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B.A. German Philology


The subject German Philology can be studied in the Bachelor's program. Here, it is combined with other subjects. You have the following options:

  • German Philology as first major + an additional major
  • A different first major + German Philology as second major
  • German Philology + two minors
  • German Philology as minor in combination with a different major

The Bachelor in German Philology is an undergraduate degree. After graduation, you can further qualify in a Master's program.

Admission requirements

  • Proof of general or subject-related university entrance qualification
  • Proof of eloquence in German

Please find more information in the exam regulations (available in German only)

Length of study

At minimum the length of study are 6, at maximum 8 semesters

Credit Points (=Leistungspunkte or LP)

You will need to collect 180 credit points (“Leistungspunkte” = LP) in total. In German Philology you need to collect

  • 90 LP if German Philology is your first major
  • 60 LP if German Philology is your second major
  • 30 LP if German Philology is a minor

Study program

In this study program you will attend courses in the following areas:

  • German Linguistics
  • Medieval German Literary Studies
  • Modern German Literary Studies

If you study German Philology as your first major, you will also complete your Bachelor’s thesis in one of these.

For more information on the course of study if you take German as your second major or a minor, please see our F.A.Q.s.

Study Goals

German philology as a subject in a joint bachelor's degree program provides the prerequisites for further academic qualification in a master's degree program and it qualifies you for jobs in the following areas

  • media
  • publishing
  • libraries
  • public relations, internal communication
  • consulting
  • continuing education

Graduates are well informed about the academic discourses on German language and literature (minor). They are experienced in negotiating German language and literature, including innovative forms of communication and media representations, in linguistic and literary contexts (major, 2nd major).


A bachelor's degree is commonly regarded as a ticket to the job market. However, it is essential to understand that just holding a Bachelor degree in German Philology is not sufficient as a qualification. To develop your interests and to gain work experience, various elements play a crucial role within this degree program. These include:

  1. Engaging in internships.
  2. Participating in exercises aimed at professional skill development.
  3. Enrolling in relevant language courses.
  4. Exploring opportunities for studying abroad.
  5. Carefully selecting your subject combination.

Each of these aspects holds particular significance for shaping your career prospects.
For more detailed information, please refer to „Arbeitsmarkt für Germanisten“.

Guides to organize your studies

We provide a study guide for students who started the course in or after winter 2014/15, and for students who chose German as their first major in their B.A. we also provide a sample study progression plan (Studienverlaufsplan).

German Department