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David Moessner

Fellow 08/2019 - 12/2019

Prof. Dr. David Moessner

Raum: SGLG 317

Tel.: +49 941 / 943-5971

E-Mail: d.moessner@tcu.edu



  • 1983: Dr. Theol., University of Basel, Switzerland
  • 1980: M.A. Honours, School of Theology, University of Oxford, UK
  • 1975: M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton University, USA
  • 1971: B.A., Princeton University, USA

Professional Experience

  • 2012-: Professor, A.A. Bradford Chair of Religion, Texas Christian University, USA
  • Professor of Biblical Theology, University of Dubuque Theological Seminar, Iowa, USA
  • Professor of New Testament Language, Literature and Exegese, Columbia Theological Seminar, Columbia University, USA
  • Assistant Professor of New Testament, Yale University Divinity School, Yale University, USA
  • Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Louisiana State University (LSU), USA

Academic Degree Honours

  • Insigni cum laude, University of Basel, Switzerland
  • Viva Voce for First Class Honours, School of Theology, University of Oxford, UK
  • Summa cum laude; Valedictorian; Maitland New Testament Exegesis Prize, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton University, USA
  • Phi Beta Kappa; High Honours (Departement of Religion); Magna cum laude; Elks' Most Valuable Student Award, National Awards (Freshman Year), Princeton University, USA

Academic Career Honours

  • Nov 17-18, 2020: "The Kenneth Clark Lectures,” Duke University Divinity School
  • 2019: Senior Research Fellow, “Beyond Canon - Centre for Advanced Studies"’ DFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe, University of Regensburg, Germany, fall 2019 [on the 2nd and 3rd centuries’ literary production in the light of the Christian canon and their influence upon the formation of ‘classic’ western literature]
  • 2017-2018: President of the Southwest Region of the Society of Biblical Literature
  • Nov 21, 2016: Special Session: Honoring Prof. D. P. Moessner as one of two “Premier Scholars of the Lukan Writings” [along with Prof. Loveday Alexander, UK.] at the annual International/North American meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas, USA
  • 2010-2012: Faculty Associate in New Testament, Department of Theology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
  • Member of the Greek Education Ministry’s International, Professional Consultant Scholars program. [letter of invitation from Professor Christos Karakolis, University of Athens.]
  • 2010: John Knox Coit Prize in Teaching Excellence,’ University of Dubuque, Iowa, USA [top teaching award in the University undergraduate and seminary faculties]

  • 2008-: Honorary Professor, Faculty of Theology, Department of Biblical Studies, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

  • Nov 18-19, 2004: " Carmichael-Walling Lectures,” Abilene Christian University, Texas, USA

  • Wintersemester 2013-2014: Guest Professor of New Testament, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany, Conducting the Doctoral Sozietät: “Paulus und Lukas. Exegetische Erwägungen zum Thema ‘Narratologische Theologie'."

  • 1993-1994: Pew Charitable Trusts:  E.S.I. Research Fellowship

  • 1993: German Academic Exchange Fellowship (DAAD)

  • 1989-1990: Association of Theological Schools (ATS) Research Fellowship, Younger Scholars Mentor Program

Professional Affiliations, Memberships and Engagements

  • Co-Executive Editor, Supplements to Novum Testamentum [NovTSup]

  • Member of Several Editorial Boards of Theology/Biblical Studies Journals

  • Professional Academic Associations

  • International Society of New Testament Studies (Societas Novi Testamenti Studiorum) [SNTS]

  • Society of Biblical Literature [SBL]

  • North American Patristics Society [NAPS]

  • Chicago Society of Biblical Research [CSBR]

Prof. David P. Moessner has published five books, numerous journal articles and chapters of books, lectured in 13 countries worldwide, and served on the "Eastern European Liaison Committee" of the International Society of New Testament Studies in assisting the rebuilding of faculties of Theology in Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, and Serbia. He has a special passion for teaching from the Greek texts of the Gospels and Acts and is currently revising the translation of the NRSV's Gospel of Luke for the forthcoming revision to be called the NRSV2 (2021). Prof. Moessner is an ordained minister of the Prespyterian Church, USA, and was honored in 2017 in a special session of the annual American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature meeting as a “premier scholar of the Lukan Writings.”

