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Information for Students & Researchers from Ukraine

Guide for refugee students and academics who want to study or research at the University of Regensburg

If you are interested in studying at the University of Regensburg, the International Office is the appropriate contact point.

If you are planning to come to the University of Regensburg as a researcher, our Welcome Center can assist you.

Studying at the University of Regensburg


During a counseling meeting with the International Office (virtual, in person or via phone), we can individually address which options are open to you in regard to your desired course of study at UR. We clarify your university entrance qualification (HZB) and inform you about German courses at the university. We discuss application formalities and answer general questions.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment:


On the following pages you will find more information:

Pursuing a Degree Program

Subjects offered at UR

Information on German Language Proficiency

Online Degree-Courses at virtuelle hochschul bayern (vhb)

Students who interrupted their studies in Ukraine due to the war have the opportunity to take courses online at Bavarian universities via the vhb platform, and thus acquire ECTS credits that can be recognized at the Ukrainian home university later. The offer also applies to students who are not enrolled at a Bavarian university.

In order to participate in all CLASSIC vhb courses free of charge and to acquire ECTS credits, it is required that the students present proof of enrollment at a Ukrainian university for the winter semester 2021/22 or the summer semester 2022.

The program is primarily aimed at Ukrainian students with German language skills, since most of the courses are German taught. There are also 78 English language courses offered.

If enrollment is not available, the vhb provides an additional 100 online courses via the OPEN vhb platform. 

Please note: a study program cannot be completed by visiting only vhb courses.

⇒ Information to registration for Ukrainian students

Course offer at CLASSIC vhb

Course offer at OPEN vhb

German Language Courses at UR

At UR, international applicants can prepare themselves linguistically for university studies. The courses offered by the ZSK provide university-specific foreign language training at various levels (B2 - C1 (CEFR)).

The aim of the course program is to achieve the language proficiency to study, proven by the "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang" (DSH).

Course information:

Duration: one level per semester

Structure: the so-called semester courses consist of a language course of 240 teaching hours and online additional courses.


In order for your application to be successful, you must provide proof of your university entrance qualification for German universities, as our courses are aimed at people who are interested in and capable of studying. Therefore, we require certain documents from you, e.g. high school diploma and university transcript.

The application process is the same as for a degree application via our online platform.

You can find the checklist for the application process in our download


Please feel invited to contact us directly if you have any further questions:

⇒ international.degree-student@ur.de

Enroled UR Students

General Consultation

Currently enroled Ukrainian and Russian students certainly have many questions and concerns at the moment. We would like to encourage you to contact us with your concerns, questions and problems at any time. We can discuss your concerns together and explore what possible solutions there may be.


Support in case of psychological distress

The current conflict is burdening students from the affected countries on various levels. Not only the uncertain financial situation and the complications under immigration law resulting from the current situation pose challenges. Also the mental struggle with the topic, the worry about family and friends and the abundance of information in the media can put a strain on the soul and psyche.

We encourage you to contact the appropriate offices on campus and in the city of Regensburg if you have mental health concerns.

⇒ Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counceling Services

Teaching and Research at UR


You are welcome to schedule a personal appointment with the Welcome Center to discuss your individual situation. We can provide information on possible assistance options.

Please contact us to arrange an appointment: 

 info.welcome-center@ur.de or accommodation.welcome-center@ur.de

Welcome Center

Research at the UR

If you want to be a researcher at the University of Regensburg, you need an affiliation with a faculty as a host institution. If you are interested in doing a PhD, you can find more information in the PhD-section below.

UR's faculties

Information for PhD candidates

Information for Hosts

For refugee researchers and doctoral students, you can apply for funding through the programmes listed below. More detailed information on academic support programmes can also be found on the central UR page (currently only in German):

Die UR hilft

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

In view of the war in Ukraine, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is extending the deadline for nominations of Ukrainian scholars until 18 March 2022 in the current call for nominations of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative.

Philipp Schwartz Initiative

Hilde Domin Programme

With the Hilde Domin Programme, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) supports at-risk students and doctoral candidates worldwide.

Contact: Staff Unit Internationalization, Dr. Andreas Friedel

Email: stabsstelle.internationalisierung@ur.de

Hilde Domin Programme


The funding programme provides Ukrainian PhD students, postdocs and researchers of all disciplines with the opportunity to continue their research activities for a period of 6-12 months in a working group at a university or research institute in Germany.

Contact: Referat Forschungsförderung und Drittmittelprojekte

Email: oswald.scheid@ur.de, patrick1.karl@ur.de, stefanie.rumm@ur.de

Phone: +49-(0)943-5533/5534/5535


DFG (German Research Foundation)

The DFG offers support to academics from Ukraine and also from Russia as part of its initiative for refugee scientists.

Contact: Referat Forschungsförderung und Drittmittelprojekte

Email: oswald.scheid@ur.de, patrick1.karl@ur.de, stefanie.rumm@ur.de

Phone: +49-(0)943-5533/5534/5535


Helpful links / Points of contact

  • On the website of city of Regensburg you will find information about passing through and arriving in Regensburg and also about financial and medical aid (in German or Ukrainian).

Passing through/arriving in Regensburg

Financial and medical aid for refugees from Ukraine

  •  The network CAMPUSAsyl works in many projects for and with refugees (e.g. university group, language tandems, projects for women, support for school children, cultural, sports and leisure activities)


  • The Refugee Law Clinic project provides support in legal matters and in communicating with the relevant authorities. If you need legal advice in your situation, please contact the International Office. They will put you in touch with the contact persons at the Law Clinic.

Refugee Law Clinic

  • The Student Union Niederbayern/Oberpfalz (Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz, StWNO) is also an important address for students who have been financially and psychologically affected by the effects of the war.

Psychological counseling for students

  • In the section 'Campus Life' you will find various information and links to help you find your way around the UR campus (e.g. WLAN access, food/drinks, computer center, university groups).

Campus Life

  • Under the Taras-Shevchenko-Program BAYHOST, the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, organizes a coordination office for Ukraine, which bundles support and assistance offers for Ukrainian students and scientists and is available to them as a contact point.


  • The Europaeum is the East-West Center of the University of Regensburg. As a central institution, it has the task of promoting interdisciplinary dialogue between Eastern and Western Europe in the areas of research and teaching.



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