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Digital Exams in the Winter Semester 2020/21


Stand: 16.07.2021

This site is updated continuously.

The Department for Economics and Econometrics will hold several exams in the summer semester 2021 digitally. It thereby contributes to limiting the consequences of the corona virus pandemic. On these pages we will collect all relevant information regarding digital exams. A detailed description of a digital examination will be available within a short time.

Should you have any questions regarding the exam procedures, please first refer to the FAQs. If you can't find the answer to your question there, please contact your professor or write an email to sekretariat.kindermann@ur.de.


To allow your professor to sign you up for a take-home exam, you have to log into the electronic examination system of the University of Regensburg at least once.

To be sure that you can participate in your take-home exam, please sign up (ideally immediatbly) with your NDS-Account number at:


Template for digital exams

A complete digital solution contains a cover sheet with a statement of authorship as well as your answers. You can find printable templates for this in the toolkit.

Most important information

The exams will generally take place as take-home exams following §7 of the Rahmenprüfungsordnung für das Sommersemester 2021. If your exam is not a take-home exam, e.g. an oral examination, you will be explicitely contacted by your professor.

Take-home exams are designed such that the technical requirements are minimal. Yet, the Department for Economics and Econometrics will not be able to provide technical support. Students have to arrange access to the required hardware for themselves. The university's computer center can help you in case of questions and problems.

Detailed videos regarding the technical aspects of take-home exams are avaiable in the video tutorial. In addition, there will be Zoom-meetings during the exams to which you can refer if you encounter technical difficulties.

Information from the university

The university has worked on a handout for digital exams. Here you can look at the handout. PLEASE READ THIS HANDOUT CAREFULLY OR ASK YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS ABOUT IT. It serves as basis for all digital exams.

Changes in the Rahmenprüfungsordnung

As of 26 May 2021, the university has changes the conditions for exams in the summer semester 2021.

The most important changes are:

  • There is no "freier Prüfungsversuch" anymore. All exams will count, whether you passed or failed. Students who signed up for an exam and didn't deregister at least one day prior to the exam will get a grade of 5.0 for a no-show.
  • Professors can change the type of exam up to one week before the exam date (§ 2 Abs. 5).

The entire text of the Rahmenprüfungsordnung (only in German) is available here.


Video Tutorial

Frequently Asked Questions

Institute for Economics and Econometrics



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