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Fr. Damaskinos Olkinuora

FELLOW 11/2019 - 05/2020

Fr. Damaskinos Olkinuora

Raum: SGLG 319

E-Mail: damaskinos.olkinuora@uef.fi


Personal information

  • Born in Janakkala, Finland, May 1985
  • Interests and hobbies: iconography, music, baking
  • Member of the monastic community of the Holy Monastery of Xenophontos, Mt Athos (Greece).

Education and degrees

  • Matrication Examination, 2004 (Helsinki)
  • Diploma of Byzantine Music, Central Conservatory of Thessaloniki, 2008
  • Master of Theology, University of Joensuu, 2009 (Orthodox Church Music)
  • Erasmus exchange, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2007-2008 (Orthodox Theology)
  • Master of Music, Sibelius Academy, 2012 (Music Education)
  • Bachelor of Arts, Metropolia University of Applied Science, 2013 (Early Music)
  • Bachelor of Arts, University of Helsinki, 2014 (Classics)
  • Doctor of Theology, University of Eastern Finland, 2015 (Systematic Theology and Patristics)
  • Master of Arts, University of Helsinki, 2017 (Classics and Byzantine Studies)

Academic career and other professional appointments

University of Eastern Finland

  • University teacher (Systematic Theology and Patristics), 2015-

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection (Trustees for Harvard University)

  • Summer Fellow, 2016

Orthodox Church of Finland

  • Second teacher, Orthodox Seminary, 2015
  • Cantor, Helsinki Orthodox Parish, 2013–2014

Positions of trust

  • Chairman, Suomen bysanttilaisen musiikin seura (Society for Byzantine Music in Finland), 2011–
  • Vice-Chairman, International Society for Orthodox Church Music, 2015–

Research projects and other affiliations

  • Constantinopolitan Hymnography and Its Context (400-900), University of Oslo, Faculty of Theology



  • "Personification in Byzantine Hymnography: Kontakia and Canons." Personhood in the Byzantine Christian Tradition: Early, Medieval, and Modern Perspectives.
  • "Ecumenism in Liturgy? Changes in Finnish Orthodox Liturgical Texts Stimulated by Co-Existence with Lutherans." Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu 9 (2/2017), 173–186.
  • "Die "rhetorische" Melodik in den byzantinischen Hymnen der Darstellung Mariens im Tempel." Theorie und Geschichte der Monodie: Bericht der Internationalen Tagung Wien 2014. Brno 2016, 431-444.
  • "Ortodoksinen hymnografia patristisen eksegeesin ilmaisumuotona" ("Orthodox Hymnography as an Expression of Patristic Exegesis") Ortodoksia 55 (2015), 80–106.
  • Byzantine Hymnography for the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos: An Intermedial Approach. (Diss.) Studia Patristica Fennica 4. Helsinki: Picaset Oy 2015.
  • "Movement, Emotion and Speech: The Influence of Stage Performance on the Rhythmical Interpretation of French Baroque Opera." Musicology Today 19, 2014.
  • "Four Typological Images of Mary in the Hymnography for the Feast of the Entrance." JISOCM 1, 2014, 33-42.
  • "Words and Images: 'Pictorial' Byzantine Hymnography." Българско музикознание 3-4/2013, Institute of Art Studies, Sofia, 2013, 50-64.
  • "Problems and Possibilities of Adapting Byzantine Music into Finnish." Simpozionul internațional de muzicologie bizantină: 300 de ani de românire (1713-2013), National University of Music Bucharest, 2013, 331-343.
  • "'New' aspects of studying hymnography: the Doxastikon of the Aposticha of the feast of the Entrance." Unity and Variety in Orthodox Church Music: Theory and Practice, ISOCM, 2013, 230-239.
  • "Oktoekhos-järjestelmä bysanttilaisessa ja suomalaisessa käytännössä." Ortodoksia 52, Ortodoksisten pappien liitto ry, 2013, 53-69.
  • "Cheironomie als pädagogische Methode in der byzantinischen Monodie: Einige Anmerkungen zum Gebrauch der Handzeichen beim modernen athonitischen Singen." Theorie und Geschichte der Monodie 7, Österreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft, 2012, 361-390.
  • "Experiences in Adapting Post-Byzantine Chant into Foreign Languages: Research and Praxis." Musicology Journal 11, Serbian Academy of Sciences, 2011, 133-146.
  • "Archbishop Paul and the Quest for Finnish Orthodox Church Singing." Church, State and Nation in Orthodox Church Music, ISOCM, 2011, 300-305.
  • "The Adaptation of Byzantine Chant into Finnish." Composing and Chanting in the Orthodox Church, ISOCM, 2009, 145-152.
  • "Byzantine Church Music in Finland: Exploring the Past, Envisaging the Future: Part II." Byzantine Musical Culture, American Society for Byzantine Music and Hymnology, 2007, 562-569.


  • George Kordis: Rytmissä. Viivan ilmaisuvoima bysanttilaisessa ikonimaalauksessa. Suomennos Jaakko Olkinuora. Suomen Ikonimaalarit ry, 2014.

Teaching material

  • Olkinuora, Jaakko & Seppälä, Hilkka: Avain bysanttilaisen laulun maailmaan. Ortodoksisen teologian julkaisuja no. 39, Joensuun yliopisto, 2007.

Music publications

  • Pyhiinvaeltajan lauluja. Moniääninen nuotinnettu laulukirja. San. ja sov. Jaakko Olkinuora ja Maria Takala-Roszczenko. Pyhien Sergein ja Hermanin Veljeskunnan julkaisuja. Tampere: Juvenes Print 2014.
  • Pyhiinvaeltajan lauluja. Yksiääninen nuotinnettu laulukirja. San. ja sov. Jaakko Olkinuora ja Maria Takala-Roszczenko. Pyhien Sergein ja Hermanin Veljeskunnan julkaisuja. Saarijärvi: Saarijärven Offset oy 2014.
  • Pääsiäisen aamupalvelus bysanttilaisen sävelmistön mukaisesti. Suomen kieleen sovittanut Jaakko Olkinuora. Toim. ja taitto Maria Takala-Roszczenko. Suomen bysanttilaisen musiikin seuran julkaisuja. Joensuu: Kopijyvä 2014.
  • Paraklesis. Suomennos Jaakko Olkinuora ja nunna Kristoduli. Sovitus ja nuotinnos Jaakko Olkinuora. Ortodoksisen kirjallisuuden julkaisuneuvosto, 2011.



  • Development of the Byzantine cult of the Theotokos as a monastic model
  • Andrew of Crete
  • Great Canon
  • Andrew's homiletic oeuvre
  • Performance theory and Byzantine liturgy 
  • Rhetorical ekphrasis and its spiritual dimensions 
  • Intermediality in Byzantine homilies and hymns
  • Theology of friendship




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