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University Library of Regensburg

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Regensburg Catalog plus



Borrowing from the Hungarian Library

Holdings of the Hungarian Library listed in the Regensburg catalog plus can be borrowed by all users. You can choose the desired pick-up location as usual. Please note that due to system changes, currently no orders to the Regional State Library of Regensburg are possible.

Books may be borrowed for four weeks with possible renewal. For technical reasons, the provision of these holdings can currently take about three days. As soon as the books are ready for collection you will receive an automatically generated e-mail. Returning is possible at all lending points.


Changes of service due to the introduction of a new library system at the Regional State Library of Regensburg

From the middle of the year the Regional State Library of Regensburg is switching to a new library system. As a result, the branch lending service between the University Library and the Regional State Library of Regensburg will be discontinued. At present, users of the University Library can borrow State Library books only on site. Collecting State Library books in the Loans section of the University Library is no longer possible. Until further notice, returning is still possible.
We are currently working on solutions to offer the usual services as soon as possible again. We will keep you informed of further developments.


Free access to scholarly publications worldwide

For more than a decade, the University of Regensburg (UR) has been promoting the creation of worldwide free and re-usable access to scientific and scholarly publications ("Open Access Transformation"). At the suggestion of the UR, the Bavarian universities presented a comprehensive Open Access strategy in 2023, which holds out the prospect of financial support for the transformation process from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts from 2024.
The DEAL project is a central commercial component of the Open Access transformation: On behalf of an Alliance of Science Organizations, it concludes nationwide contracts with the three publishers Elsevier, SpringerNature and Wiley, which together cover almost 60% of all German scientific journal publications. Important for researchers: The costs for 2024 will be covered by the library budget at the current level, as well as by additional funds from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and central University funds. Faculties and individual researchers will not incur any costs. This applies to publication in hybrid journals; publication in pure "Gold Open Access" journals will continue to be subsidized for individual researchers via the publication fund.
In the contracts with the publishers, the financing of the provision of literature and information in the area of journals was changed from license/subscription costs to publication costs per article: Instead of reading access, UR now finances the use of publication services. As a result, the provision of literature is moving more into the focus of research and academic policy debates.
In the first phase of the project, from 2019 to 2023, UR participated in the Wiley and SpringerNature contracts; no agreement was reached with Elsevier nationwide. In this phase, the costs for the university remained within the previous literature budget. The German Rectors' Conference has now negotiated new contracts with all three publishers for the DEAL consortium for the period 2024 to 2028. The UR signed these contracts with all three publishers at the end of 2023. This means that Regensburg's scientists and scholars will be able to publish OA articles with the respective publishers and at the same time have reading access to the publishers' full range of journals (including backfiles for Wiley and SpringerNature).
In the course of 2024, the contracts will be evaluated according to cost-benefit criteria. The University management will then decide whether to continue.


For general questions about the strategy, please contact the Director of the University Library of Regensburg, Dr. André Schüller-Zwierlein, andre.schueller-zwierlein@ur.de.

If you have questions about coverage for individual articles, please contact the University Library's open access publications team at oa@ur.de.

About DEAL


Possible noise disturbances in the reading rooms Philosophicum

Due to construction works there may be noise disturbances in the reading rooms Philosophicum 1 and 2. The ventilating and air conditioning system could also be affected by this.

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