such as praat (transcription), shoebox (grammatical and lexical annotation, dictionary), and ELAN (XML based simultaneous representation of audio and video recording plus all annotations) was used plus a number of task specific programs and scripts which were prepared by the members of the Hoocąk documentation team. The project comprised intense fieldwork by the key participants of the project; the PI (Helmbrecht) conducted four at least month-length fieldwork trips to the Hoocąk Indians in Wisconsin in 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007 ; (cf. the websites of a) the documentation project at the University of Erfurt, and b) and c) the DOBES website at the MPI Nijmegen:
    a) www.uni-erfurt.de/sprachwissenschaft/Vgl_SW/Hoocąk/index_frames.html;
    b) www.mpi.nl/DOBES/
    c) www.mpi.nl/DOBES/projects/Hoocąk
  • March 2010, participant in the European Academic Exchange Program (ERASMUS) for docents with the University of York, Great Britain. Fellowship at the Linguistic Department of the University of York.
  • Since April 2013, three year research project funded by the German Research Society (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) with a budget of approx. 130.000 Euros. The goal of the project is the development of a corpus-based descriptive grammar of Hoocąk.


  • Co-organizer of the Workshops on "Comparative Siouan Linguistics" (with John Boyle PhD North Eastern Illinois University, Chicago) at the Annual Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conferences at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln (June 2009) and at the North Eastern Illinois University in Chicago (2010).
  • International Conference "The Grammar of Proper Names – A Typological Perspective" organized and held at the University of Regensburg in October, 2010; funded by the Hans Vielberth Foundation of the University of Regensburg.
  • International Summer School "Theory and Methods of Language Documentation" and a Workshop on "Language Documentation Meets Corpus Linguistics: how to exploit DOBES corpora for descriptive linguistics and language typology?" at the University of Regensburg in September 19 – 28, 2011; funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and the Hans Vielberth Foundation.




  • Helmbrecht, Johannes. A Corpus-Based Grammar of Hoocąk (Winnebago)- A Siouan Language of Native North America. (Monographie).
  • Helmbrecht, Johannes & Jung, Dagmar (eds.) WSK 13. Linguistic Typology (Sprachtypologie). A dictionary of linguistic terms and concepts. Volume 13. (Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft WSK Bd. 13 - online). Berlin/ NY: Mouton de Gruyter.


  • Helmbrecht, Johannes, Lukas Denk, Sarah Thanner, Ilenia Tonetti. To appear. "Morphosyntactic coding of proper names and its implications for the Animacy Hierarchy". (Paper presented at the biannual international conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology ALT in Leipzig, August 2013).
  • Helmbrecht, Johannes. To appear. "On the Form and Function of Proper Names – A Typological Perspective". In. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (Language Typology and Universals) STUF (Special issue on Referentiality).
  • Helmbrecht, Johannes. To appear. "A typology of non-prototypical uses of personal pronouns: synchrony and diachrony". In Journal of Pragmatics (Special issue "The Flexibility of Pronoun Reference in Context").
  • Helmbrecht, Johannes. To appear. "Typological view of Hoocąk and other Siouan languages" In Cristofaro, Sonja (ed.) Language and Linguistics Compass: Typology.

  • "Politeness distinctions in personal pronouns – a case study in competing motivations." (Paper presented at the Competing Motivations Conference at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, November 2010, Leipzig). In: MacWhinney, Brian, Andrej Malchukov, and Edith Moravcsik (eds.). Competing Motivations in Grammar and Usage. Oxford University Press. 315-333.


  • Bouda, Peter and Johannes Helmbrecht. 2012. "From corpus to grammar: how DOBES corpora can be exploited for descriptive linguistics". In Sebastian Nordoff (ed). Electronic Grammaticography. 129-159. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.


