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Events and Seminars




Upcoming Seminars (16.30 h)

26.02.2024 Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Carsten Bergmann, Mainz:
Why is it important to know your patient’s genotype?

22.04.2024 Erlangen

Prof. Dr. Felix Engel, Erlangen:
Elucidating function and signaling of Gpr126 in kidney development and disease

06.05.2024 Erlangen

Dr. Ilse Daehn, New York:
Targeting the Pathologic Cell-Cell Signaling in Glomerular Disease

10.06.2024 Erlangen

Prof. Dr. Nigel Bunnett, New York:
Disease-relevant Signaling from Subcellular Compartments: Implications for Therapy


cancelled !

Regensburg Prof. Dr. Carsten Scholz, Greifswald:
Cellular oxygen sensors in kidney disease



cancelled !


Dr. med. Claudia Seikrit, Aachen:
IgA in IgA nephrophathy - new treatment options

08.07.2024 Erlangen Prof. Dr. Ricardo Grieshaber-Bouyer, Erlangen:

16:00h !

Regensburg Matteus Krappitz and Sorin Fedeles, New Haven:
22.07.2024 Erlangen

Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Noel, Baltimore:
Harnessing kidney T cells for acute kidney injury treatment

02.09.2024 Regensburg Prof. Dr. Timothy Hla, Boston:
16.09.2024 Erlangen Prof. Dr. Peter Mertens, Magdeburg:


postponed to December 02, 2024!

Regensburg Daniel Reisenbüchler, Regensburg:
04.11.2024 Regensburg Prof. Dr. Detlef Böckenhauer, Leuven:
18.11.2024 Regensburg PD Dr. med. Louisa Steines, Regensburg:
25.11.2024 Regensburg Prof. Dr. Maren Engelhardt, Linz
02.12.2024 Regensburg Daniel Reisenbüchler, Regensburg:
AI Methods for Computational Pathology



Prof. Dr. Michael Caplan, New Haven:   



Retreat TRR 374
July 13-14 in Leising/Beilngries: Save the date!


Conferences and Meetings
61st ERA Congress
May 23-26, 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden and virtuell

103rd Annual Meeting of the German  Physiological Society
Joint meeting with the Austrian Physiological Society (APS) & Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) Physiology
September 19-21, 2024 in Vienna, Austria

Kongress für Nephrologie 2024 - 16. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie
September 26-29, 2024 in Berlin, Germany

Joint Meeting of DFG-funded CRC and graduate schools - Highlights of Cardiac, Vascular and Renal Research in Germany
October 9-10, 2024 in Frankfurt am Main

American Society of Nephrology (ASN), Kidney Week 2024
October 23–27, 2024 San Diega, California, USA


Past events 2023


06.03.2023 Erlangen Internal seminar Erlangen
13.03.2023 Erlangen

Professor Dr. Oliver Gross, Göttingen:
Alport syndrome and the glomerular basement membrane - a podocytopathy from bench to bedside

08.05.2023 Erlangen Internal seminar Erlangen
22.05.2023 Erlangen Prof. Dr. Thomas Jentsch, Berlin:
26.06.2023 Erlangen Internal seminar Erlangen

start: 16:00h!!!


Prof. Dr. Evren U Azeloglu, New York:
Mechanobiology: a new paradigm for kidney precision medicine

23.10.2023 Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Dorit Merhof, Regensburg:
Challenges of Image Analysis in Biomedicine and Applications in Digital Pathology and Nephrology

11.12.2023 Erlangen Internal seminar Erlangen



TRR 374 Information and Recruitment Day 2023 (Hybrid Event)
March 2, 2023, H52 Universität Regensburg and Zoom

Armin-Kurtz-Symposium: Physiology meets Nephrology
6 & 7 July 2023


Conferences and Meetings
60th ERA Congress
June 15-18, 2023 in Milan, Italy and virtuell