He is currently finishing a volume on various ways the ancient Greeks understood “narrative”/diēgēsis. The goal of this elaboration of narrative’s distinctive epistemology is to illuminate some of the church’s major reasons for writing and eventually authorizing narrative Gospels as their foundation documents.


Monographs Published

Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels, Continuing the Debate on Gospel Genre(s), ed. R. M. Calhoun, D. P. Moessner, and T. Nicklas - WUNT (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020) [in press].

Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy, Theologian of Israel’s ‘Christ.’ A New Reading of the ‘Gospel Acts’ of Luke, BZNW 182 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016; pb. edition, 2018). 

Paul and the Heritage of Israel: Paul’s Claim upon Israel’s Legacy in Luke and Acts in the Light of the Pauline Letters, ed. D. P. Moessner,  D. Marguerat, M. Parsons, M. Wolter (London: T & T Clark, 2012); vol. II of Luke the Interpreter of Israel.

Re-examining Paul’s Letters.  The History of the Pauline Correspondence, by Bo Reicke, Introduction by D. P. Moessner and Foreword by I. Reicke (revision and expansion of unpublished ms.); eds. D. P. Moessner and I. Reicke; (Harrisburg, PA:  Trinity Press International, 2001).

Jesus and the Heritage of Israel: Luke’s Narrative Claim Upon Israel’s Legacy, ed. D. P. Moessner (Harrisburg, PA:  Trinity Press International, 1999); vol. I of Luke the Interpreter of Israel (a multi-volume work by international contributors [general editors, David P. Moessner and David L. Tiede]).

Lord of the Banquet (paperback edition), Trinity Press International (Harrisburg, PA:  1998) with Foreword by Richard B. Hays and new preface by the author.

Lord of the Banquet.  A Literary and Theological Investigation of the Lukan Travel Narrative (Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 1989).

Monographs Under Contract

Ancient Greek Narrative Hermeneutics and the Gospels.  Reprising and Revising the Interpretation of the Early Christian Foundation Narratives (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co, forthcoming, 2021).

Articles Accepted for Publication and Forthcoming (in Press)

“Mark’s Mysterious ‘Beginning’ (1:1–3) as the Hermeneutical Code to Mark’s ‘Messianic Secret’” in Modern and Ancient Literary Criticism of the Gospels: Continuing the Debate on Gospel Genre(s), ed.,R. M. Calhoun, D. P. Moessner, T. Nicklas; WUNT (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020) 336-77.

The Problem of the Continuity of Acts with Luke, the Church’s Reception of Two Separated Volumes, and the Construction of Luke’s ‘Theology,’ in the Conference Papers of the Seventh East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Moscow, Sept. 24-30, 2016; ed. his Eminence, Archbishop Hilarion, Metropolitan of Moscow, published in Russian by the Russian Orthodox Church, 2017; forthcoming in English and German WUNT (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019).

“Luke as Sceptical ‘Insider’: Re-configuring the ‘Tradition’ by Re-figuring the Synoptic Plot,” forthcoming in Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, WUNT I; 2019, revised paper of the conference in Regensburg, Germany, September 2017, “Test Everything”: Sceptic and Believer in Ancient Mediterranean Religions.”

Published Articles

“Papian Fragments” in Vol 2. of the T & T Clark Encyclopedia of The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries, ed., H. Bond, C. Keith, J. Schröter (London/New York: Bloomsbury International, 2019).

“‘The Living and Enduring Voice’ of Papias:  Guarantor of Apostolic Pedigree in Early Narrative Configurations of an Emerging ‘Synoptic’ Tradition,” in Early Christianity (2019): 484-519.

 “Diodorus Siculus,” in The T & T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, 2 Vols.; ed. Loren T. Stuckenbruck and Daniel J. Gurtner (London/New York: Bloomsbury International, 2019).

“Polybius,” in The T & T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, 2 Vols.; ed. Loren T. Stuckenbruck and Daniel J. Gurtner (London/New York: Bloomsbury Publishers, 2019).

 “The Role of Acts in Interpreting the New Testament” in Festschrift für Ulrich Luz zum 80. Geburtstag, Sacra Scripta 15; ed. S. Tofanǎ, H. Klein (Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Centre for Biblical Studies, published 2018), 260-71.