  • Helmbrecht, Johannes and Christian Lehmann (eds.) Hocąk Teaching Materials, Volume 1. Elements of Grammar/ Learner's Dictionary. Albany,NY: SUNY Press.
  • Helmbrecht, Johannes & Elisabeth Verhoeven (eds.) Focus on Latin. In: Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung STUF (Language Typology and Universals).
  • "The accentual system of Hocąk". In: Wohlgemuth, Jan & Michael Cysouw (eds.) Rara & Rarissima: Documenting the fringes of linguistic diversity. (Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Typology (EALT); 46). Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 117-145.
  • "Höflichkeitspronomina in Europa – Synchronie und Diachronie eines arealtypologischen Merkmals" in Hinrichs, Uwe (ed.) Handbuch der Eurolinguistik. (Slavistische Studienbücher). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, p. 683-702.


  • Helmbrecht, Johannes & Nishina, Yoko & Shin, Yong-Min & Skopeteas, Stavros & Verhoeven, Elisabeth (eds.) Form and Function in Language Research. Papers in Honor of Christian Lehmann. Berlin/NY: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • "Causative constructions in Siouan Languages". (Paper presented at the Annual Siouan and Caddoan Linguistics Conference (SCLC) at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, June 2009). University of Regensburg. Manuscript.
  • "On the Typology of Proper Names". (Paper presented at the bi-annual conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT) in July 2009 at the University of California, Berkeley, CA). University of Regensburg. Manuscript.
  • Johannes Helmbrecht & Iren Hartmann "The tension between language documentation and descriptive linguistics – the case of Hočank deictic motion verbs". In: Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages. (Collection of the papers selected from the 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18), held at Korea University in Seoul, July 21-26, 2008). Seoul: Linguistic Society of Korea 2349-2364.


  • Helmbrecht, Johannes & Christian Lehmann "Hočank's challenge to morphological theory". In: Rood, David & David Harrison & Arienne Dwyer (eds.) A World of Many Voices: Lessons from Documented Endangered Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 271-315.
  • "Decay and loss of applicatives in Siouan languages – A grammaticalization perspective" In: Verhoeven, Elisabeth, et al. (eds.) Studies on Grammaticalization. Berlin/ NY:Mouton de Gruyter, p.135-157.
  • Verhoeven, Elisabeth & Stavros, Skopeteas & Yong Min Shin & Yoko Nishina & Johannes Helmbrecht (eds.) Studies on Grammaticalization. Berlin/NY: Mouton de Gruyter.


  • "On the development of Standard Average European (SAE) – the case of polite pronouns." (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) at the University of Bielefeld, Germany). University of Erfurt. Manuscript.
  • "The problem of tense, mood and aspect enclitics in Hoocąk - how annotated corpora and concordancing tools can support descriptive linguistics". In: Steiner, Petra & Boas, Hans Christian & Schierholz, Stefan (eds.) Contrastive Studies and Valency. Studies in Honor of Hans Ulrich Boas. Bern: Lang, pp. 171-199.
  • "Personalpronomina – Eine Korpusanalyse und ihre Implikationen für die Sprachtypologie." [Personal pronouns – a corpus analysis and its implications for language typology] (Paper presented at the 39th conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea at the University of Bremen). University of Erfurt. Manuscript.
  • "Are there Adjectives in Hoocąk (Winnebago)?" In: Lois, Ximena & Vapnarsky, Valentina (eds.) Lexical Categories and Root Classes in Amerindian Languages. Bern: Lang, pp. 289-319. (PDF/1.2MB)
  • "Applicatives in Siouan languages – a study in comparative Siouan morphosyntax" (Paper delivered at the Workshop on Comparative Siouan Grammar in Billings, MT June 2006). University of Erfurt. Manuscript.
  • "Selbstreferenz und Selbstbewusstsein. Zur grammatischen und pragmatischen Struktur von ICH"[Self-reference and self-consciousness – on the grammatical and pragmatic structure of I/me]. In: Gerhard Blanken & Winfried Franzen (eds.), Themenheft "Sprache und Denken". Neurolinguistik Zeitschrift für Aphasieforschung und –therapie 20,1-2:55-81. (PDF/1.7MB)
  • Johannes Helmbrecht & Christian Lehmann (eds.) Learners' Dictionary Hočank-English/ English-Hočank. In: Arbeitspapiere des Seminars für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt (ASSidUE) Nr. 21. Erfurt: University of Erfurt. (PDF)