European Kidney Summerschool EUKISS
July 7-9, 2023 in Regensburg, Germany

102nd Annual Meeting of the German  Physiological Society
Joint meeting with the Austrian Physiological Society (APS) & Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) Physiology
September 21-23, 2023 in Berlin, Germany

Kongress für Nephrologie 2023 - 15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie
October 5-8, 2022 in Berlin, Germany

American Society of Nephrology (ASN), Kidney Week 2023
November 2–5, 2023 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA



Past events 2022


21.03.2022 internal seminar
Regensburg / zoom

Z2: Dettmer-Wilde/Gronwald/Oefner:
Proteome and metabolome analyses

23.05.2022 zoom Steven Sacks, London:
Complement activation in kidney transplantation


postponed until 2023

Erlangen / zoom Eleni Stamellou, Aachen:
Tubular regeneration



Conferences and Meetings
European Kidney Summerschool EUKISS
April 27-30, 2022 in Berlin, Germany

International Symposium of the SFB1350: "What's new in renal tubular and interstitial pathophysiology?"
May 30-31, 2022 in Regensburg, Germany

Europhysiology 2022 (Joint Meeting of The Physiological Society, The Scandinavian Physiological Society, The German Physiological Society (DPG), and the Federation of European Physiological Societies)
September 16-18, 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Kongress für Nephrologie 2022 - 14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie
October 6-9, 2022 in Berlin, Germany

10. Regensburger Fortbildung Nephrologie
October 22, 2022 in Regensburg Germany

American Society of Nephrology (ASN), Kidney Week 2022
November 1–6, 2022 Orlando, Florida, USA

Past events 2021


11.01.2021 internal seminar
B2: Assessment of the structure and function of the renal interstitium by intravital multiphoton microscopy
B3: Fibronectin and its role in polycystic kidney diseases
18.01.2021 internal seminar
B4: Relevance of inflammation and fibrosis for renal regeneration
B5: Role of prolyl-hydroxylase domain enzyme inhibitors in chronic renal inflammation
25.01.2021 internal seminar
B6: Relevance of immigrating B-lymphocytes and their functional properties for the development of allograft nephropathy
C2: Complement-mediated crosstalk between tubular and interstitial cells in renal transplantation - focus on the lectin-activated pathway
01.02.2021 zoom Dr. Tilman Jobst-Schwan, Erlangen:
The role of podocytic and tubular β-catenin in proteinuric kidney disease
08.02.2021 internal seminar
C3: Endocrine communication of renal tubules
C4: Pathogenesis of Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease (ADTKD)
15.02.2021 internal seminar
C5: Epigenetic identity and plasticity of renal tubular and interstitial cells
A7: Low molecular weight proteinuria caused by a mutation of the Vesicle Associated Protein (VAP)
01.03.2021 zoom Prof. Dr. Ed Geissler, Regensburg:
Breaking Barriers in Organ Transplantation
22.03.2021 zoom Prof. Dr. Carla Baan, Rotterdam:
IL-21 as a new target for immunosuppressive therapies
12.04.2021 zoom Prof. Dr. Janina Müller-Deile, Erlangen:
Cell-cell communication through miRs and circulating factors in renal diseases
19.04.2021 zoom

Dr. rer.nat. Michaela Fuchs, Regensburg:
Inhibition of transforming growth factor β1 signaling in resident interstitial cells attenuates profibrotic gene expression and preserves erythropoietin production during experimental kidney fibrosis in mice

03.05.2021 zoom Dr. Alexandr Ilyaskin, Erlangen:

Zymogen- locked mutant prostasin (Prss8) leads to incomplete proteolytic activation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and severely compromises triamterene tolerance in mice

21.06.2021 zoom Dr. Katharina Bröker, Regensburg:
Prolyl-4-hydroxylases 2 and 3 stabilize endocrine function of renin expressing cells
11.10.2021 Regensburg / zoom Prof. Dr. Ferruh Artunc, Tübingen:
Proteolytic processing of the epithelial sodium channel ENaC in vivo
13.12.2021 zoom Dr. Monika Mügschl-Scharf, FUTUR, Uni Regensburg:
From Research to Business –Starting up at the University


