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Job Market for Germanists

What to do with a Degree in German Studies

With a degree in German Studies you can access the job market in areas like

  • research and teaching
  • publishing and media
  • PR and marketing
  • cultural institutions

As these areas are highly competitive, internships and networking during your university course are paramount. In general, graduates of German studies are promising applicants to a whole range of challenging jobs, because they are well trained in effective communication and they can analyse complex problems extremely well.

Show Initiative!

It is important for you to realize that your chances on the job market depend on your own initiative. Consider your interests and strengths, and get a taste of various professional areas during your time at the University by doing internships, work shadowing, or part-time jobs.

Most importantly: be curious and committed!

Individual Career Advice

Every semester, the Academic Professions Team of the Employment Agency offers a wide range of lectures and workshops for students on the subject of starting a career. An overview of their lectures and workshops - including those specifically for students in the humanities - can be found on the website.

German Department