  • "Das Problem der Universalität der Nomen/Verb-Distinktion." [The problem of the universality of the noun/ verb distinction] In: Arbeitspapiere des Seminars für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt (ASSidUE) Nr. 16. Erfurt: University of Erfurt. (PDF)
  • "Hoocąk as an active/inactive language – Why there is no passive/antipassive" (Paper presented at the conference on the typology of stative/ active languages at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Mai 2005). In: Arbeitspapiere des Seminars für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt (ASSidUE) Nr. 20. Erfurt: University of Erfurt. (PDF).
  • "Typologie und Diffusion von Höflichkeitspronomina in Europa."[On the Typology and Diffusion of politeness distinctions in personal pronouns in the languages of Europe] In: Folia Linguistica XXXIX,3-4:417-453. (PDF/2.2MB)
  • "Politeness Distinctions in Personal Pronouns". In: Haspelmath, Martin & Matthew S. Dryer & David Gil & Bernard Comrie (eds.) The World Atlas of Language Structures. pp. 186-90. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Also available online: Johannes Helmbrecht. 2013. "Politeness Distinctions in Pronouns". In: Dryer, Matthew S. & Haspelmath, Martin (eds.) The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (http://wals.info/chapter/45, Accessed on 2014-09-18.)).


  • "On the typology and grammaticalization of peripheral participants" (Paper presented on the 26th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS)at the University of Mainz, February 2004). University of Erfurt. Manuscript.
  • Personal Pronouns – Form, Function, and Grammaticalization. (Habilitationsschrift), University of Erfurt. Manuscript
  • "Cross-linguistic generalizations and their explanation". In: Booij, Geert/ Christian Lehmann/ Joachim Mugdan/ Stavros Skopeteas (eds.) Morphology. A Handbook on Inflection and Word Formation. (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, HSK. Vol. 17,2). Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 1247-54.
  • "Ikonizität in Personalpronomen"[Iconicity in personal pronouns]. In: Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft ZS 23,2:211-45. (PDF/1.8MB)


  • "Possession in Hoocąk (Winnebago) – Problems for a prototype approach." In: Arbeitspapiere des Seminars für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt (ASSidUE) Nr. 8. Erfurt: University of Erfurt. (PDF).
  • Review of: Aikhenwald, Alexandra Y. & R. M. W. Dixon (eds.) 2001. Areal Diffusion and Genetic Inheritance. Problems in Comparative Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In: Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft ZS 22,2:250-4.
  • Review of: Bisang, Walter (ed.) Aspects of Typology and Universals. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung – Beihefte Studia typologia 1. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. In: Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft ZS 22,2:254-7.
  • "Politeness distinctions in second person pronouns". (Paper presented on the 23rd Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) in Leipzig, Germany and on the conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology ALT IV at the University of California, Santa Barbara, CA (UCSB)). In: Lenz, Friedrich (ed.) Deictic conceptualization of space, time and person. (Pragmatics and Beyond). Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp 183-203. (PDF/905kB)


  • "Nouns and Verbs in Hoocąk (Winnebago)". In: International Journal of American Linguistics (IJAL) 68,1:1-27. (PDF/1.6MB)
  • "Bloomfield und die nordamerikanischen Algonkin-Indianersprachen"[Bloomfield and the North American Indian languages of the Algonquian family]. In: Ernst, Peter (ed.) Leonard Bloomfield – Leben und Werk. Wien: Edition Praesens, pp. 125-55. (PDF/1.1MB)
  • "Grammar and function of WE", (Paper presented on the 7th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA) in Budapest, July 2000). In: Duszak, Anna (ed.) Us and Others. Social identities across languages, discourses, and cultures. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series), Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 31-51. (PDF/993kB)
  • "Argument structure of the Hoocąk (Winnebago) clause". In: Arbeitspapiere des Seminars für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt (ASSidUE) Nr. 4. Erfurt: University of Erfurt. (PDF).