“‘The Strange New Dish’ called Acts!” in Delightful Acts. New Essays on Canonical and Non-canonical Acts, ed. Harold W. Attridge, Dennis R. MacDonald, and Clare K. Rothschild, WUNT 1/391 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017), 119-38.

“Luke as Tradent and Hermeneut. ‘As one who has a thoroughly informed familiarity with all the events from the top (παρηκολουθηκότι, Luke 1:3),’” Novum Testamentum 58 (2016): 259-300.

“Das Doppelwerk des Lukas und Heil als Geschichte: Oscar Cullmanns auffälliges Schweigen über den stärksten Befürworter seiner Konzeption der Heilsgeschichte im Neuen Testament” in D. P. Moessner, Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy, Theologian of Israel’s Christ. A New Reading of Luke’s ‘Gospel Acts’ (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016), 302-14 (first draft and delivery in German, “Zehn Jahre nach Oscar Cullmanns Tod. Rückblick und Ausblick,” Basel, Switzerland, June 6, 2009; first published in English: Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2012), 135-45.

“Redemption” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology, gen. ed. S. E. Ballentine (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2015) 2. 222-227.

“Luke 19:11-28: The ‘Lord of the Banquet’ is Near!” in Feasting on the Gospels (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2015) 2.170-75.

“Luke 19:29-40:  A ‘Triumphal’ Un-triumphal Entry?” in Feasting on the Gospels (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2015) 2.176-181.

“The Living Resources of Early Christology: Papias and the Gospel of Mark” in Interpretation and the Claims of the Text. Resourcing New Testament Theology: Essays in Honor of Charles H. Talbert; ed. J. Whitlark, B. Longenecker, C. Newman, M. Parsons (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2014), 177-96.

“Diegetic Breach or Metaleptic Interruption?  Acts 1:4b-5 as the Collapse between the Worlds of ‘All that Jesus Began to Enact and to Teach’ (Acts 1:1) and the ‘Acts of the Apostles,’” Biblical Research [Journal of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research] 56 (2011): 23-34 [first published/appeared in 2013, though technically the 2011 issue].

Luke’s ‘Witness of Witnesses’:  Paul as Definer and Defender of the Tradition of the Apostles—‘from the Beginning,’ in Paul and the Heritage of Israel: Paul’s Claim upon Israel’s Legacy in Luke and Acts in the Light of the Pauline Letters, ed. D. P. Moessner,  D. Marguerat, M. Parsons, M. Wolter (London:  T & T Clark, 2012), 117-47; vol. II of Luke the Interpreter of Israel.

“Luke/Acts and Salvation as History.  Oscar Cullmann’s  Strange Silence Concerning the New Testament’s Strongest Proponent of His Conception of Heilsgeschichte,” Zehn Jahre nach Oscar Cullmanns Tod: Rückblick und Ausblick , ed. M. Sallmann, K. Froehlich (Basler und Berner Studien zur historischen Theologie 75; Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 2012), 135-45.

“‘Abraham Saw My Day.’  Making Greater Sense of John 8:48-59 from the LXX Version than the MT Genesis 22,” Die Septuaginta und das frühe Christentum; ed. T. S. Caulley, H. Lichtenberger; published papers of the International Symposium on the Septuagint and Christian Origins, Tübingen, April 1-3, 2009 (Tübingen:  Mohr-Siebeck, 2011), 329-38.

“The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles” in The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, ed. J. J. Collins and D. C. Harlow (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishers, 2010), 896-99.

“‘And all were baptized into Moses . . . and the rock was Christ.’  Moses as ‘Typos’ of a Faith-less Israel in Paul's Warnings of Idolatry to the Church at Corinth (1 Cor. 10:1-22)” in Saint Paul and Corinth. 1950 Years Since the Writing of the Epistles to the Corinthians, ed. C. J. Belezos (Athens, Greece: Psichogios Publications, 2009), 2.303-17 [International Congress on “The Apostle Paul and Corinth,” 23-25 September 2007, sponsored by the Prefecture and Municipality of Corinth, Greece].

