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Courses Offered

At the I:IMSK the following Bachelor Programs are offered. They can either be studied as first major subject, a second major subject or as a minor subject.

General and Comparative Linguistics, B.A.

Information Science, B.A.

Media Informatics, B.A.

Media Studies, B.A.

Comparative European Ethnology, B.A.

Study Structure

The standard period of study of the combinatorial Bachelor's program is 6 semesters. The program should therefore be completed within these 6 semesters. However, up to 8 semesters can be studied without having to apply for an extension of the study program.

Within the framework of the Bachelor's program, 180 credit points (LP) must be earned, whereby 1 LP corresponds to approx. 25-30 working hours.

These 180 credit points are distributed among the chosen subjects, the bachelor thesis and the so-called 20 free credit points. Regarding the combination of subjects, two different constellations are possible:

Variant 1: Two major subjects

180 ECTS to reach

  • first major subject: at least 90 ECTS
  • second major subject: at least 60 ECTS
  • free credit points: 20 ECTS
  • Bachelor Thesis: 10 ECTS

Variant 2: One major subject, two minor subjects

180 ECTS to reach

  • major subject: at least 90 ECTS
  • first minor subject: at least 30 ECTS
  • second minor subject: at least 30 ECTS
  • free credit points: 20 ECTS
  • Bachelor Thesis: 10 ECTS

More informations about the structures of studies you can find in the flyer to "Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) und Master of Arts (M.A.)" from the central course guidance.

Course Combination

Possible Combinations of Subjects

In the combinatorial Bachelor's program, at least two subjects must be combined with each other. An overview of which subjects can be combined with each other in which way can be found in the overview of possible combinations in B.A. programs here.

Recommendations for Combiniations of Subjects

In principle, every combination of subjects offered makes sense. From a professional point of view and with a view to the future career prospects, the following combinations with the Bachelor's subprograms of the I:IMSK are especially recommended:

General and Comparative Linguistics

In combination with Information Science, Comparative European Ethnology, Business Administration, Philosophy and/or a Linguistic Philology.

Information Science

In combination with General and Comparative Linguistics, Media Informatics, Media Studies and/or Business Informatics.

Media Informatics

In combination with Information Science, Media Studies and/or Business Informatics.

Media Studies

In combination with Information Science, Media Informatics, Comparative European Ethnology, Business Administration, Economics and/or History of Science.

Comparative European Ethnology

in combination with General and Comparative Linguistics, Media Studies, Business Administration, History, Art History and/or Economics.

Application and Admission

The institute's Bachelor's programs are not admission restricted.

Studies in General and Comparative Linguistics, Information Science, Media Informatics, Media Studies and Comparative Cultural Studies can be started in the winter semester.

In order to be admitted to these partial courses of study, only a university entrance qualification (e.g. the certificate of general or relevant subject-specific university entrance qualification) and sufficient knowledge of German (in the case of foreign students) must be proven. Evidence is only required at the time of enrollment; a previous application is therefore not necessary in these partial courses of study.

An application is only necessary for Bachelor's programs with restricted admission. If the above-mentioned subjects are to be combined with subjects with restricted admission, an application is necessary (exclusively) for these restricted partial courses of study.

All information about enrollment deadlines and the documents required for enrollment can be found here on the website of the Students Office.

Examination and Study Regulations

The Bachelor Examination and Study Regulations of the Faculties of Humanities I-III is the central, legally binding document in which you will find all important information on the combinatorial Bachelor's program, e.g:

  • Information on the necessary qualification requirements for admission to the Bachelor's program
  • Information on the repeatability of tests
  • Information on how to register for the Bachelor thesis
  • Information on the calculation of the overall grade
  • Subject-specific regulations, e.g. regarding the modules to be completed during the course of study, the calculation of the subject grade, etc.

As a rule, the latest version of the Bachelor's examination and study regulations adopted before commencing the course of study is valid for students.

Module Descriptions

The module descriptions of the Bachelor's programs can be found here.

Credit points (LP) are awarded during the course of study after successful completion of modules. A module always consists of at least two courses. A module can usually be completed within 1-2 semesters.

The name of the modules is composed of an abbreviation for the sub-degree (e.g. "MEI" for media informatics), the abbreviation "M" (for "module") and a number (e.g. 01), such as MEI-M01.

The information about which courses have to be completed in the individual modules, which achievements are neccessary, and how many LPs are awarded after successful completion of a module can be found in the module descriptions of the sub-degree programs. These also provide a detailed overview of the course contents and the qualifications aimed for in the course of study. Before applying for a course of study, it is therefore essential to consult the module descriptions in order to match your expectations of the course content with the planned curriculum.

Different modules must be completed during the course of study, depending on whether a subject is studied as a bachelor's, second major or minor subject. An overview of which modules these are and further information (e.g. on the calculation of the final grade) can be found in the Bachelor Examination and Study Regulations of the Faculties of Humanities I-III.

Course Guidance

If you have any questions regarding the study program, you can contact the study program coordination or the study counseling at I:IMSK at any time personally, by e-mail or by phone.

The contact details of the study advisors at I:IMSK can be found here.

  1. Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture

Institute of Information and Media, Language and Culture

Universität Regensburg

Universitätsstraße 31

D-93053 Regensburg