  • "Head marking versus dependent marking languages", in: Haspelmath, M./ E. König/ W. Österreicher/ W. Raible (eds.) Language Typology and Language Universals, Vol. 2, (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, HSK), Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 1424-33. (PDF/780kB)


  • "From noun to third person pronoun". (Paper presented on the 22nd annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society at the University of Marburg, Germany). University of Erfurt. Manuscript.


  • Universalität und Vagheit Semantischer Funktionen - Untersuchungen zum funktionalen Zusammenhang morphosyntaktischer und kognitiver Kategorien der Sprache [On the universality and vagueness of semantic roles – An investigation of the functional correlation between morphosyntactic and cognitive categories of language], (Edition Linguistik 26), München u.a.: LINCOM EUROPA.
  • "Direct-inverse marking patterns in pronominal paradigms". (Paper presented at the University of Erfurt). Manuscript.
  • "The typology of 1st person marking and its cognitive background". In: Hiraga, Masako K., Chris Sinha, Sherman Wilcox (eds.), Cultural, psychological, and typological issues in cognitive linguistics, (Selected papers of the biannual ICLA meeting in Albuquerque, July 1995), pp. 285-299, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


  • "Finite clauses and infinitive complements in Lak", in: H. I. Aronson (ed.), NSL 9, (Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the Former Soviet Union in Chicago, 1995), Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
  • "Person marking in Lak". (Paper presented at the University of Chicago). Manuscript.
  • "First person dual and plural marking in North American Indian languages". (Paper presented on the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) in San Diego, CA, January 1996). Manuscript.
  • "The syntax of personal agreement in East-Caucasian languages", in: Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 49:127-148.
  • "On the grammaticalization of first and second person pronominal affixes in North American Indian languages". In: Beeler, Roxane & David Liprik (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, February 1996 – Special Session on Historical Issues in Native American Languages. pp. 69-78, Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistic Society.
  • "Egozentrizität und Empathie: Zum funktionalen Hintergrund von Pronominalparadigmen" [Egocentricity and empathy: on the functional background of pronominal paradigms]. (Paper presented at the University of Bielefeld). Manuscript.


  • Universalität und Vagheit Semantischer Funktionen - Untersuchungen zum funktionalen Zusammenhang morphosyntaktischer und kognitiver Kategorien der Sprache [On the universality and vagueness of semantic roles – An investigation of the functional correlation between morphosyntactic and cognitive categories of language], PhD dissertation: University of Bonn.


  • "An Exercise in Functional Grammar - A Formal Representation of a Lak Folk-Tale" (Paper presented on the 5th International Conference on Functional Grammar in Antwerp 1992). In: Revue des Etudes Gèorgienne et Caucasienne (REGC) 8/9:57-78.


  • "Funktionale Aspekte der Konnotation und Sprachtabu - Vorschläge für eine prozessuale Beschreibung" [Functional aspects of connotation and linguistic taboo]. In: Feldbusch, E./ Pogarell, R. (eds.) Neue Fragen der Linguistik, Akten des 25. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Paderborn 1990, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, p. 173-79.


  • Tabuisierung im Kontext - Zur Analyse funktionaler Aspekte der Konnotation anhand eines öffentlichen Diskurses [Linguistic taboos in discourse – functional aspects of connotation], unpubl. MA Thesis, University of Bonn.



