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Credit Transfer

Credit transfer from another university

To transfer course credit from another university (in Germany or abroad) to UR, the following documents must be submitted:

  • An academic transcript, issued by the previous university and listing the achieved credit points and grades (the academic transcript is a list of the academic achievements to date, including grades and credit points)
  • A course description of the course(s) to be transferred. Credit transfer for coursework and exams taken at other universities (in Germany or abroad) can be granted if the acquired skills do not differ significantly from the ones taught at the University of Regensburg.
  • Signed credit transfer form. The different forms can be downloaded from the Examinations Office's website for B.A/M.A. and for Lehramt.

N.B.: Credit may be transferred to a specific module or to the electives (freier Wahlbereich). 

Credit transfer within UR

For the credit transfer within UR (for example when studying for two degrees simultaneously or after changing from one degree program to another), you will need the following:

N.B.: It is possible to transfer credits to your electives (freier Wahlbereich im B.A./allgemeiner Wahlbereich nach § 22 LPO).


Information and advice (with regard to the organization of your credit transfer):

Gabriele Mödl and Claudia Trotzke,
Degree Program Coordination at the Department of English and American Studies
Office: PT 3.2.62, Email: studienorg.iaa@ur.de

For the actual credit transfer and to get your forms signed, please contact the respective professors or representatives of each department. Keep in mind that the procedure can take several weeks and contact the respective professors early!

  • American Studies (Literary and Cultural Studies):

- Prof. Dr. Julia Faisst, PT 3.2.73
- Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat, PT 3.2.71

Before writing to the professors, please contact the American Studies counselors.

  • British Studies (Literary and Cultural Studies):

- Prof Dr. Anne Zwierlein, PT 3.2.48
- Prof. Dr. Jochen Petzold, PT 3.2.45

- Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kohlmann, PT 3.2.44

  • English Linguistics:

- Prof. Dr. Jakob Leimgruber, PT 3.2.65

  • Language:

- American Studies: Dr. Julia Stetler, PT 3.2.88
- British Studies: Peter Waller, PT 3.2.60
- English Linguistics: Jamie Kohen, PT 3.2.50

  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language:

- Prof. Dr. Carola Surkamp

  • Teaching internships: For questions regarding the transfer of teaching internships according to § 34 LPO I, please contact your respective internship office (depending on the school type) as well as the TEFL professors and the Department of School Pedagogy. Contact details can be found on the RUL website at Anerkennung von LehramtspraktikaGeneral information about the transfer in teacher training programs can also be found on the RUL website.

  1. Fakultät für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften