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Das Annuity Puzzle

  • Benartzi, S., A. Previtero, and R. H. Thaler (2011). "Annuitization puzzles." Journal of Economic Perspectives 25(4), 143–64.

  • Alexandrova, M. and N. Gatzert (2019). "What do we know about annuitization decisions?" Risk Management and Insurance Review 22(1), 57–100.

  • Lambregts, T. R. and F. T. Schut (2020). "Displaced, disliked and misunderstood: A systematic review of the reasons for low uptake of long-term care insurance and life annuities." The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 17, 100236.

Beschränkte Rationalität in der Altersvorsorge

  • Salaghe, F., Papadovasilaki, D., Guerrero, F., & Sundali, J. (2020). Temptation and retirement accounts: A story of time inconsistency and bounded rationality. Athens Journal of Business & Economics6(3), 173-198.
  • Mitchell, O.S., & Utkus, S.P. (2004). ”Pension design and structure: New lessons from behavioral finance. Lessons from Behavioral Finance for Retirement Plan Design”. Oxford University Press, 18(1), 82-94. 

Unterschiedliche Lebenserwartungen und Politikmaßnahmen

  • Pestieau, P. und G. Ponthiere (2016). "Longevity variations and the welfare state". Journal of Demographic Economics 82(2), 207-239.

Der Einfluss von Gesundheitsschocks auf das Haushaltseinkommen

  • Capatina, E. (2015). "Life-cycle effects of health risk". Journal of Monetary Economics 74, 67-88.
  • Lenhart, O. (2019). "The effects of health shocks on labor market outcomes: evidence from UK panel data". The European Journal of Health Economics 20(1), 83-98.
  • Li, N. (2023). "Health and household labor supply: instantaneous and adaptive behavior of an aging workforce". Review of Economics of the Household 21(4), 1359-1378.

Das Retirement Savings Puzzle

  • French, E., Jones, J.B. und R. McGee (2023). "Why do retired households draw down their wealth so slowly?". Journal of Economic Perspectives 37(4), 91-114.

Veränderungen in Einkommens- und Vermögensungleichheit

  • Saez, E. und G. Zucman (2020). "The rise of income and wealth inequality in America: Evidence from distributional macroeconomic accounts". Journal of Economic Perspectives 34(4), 3-26.
  • Hoffman, F., Lee, D.S. und T. Lemieux (2020). "Growing income inequality in the United States and other advanced economies". Journal of Economic Perspectives 34(4), 52-78.

Sinkt die aggregierte Lohnquote? Evidenz, Ursachen und Implikationen

  • Karabarbounis, L. and B. Neiman (2013). The Global Decline of the Labor Share. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 129(1), 61–103.

  • Grossman, G. M. and E. Oberfield (2022). The elusive explanation for the declining labor share. Annual Review of Economics 14(1), 93–124.

Die Entwicklung der Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland

  • Gallego Granados, P., & Wrohlich, K. (2018). Gender Pay Gap besonders groß bei niedrigen und hohen Löhnen. DIW Wochenbericht85(10), 173-179.
  • Bonaccolto-Töpfer, M., Castagnetti, C., & Rosti, L. (2023). Changes in the gender pay gap over time: the case of West Germany. Journal for Labour Market Research57(1), 11.
  • Schmitt, L., & Auspurg, K. (2022). A stall only on the surface? Working hours and the persistence of the gender wage gap in Western Germany 1985–2014. European Sociological Review38(5), 754-769.

Die Bedeutung des Finanzwissens in der Altersvorsorge

  • Bucher-Koenen, T., & Knebel, C. (2021). Finanzwissen und Finanzbildung in Deutschland – Was wissen wir eigentlich?. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, (1), 11-32.

  • Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2023). The Importance of Financial Literacy: Opening a New Field (No. w31145). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Familienstrukturen und deren ökonomische Determinanten

  • Lundberg, S., Pollak, R. and Stearns, J. (2016). "Family Inequality: Diverging Patterns in Marriage, Cohabitation, and Childbearing." Journal of Economic Perspectives 30(2), 79-102.
  • Guner, N., Kulikova, Y. and Llull, J. (2018). "Marriage and health: Selection, protection, and assortative mating." European Economic Review 104(C), 138-166.

Heiratsmärkte und deren ökonomische Bedeutung

  • Olivetti, C., Paserman, M., Salisbury, L. and Weber, A. (2020). "Who Married, (to) Whom, and Where? Trends in Marriage in the United States, 1850-1940." NBER Working Paper 28033.

Makroökonomische Effekte von Fiskalpolitik in Krisenzeiten

  • Parker, J. A. (2011). On measuring the effects of fiscal policy in recessions. Journal of Economic Literature 49(3), 703–18.

  • Ramey, V. A. (2019). Ten years after the financial crisis: What have we learned from the renaissance in fiscal research? Journal of Economic Perspectives 33(2), 89–114.

Hysterese und Konjunkturzyklen

  • Cerra, V., A. Fatas, and S. C. Saxena (2020). "Hysteresis and Business Cycles." IMF Working Papers 2020/073, International Monetary Fund.

  • Tervala, J. (2021). "Hysteresis and the welfare costs of recessions." Economic Modelling 95, 136–144.

Die Ökonomik von Daten

  • Jones, C. and Tonetti, C. (2020). "Nonrivalry and the Economics of Data." American Economic Review 110, 2819–2858.
  • Veldkamp, L. and C. Chung (2024). "Data and the Aggregate Economy." Journal of Economics Literature 62, 458-484.

Steuern in der Digitalen Ökonomie

  • Olbert, M. and Spengel, C. (2019). "Taxation in the Digital Economy – Recent Policy Developments and the Question of Value Creation." ZEW Working Paper 19-010.
  • Bacache, M. et al (2015). "Taxation and the digital economy: A survey of theoretical models." Final Report for www.strategie.gouv.fr.

Die Inzidenz von Mehrwertsteuersenkungen

  • Benzarti, Y., Carloni, D., Harju, J., and Kosonen, T. (2020), "What Goes Up May Not Come Down: Asymmetric Incidence of Value-Added Taxes." Journal of Political Economy 128, 4438–4474.

Computational Economics

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  2. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie

Lehrstuhl für VWL, Ökonomie des öffentlichen Sektors

Prof. Dr. Fabian Kindermann 




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