Conferences and Meetings
Internal Retreat of the SFB 1350 cancelled because of Covid-19
June 11-12, 2021 in Leising/Beilngries, Germany

European Kidney Summerschool EUKISS postponed until 2022
September 1-4, 2021 in Berlin, Germany

Kongress für NepHROlogie 2021 - 13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie
September 23-26, 2021 in Rostock, Germany

100th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society (DPG)
September 30 - October 2, 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany

American Society of Nephrology (ASN), Kidney Week 2021
November 2–7, 2021 in San Diego, USA

Past events 2020

Date Place Speaker
17.02.2020 Erlangen Prof. Ingeborg Bajema, Leiden:
Lupus nephritis: Diagnosis and Classification
24.02.2020 Regensburg

Dr. Matteus Krappitz, Berlin:
Disruption of the EF-hand domain of Polycystin-2 ameliorates cystic disease caused by Polycystin-1 deficiency




Prof. Katja Ferenz, Düsseldorf:
Applications of Albumin-derived Perfluorocarbon-based Artificial Oxygen carriers

cancelled because of Covid-19

Erlangen Prof. Peter Boor, Aachen:
Artificial intelligence (AI) in (nephro)pathology and beyond - sci-fi becoming reality

cancelled because of Covid-19

Erlangen Prof. Lars Fester, Erlangen

postponed because of Covid-19

Regensburg Dr. Monika Prünster, München

beginn: 16:00h
cancelled because of Covid-19

Regensburg Prof. F. Artunc, Tübingen:
Blockade des epithelialen Natriumkanals ENaC – ein neuer Ansatz zur Behandlung von nephrotischen Ödemen?
cancelled because of Covid-19

Prof. Jörg König, Erlangen:
Transport von Argininmetaboliten durch renale Transportproteine

cancelled because of Covid-19
Erlangen Prof. V. Bhalla, Stanford
cancelled because of Covid-19
Regensburg Dr. S. Brähler, Köln
12.10.2020 zoom

Dr. Monika Prünster, München:
Extratubular polymerized Uromodulin induces leukocyte recruitment in vivo

02.11.2020 zoom

Prof. Dr. Dipl. Ing. Felix Engel, Erlangen:
Gpr126 (Adgrg6) in kidney development and disease

09.11.2020 zoom Prof. Dr. Jakob Völkl, Linz:
16.11.2020 internal seminar
A1: Mechanisms of early ciliogenesis
A2: Slowing polycystic kidney disease by inhibition of HIF-1α-dependent- and calcium-mediated secretory signaling pathways
23.11.2020 internal seminar
A3: CFTR and TMEM16A/F in polycystic kidney disease and metabolic alkalosis
A4: Tubular and interstitial proteases as regulators of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)
07.12.2020 internal seminar
A5: Molecular mechanisms of transport and inhibition in SGLTs
B1: (Patho)physiology of resident PDGFRβ+ interstitial cells in the kidney
14.12.2020 internal seminar
A6: Cardio- and nephroprotective mechanisms of SGLT2 inhibition
C6: Prioritizing genes for kidney function decline in the population and high risk groups



zoom Prof. Dr. J. Müller-Deile, Erlangen:

Cell-cell communication through miRs and circulating factors in renal diseases

Conferences and Meetings


! Cancelled !

Regensburg, Germany International Symposium of the Collaborative Kidney Research Center SFB1350:
What's new in renal tubular and interstitial pathophysiology?

02.-05. September 2020

! Cancelled !

Berlin, Germany European Kidney Summerschool EUKISS

11.-13. September 2020

! Cancelled !

