Which courses am I supposed to take?
There is a number of compulsory classes that you have to take in the course of your studies. These classes vary depending on your study program. Which compulsory courses you have to attend is precisely stated in the module descriptions for your study program.
To view all compulsory courses on one page, please have a look at these overview tables:
Bachelor of Arts
These overviews have been compiled with great care; however, only the original text of the examination regulations is legally binding. A thorough read of the examination regulations is highly recommended in the interest of a well-organized course of studies.
Coordination Office for Credit Points (Koordinierungsstelle Leistungspunkte)
General information on modularization, the electives (B.A.-Wahlbereich), and the Freely Combinable Minor (Frei kombinierbares Nebenfach, FKN) can be found on the homepage of the Coordination Office for Credit Points.
B.A. program structure
Here is a diagram of the program structure in the joint B.A. program.
A thorough read of the examination regulations in the interest of a well-organized course of study is strongly recommended!
All students (B.A. and Lehramt) are required to have their phonetic (pronunciation) skills tested to complete their Core Module Language (Basismodul Sprachpraxis). This pronunciation test should usually be taken either after GLC A, or at the end of your second semester (after Composition). Students may take the course "Exercises in English Pronunciation" to prepare for the pronunciation test. Those who do not pass the pronunciation test will have to enroll in the course "Exercises in English Pronunciation" and pass the test before they can proceed to GLC C and other courses belonging to the Intermediate Module Language (Vertiefungsmodul Sprachpraxis). Also, the course "Exercises in English Pronunciation" is a compulsory component for Lehramt Grundschule students who take English as a Didaktikfach.
Others are welcome to take the course on a voluntary basis to improve their spoken English!
You have two semesters in which to improve your spoken English before you take this exam. You really should take every opportunity to speak and listen to English. Some suggestions include seeing a play performed by the English theater group, RUPs, watching movies and TV series at home, listening to audio books, podcasts, etc.
Registering for and taking the exam:
The exams usually take place at the end of term, during the first lecture-free week. You have to register for the pronunciation exam in SPUR as well as in FlexNow. The registration starts about 4 weeks before the end of the lecture period and runs until the end of the regular registration period in FlexNow. The exact dates will be announced in due time each semester via newsletter (in January or June), and also published on the Department's homepage and in the course catalog.
General information about ECTS (credit points) and the program structure:
For the B.A. programs, students must earn 180 ECTS credit points (see à program structure). Thus, to complete the B.A. study program within the standard period of study (six semesters), students should earn approximately 30 credit points each semester.
This means that after the second semester of study, if the majors and minors are evenly distributed, students should successfully have completed courses earning them the following minimum of credit points.
B.A. major: appr. 30 ECTS CP (out of 90)
2nd major: appr. 20 ECTS CP (out of 60)
minor: appr. 10 ECTS CP (out of 30)
total: appr. 60 ECTS CP (out of 180)
Fundamentals and Orientation Exam:
The B.A. programs contain a so-called "Fundamentals and Orientation Exam" ("Grundlagen- und Orientierungsprüfung"), see BPO §27.
The purpose of this examination is to ensure that a certain number of minimum credit points are achieved by the end of the second semester. The type of examination required can be found in the respective module catalog.
The following guidelines apply to the B.A. programs at the Department of English and American Studies:
At the end of the second semester, students should be able to show proof of having completed at least the following mandatory courses/number of credit points in the core modules:
Please note:
The "Fundamentals and Orientation Examination" is, as the name suggests, mainly for your orientation. If you do not pass it, i.e. if you do not complete the required ECTS credit points or courses within the first two semesters, you will be asked to visit the student advisory service. However, nothing "bad" will happen, such as automatic de-enrollment or the like. The purpose of this mechanism is to ensure that students who are having trouble planning their studies seek advice early on.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Student Advisory Service at any time!
Students in the B.A. programs in English Linguistics, American Studies, and British Studies will need to show some proof of foreign language skills in addition to English by the time they apply for admission fo their final thesis at the Examinations Office. Details about the foreign language requirements can be found in the Examinations Regulations of your study program.
Additional foreign language skills may be acquired during the course of study. For example, the Center of Language and Communication (ZSK) offers a variety of language courses at their Department for Foreign Language Training. Language courses are also offered by other departments at UR. You can find an overview here.
When you apply for admission to your final thesis at the Examinations Office, you will need to show proof of your foreign language skills, for example with your high school leaving certificate or a certificate issued by the ZSK.