Interests and fields of research
- Expertise research
- Anthropology
- Motivational factors for learning in the domain of music
Schmidt, S., & Gruber, H. (2023). Does genre make a difference? Classical orchestra/popular band musicians’ motivation, self-efficacy, and practice experiences’ effects on deliberate practice. Psychology of Music, 51(1), 69–88.
Schmidt, S., Längler, M., Altenbuchner, A., Kobl, L., & Gruber, H. (2021). Acquiring the art of conducting: Deliberate practice as part of professional learning. Journal of Advanced Academics, 32(3), 354–379.
Schmidt, S., & Gruber, H. (2023, August). Solitary practice and band rehearsals: Design and strategy use regarding the professional level. Paper presentation, 20th EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece).
Schmidt, S., Jossberger, H., & Gruber, H. (2023, August). Pop bands' practice: Goal setting, monitoring, and feedback seeking. Paper presentation, 20th EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece).
Schmidt, S., & Gruber, H. (2022). Does music genre matter? Effects of motivation, self-efficacy, and experience on deliberate practice. Paper presentation, 26th JURE Conference Unpredictable Challenges - Education in a Rapidly Changing World, Porto (Portugal).
Schmidt, S., Längler, M., & Gruber, H. (2021, August). Acquiring the art of conducting: Deliberate practice as part of professional learning. Paper presentation, 19th Biennial EARLI Conference Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures, Gothenburg (Sweden). (Online due to COVID 19 restrictions.)
Schmidt, S., & Gruber, H. (2021, August). Individual and collective deliberate practice in popular music bands. Roundtable presentation, 25th JURE Conference Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Gothenburg (Sweden). (Online due to COVID 19 restrictions.)
Schmidt, S., & Gruber, H. (2020, July). Collective deliberate practice in popular music ensem-bles. Roundtable presentation, 24th JURE Generation Change: The Future of Education in a Diverse Society Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and In-struction (EARLI), Porto (Portugal). (Proposal accepted, but conference cancelled due to COVID 19 restrictions)
Schmidt, S., Längler, M, & Gruber, H. (2020, July). Acquiring the art of conducting: Deliberate practice as part of professional learning. Poster presentation, 10th EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development Conference, Barcelona (Spain). (Proposal accepted, but conference cancelled due to COVID 19 restrictions)
Schmidt, S. (2019, September). Practice of music ensembles at different professional levels. Roundtable presentation, 1st Vienna Autumn School of Applied Methods (VASOM), Vienna (Austria).
Schmidt, S., & Gruber, H. (2019, August). Practice of music ensembles at different stages of professional levels. Roundtable presentation, 23rd Junior Researchers (JURE) conference of the European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen (Germany).
Schmidt, S. (2019, March). Collaborative learning in music ensembles. Paper presentation, 8th Meeting of Professional Development Research Network (PDRnet), Landau (Germany).
Schmidt, S. (2019, March). Collaborative learning in music ensembles. Roundtable presentation, 1st GRG Research Day, Regensburg (Germany).
- Evaluation von Bildungs- und Erziehungssystemen
- Forschungsmethoden der Bildungsevaluation
- Geerbt oder gelernt? Grundlagen der Anthropologie für Lehramtsstudierende
- Theorien des Lehrens und Lernens
- Theorien zu Prozess und Inhalt von Erziehungs-, Bildungs- und Organisationsberatung