  • University of Bonn (1989-1992 and 1997/98):
    Introductory courses in formal and functional approaches to syntax and semantics; "Introduction into Hoocąk (Winnebago)".
  • Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL (1995):
    Courses for undergraduate students: "English lexicology and etymology", and "English word structure".
  • University of Cologne (1997-1999):
    Courses for undergraduate and graduate students: "The grammatical category of person", "Anaphora", "Agreement".
  • University of Applied Sciences in Cologne (1999):
    Lectures and courses taught at the University of Applied Sciences are: "Introduction into computer linguistics and machine translation", "Translation of technical texts: English-German", "Applications in computer linguistics for translators", "The languages of the world", seminar on "Computer and Translation" in cooperation with the translation company Delta International CITS GmbH (Bonn, Germany).
  • University of Erfurt (1999-2006):
    Lectures and courses taught at the University of Erfurt for graduate and undergraduates are: "Introduction into grammar"; "Phonetics and phonology; "Semantics and pragmatics"; "Introduction into a non-Indo-European language: Hoocąk (Winnebago) I"; "The emergence of signs in popular culture (semiotics)", together with Prof. Patrick Rössler (Communication science); "Introduction into a non-Indo-European language: Hoocąk (Winnebago) II"; "Structural grammar"; "Origin and evolution of language"; "Morphology and Syntax"; "Anthropological linguistics and oral traditions"; "Comparative grammar"; "Language universals and linguistic typology"; "Functional grammar"; "Grammaticography - how to write a grammar"; "Linguistic field methods "; "Historical linguistics"; "Functional grammar"; "Language universals and linguistic typology"; "Structural grammar"; "Language contact and contact linguistics".
  • University of Regensburg (since 2006):
    Lectures and courses taught at the University of Regensburg for BA and MA students of General and Comparative Linguistics are: "Structural grammar"; " Introduction into a non-Indo-European language: Hoocąk (Winnebago) I and II"; "Language contact"; "Syntactic typology"; "Phonetics and phonology"; "Syntax: structures, functions, typology"; "Syntactic Typology"; "Introduction to morphology"; "Language change"; "Introduction to semantics and pragmatics"; "Areal typology"; "Anthropological linguistics"; "Methods of language documentation"; "Field methods in linguistics"; "Corpus linguistics"; "Semiotics"; "Introduction to linguistics"; "Language typology", "The evolution of language", "Functional grammar: Theories and models"; "Referentiality".



Prof. Dr. Johannes Helmbrecht

Mit großer Trauer müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass unser Lehrstuhlinhaber, Herr Professor Dr. Johannes Helmbrecht, am 05.05.2024 nach kurzer, schwerer Krankheit verstorben ist.

Herr Professor Helmbrecht hatte seit 2007 den Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft inne und war in fachlicher und menschlicher Hinsicht das Herz der AVS.

Bis zuletzt war er ein engagierter Vorgesetzter, Wissenschaftler, Dozent und Kollege, der sich für die Belange seines Lehrstuhls, der Fakultät und der Universität stets einsetzte.
Durch seine freundliche und warmherzige Art und seine große Hilfsbereitschaft wurde er von seinen Mitarbeitenden, Kollegen und Kolleginnen, sowie den Studierenden sehr geschätzt. Er wird uns allen sehr fehlen.

Ab der kommenen Woche wird es eine Möglichkeit geben, sich in einem Kondolenzbuch einzutragen. Genauere Hinweise werden rechtzeitig hier auf der Homepage bekannt gegeben.

Im Namen des gesamten Lehrstuhls wünschen wir seiner Familie viel Kraft und Stärke für diese schwere Zeit.

Für Herrn Professor Dr. Johannes Helmbrecht wurde ein digitales Kondolenzbuch angelegt. Sie finden es hier.



It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that our chair holder, Professor Dr Johannes Helmbrecht, passed away on 5 May 2024 due to short but serious health issues.

Professor Helmbrecht held the Chair of General and Comparative Linguistics since 2007 and was the heart of the department, both professionally and personally.

Until the very end, he was a dedicated supervisor, researcher, lecturer and colleague who was always committed to the interests of his department, the faculty and the university.

His friendly and warm-hearted manner and his great willingness to help were greatly appreciated by his staff, colleagues and students. We will all miss him very much.

Starting next week, there will be an opportunity to sign a condolence book. More detailed information will be announced here on the homepage in due time.

On behalf of the entire department, we wish his family much strength and fortitude for this difficult time.

You will find a digital condolence book here.


  1. Fakultät für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK)

Allg. und Vergl. Sprachwissenschaft