The Europaeum is the East-West Centre of Universität Regensburg. It was founded in November 2000 and, as a central facility, was given the task to stimulate and promote the interdisciplinary dialogue between Eastern and Western Europe in the areas of research and teaching. Already in its founding mission statement Universität Regensburg was given the role of serving as a bridge between Eastern and Western Europe. The creation of the Europaeum is a perfect example of how this statement has continued to guide what we do.
The Europaeum puts special emphasis on the exchange, dialogue and interaction between researchers and students from East and West. The numerous partnerships of Universität Regensburg with universities in Eastern Europe form an ideal basis for these targets.
In the area of teaching, exchange is promoted among other things through the international and interdisciplinary “East-West Studies“ Master’s degree course which has been offered at the Europaeum of Universität Regensburg since 2002. In this course, students from Eastern and Western Europe compare their cultures from different subject-specific angles. Here, the focus lies above all on the process of convergence between Eastern and Western Europe.
Exchange projects initiated by the Europaeum, such as the area studies “tandems” (working in mixed national groups of two), subject-related excursions, compact seminars and workshops with students of different specialisations (which we hold together with co-operation partners in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe) give students an intensive insight into the societies of Eastern and Western Europe.
Numerous degree courses and programmes, which promote the dialogue across Eastern and Western Europe, were created at Universität Regensburg during the last years. The Europaeum provides a survey of these courses.
The Secondos programme that is coordinated and supervised by the Europaeum is a major contribution to the integration of first and second generation immigrants from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Universität Regensburg has recently set the objective to become one of the leading universities in Germany in this area.
Another focus of research is set on the comparative study of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European cultures. An office that has been especially created at Universität Regensburg for this purpose identifies and coordinates the current research activities at Universität Regensburg that are related to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
In terms of social policy, the task of the Europaeum is to pass on specialist knowledge and experience that has been gained from research and international projects to a broader public. This is done by holding lectures, symposiums, forums for debate and platforms for discussions where public figures from politics, culture and economy also get a chance to speak.
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93053 Regensburg
Telefon 0941 943-3896
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