Berlin, Germany Europhysiology
01.-04. October 2020 Berlin, Germany Nephrologie 2020 - 12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie
20-25. October 2020 Denver, USA American Society of Nephrology (ASN), Kidney Week 2020

Past events 2019

Date Place Speaker
25.02.2019 Erlangen M. Daha, Leiden:
Role of complement in inflammation and renal disease.
25.03.2019 Erlangen R. Veelken, Nürnberg:
Nerven der Niere - Anatomische Kuriositäten oder wichtige Regulatoren im Herz/Kreislaufsystem?
28.03.2019 Regensburg M. Rinschen, San Diego/Köln:
Deciphering glomerular pathophysiology by
proteome-metabolome integration
08.04.2019 Regensburg F. Schneider-Warme, Freiburg:
Using light to study heterocellular interactions in the heart.
29.04.2019 Erlangen

M. Schiffer, Erlangen:
Can we heal the glomerular filtration barrier?



M. Köttgen, Freiburg:
TRPP2 ion channels and morphogenesis – lessons from polycystic kidney disease
A. Köttgen, Freiburg:
Genome-wide association studies and fine-mapping elucidate novel genes influencing albuminuria

13:00 h)

F. Ströhl and I. Opstad, Tromsø:
Advanced microscopy: Advanced microscopy at the Arctic University – from pathology to live-cell imaging

17.06.2019 Erlangen

D. Pearce, San Francisco:
Potassium secretion by the kidney tubules: a tale of two segments

18.06.2019 Regensburg

H.-J. Gröne, Heidelberg:
Critical Role of the Renal Shiga Toxin Receptor in Albumin Absorption and Toxic Renal Failure

24.06.2019 Erlangen

F. Jaisser, Paris:
Novel therapeutic indications of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: pathophysiological basis

08.07.2019 Regensburg

W. Kriz, Heidelberg:
New physiological and pathological aspects of glomerular filtration

(beginning: 13:15h)
Erlangen K. Kitado, Singapur:
Water conservation, muscle mass, and blood pressure control
29.07.2019 Erlangen

F. Artunc, Tübingen:
Proteasuria – a newly identified mechanism for sodium retention in nephrotic syndrome

14.10.2019 Regensburg

S. Lienkamp, Zürich:
Unconventional Models for Renal Disease: Frogs and Reprogramming

28.10.2019 Erlangen

K. Singh, Erlangen:
Miniaturized endoscopic devices for cardiovascular imaging at few micron resolution in 3D

11.11.2019 Regensburg

F. Kronenberg, Innsbruck:
Genetic epidemiological investigations in the German Chronic Kidney Disease (GCKD) study findings on Lp (a), mitochondrial DNA and relative telomere length

22.11.2019 Regensburg

L. Wichmann, Giessen:
Subunit composition determines regulation of epithelial sodium channels in Xenopus laevis

25.11.2019 Erlangen

R. Nielsen, Aarhus:
Renal protein reabsorption in health and disease

02.12.2019 Regensburg

S. Lang, Homburg:
Man - Midge - Molecule: Studying the pathogenic mechanisms of uric acid urolithiasis and ADTKD-SEC61A1 at the organismal and cellular level

16.12.2019 Erlangen G. Moeckel, New Haven:
MIF-2/D-DT is a cytokine with cell protective and
regenerative function in the kidney proximal tubule
Conferences and Meetings
08. - 11.09. 2019 Zürich, Switzerland European Kidney Summerschool EUKISS
30.09.- 02. 10. 2019 Ulm, Germany 98th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society
10. - 13.10. 2019 Düsseldorf, Germany 11th Annual Congress of the German Society of Nephrology
29. - 30. 11.2019 Leising/Beilngries Retreat SFB 1350 2019
16. - 18. 07.2019 Regensburg Expansion Microscopy

  1. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  2. Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


"Interdisciplinary kidney research to advance understanding of disease mechanisms and develop new therapeutic concepts"


Dr. Michaela Kritzenberger
Tel.: ++49 (0)941/943-2885

Molecular Medicine