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The End of Economic Growth?

  • Jones, C. (2022), "The End of Economic Growth? Unintended Consequences of a Declining Population", American Economic Review 112(11), 3489–3527.

The Optimal Design of Tax Deductions

  • Koehne, S. und Sachs, D. (2020). "Pareto-improving reforms of tax deductions". CEPR Discussion Paper DP14999.

Taxation, Inequality and Unionization

  • Huang, C.-C., Chang, J.-J. and Hung, H.-W. (2019). "Progressive Tax and Inequality in a Unionized Economy." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 122(1): 38-80.

Tax Competition and Inequality

  • Traub, S. and Yang, H. (2019). "Tax Competition and the Distribution of Income." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 122(1): 109-131.

Female Labor Supply and the Business Cycle

  • Fukui, M., E. Nakamura and J. Steinsson (2018). "Women, Wealth Effects, and Slow Recoveries." NBER Working Paper 25311.
  • Albanesi, S. (2019). "Changing Business Cycles: The Role of Women's Employment." CEPR Discussion Paper DP13578.

Taxation over the Life Cycle

  • Heathcote, J., K. Storesletten and G. Violante (2017). "Optimal Tax Progressivity: An Anlytical Framework." Quarterly Journal of Economics 132(4): 1693-1754.
  • Heathcote, J., K. Storesletten and G. Violante (2019). "Optimal Tax Progressivity with Age-Dependent Taxation." CEPR Discussion Paper DP 13550.

A Modern Sufficient Statistics Approach

  • Kleven, H. (2020). "Sufficient Statistics Revisited". NBER Working Paper 27242.

Optimal Dynamic Taxation

  • Stantcheva, S. (2020). "Dynamic Taxation." NBER Working Paper 26704.

Optimal Taxation with Behavioral Agents

  • Fahri, E. and Gabaix, X. (2020). "Optimal Taxation with Behavioral Agents." American Economic Review 110(1): 298-336.

Savings Motives of the Elderly

  • Lockwood, L. (2018). "Incidental Bequests and the Choice to Self-Insure Late-Life Risks." American Economic Review 108(9): 2513-2550.
  • De Nardi, M., French, E. and Jones, J. (2016). "Savings After Retirement: A Survey." Annual Review of Economics 8: 177–204.

The Political Economy of Social Security

  • Lancia, F. and Russo, A. (2016). "Public Education and Pensions in Democracy: A Political Economy Theory." Journal of the European Economic Association 14(5): 1038-1073.

Long-term Care under the Presence of Altruism

  • Barczyk, D. and Kredler, M. (2018). "Evaluating Long-Term-Care Policy Options, Taking the Family Seriously." Review of Economic Studies 85(2): 766-809.
  • Cremer, H., Pestieau, P. and Roeder, K. (2016). "Social long-term care insurance with two-sided altruism." Research in Economics 70: 101-109.

Decision-Making within the Household

  • Chiappori, P.-A. and Mazzocco, M. (2017). "Static and Intertemporal Household Decisions." Journal of Economic Perspectives 55(3): 985-1045.

Sorting in the Marriage Market

  • Pollak, R. (2018). "How Bargaining in Marriage drives Marriage Market Equilibrium." NBER Working Paper No. 24000.
  • Fernandez, R., Guner, N. and Knowles, J. (2005). "Love and Money: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Household Sorting and Inequality," Quarterly Journal of Economics 120 (1): 273-344.

The Optimal Taxation of Couples

  • Cremer, H., Lozachmeur, J.-M., Maldonado, D. and Roeder, K. (2016). "Household bargaining and the design of couples’ income taxation." European Economic Review 89: 454-470.
  • Apps, P. and Rees, R. (2011). "Optimal Taxation and Tax Reform for Two-Earner Households." CESifo Economic Studies 57(2): 283-304.

Computational Economics

Am Lehrstuhl für die Ökonomie des öffentlichen Sektors können zudem auch Arbeiten im Bereich Computational Economics verfasst werden. Dazu sind Vorkenntnisse im Bereich der Programmierung von Vorteil. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher, die Veranstaltung "Computational Economics and Finance" zu besuchen. Wollen Sie eine Arbeit in diesem Bereich schreiben, dann setzen Sie sich mit dem Team des Lehrstuhls für weitere Informationen in Verbindung. 

  2. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie

Lehrstuhl für VWL, Ökonomie des öffentlichen Sektors

Prof. Dr. Fabian Kindermann 




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