Turning Status ‘Upside Down’ in Philippi.  Christ Jesus’ ‘Emptying Himself’ as Forfeiting Any Acknowledgment of His ‘Equality with God’ (Phil. 2:6-11),” Horizons in Biblical Theology 31/2 (2009): 123-43 (in a memorial issue honoring Prof. C. I K Story, ed. D. P. Moessner).

“Quirinius” in the New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, gen. ed. J. B. Green and K. D. Sakenfeld (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2009) 4.704-705.

“The Triadic Synergy of Hellenistic Poetics in the Narrative Epistemology of Dionysius of Halicarnassus and the Authorial Intent of the Evangelist Luke (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-8),” Neotestamentica 42 (2008): 289-303.

“‘Managing the Audience.’ The Rhetoric of Authorial Intent and Audience Comprehension in the Narrative Epistemology of Polybius of Megalopolis, Diodorus Siculus, and Luke the Evangelist,” The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honor of Richard B. Hays, ed. J. R. Wagner, C. K. Rowe, and A. K. Grieb (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), 179-97.

“Luke’s ‘Plan of God’ from the Greek Psalter.  The Rhetorical Thrust of ‘the Prophets and the Psalms’ in Peter’s Speech at Pentecost,” Scripture and Traditions: Essays on Early Judaism and Christianity in Honor of Carl R. Holladay, ed. P. Gray and G. O’Day (NovTSup 129; Leiden: Brill, 2008), 223-38.

“‘How he was known in the breaking of the bread’ (Luke 24:1-35) in Honor of Prof. Ulrich Luz,” in Sacra Scripta 5 (2007): 221-38 [Cluj-Napoca, Romania, The Center for Biblical Studies].

“Reicke, Bo (1914-1987)” in Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters, ed. D. M. McKim (Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity Press, 2007), 853-58. 

“‘Listening Posts’ along the Way: 'Synchronisms' as Metaleptic Prompts to the ‘Continuity of the Narrative’ in Polybius’ Histories and in Luke’s Gospel—Acts. A Tribute to David Aune in The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context. Studies in Honor of David E. Aune, ed. J. Fotopoulos (NovTSup 122; Leiden: Brill, 2006), 129-50.

“How Luke writes” in The Written Gospel [FS Graham N. Stanton], ed. M. Bockmuehl and D. A. Hagner (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 149-70.

“Reading Luke’s Gospel as Ancient Hellenistic Narrative: Luke’s Narrative Plan of Israel’s Suffering Messiah as God’s Saving ‘Plan’ for the World” in Reading Luke. Interpretation, Reflection, Formation, ed. C. G. Bartholomew, J. B. Green, A. C. Thiselton (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 6; London: Paternoster Press, 2005), 125-154.

“‘Managing’ the Audience.  Diodorus Siculus and Luke the Evangelist on Designing Authorial Intent” in Luke and his Readers. Festschrift A. Denaux, ed. R. Bieringer, G. Van Belle, J. Verheyden (BETL; Leuven: Peeters/Univ. of Leuven Press, 2005), 61-80.

“Paul, the ‘Gospel,’ and ‘Narrative Prompts’: ‘Just the Same Thing, for Ever’,” Horizons in Biblical Theology 26 (2004): 94-114.

“‘Completed End(s)ings’ of Historiographical Narrative:  Diodorus Siculus and the End(ing) of Acts” in Die Apostelgeschichte und hellenistische Geschichtsschreibung.  Festschrift für Dr. Plümacher, hg. von C. Breytenbach u. J. Schröter (AGAJU; Leiden:  Brill, 2004), 193-221.

“‘Ministers of Divine Providence.’ Diodorus Siculus and Luke the Evangelist on the Rhetorical Significance of the Audience in Narrative ‘Arrangement,’” Literary Encounters with the Reign of God, Studies in Honor of Robert Tannehill, ed. P. Kim and S. Ringe (New York:  T & T Clark, 2004), 304-23.

“Dionysius’ Narrative 'Arrangement' (οἰκονομία) as the Hermeneutical Key to Luke’s Re-vision of the ‘Many’”  in Paul, Luke and the Graeco-Roman World.  Essays in Honour of Alexander J. M. Wedderburn, ed. A. Christophersen, C. Claussen, J. Frey and B. Longenecker (JSNT Sup. 217; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002), 149-64.

“Response to Dunn” [J. D. G. Dunn, “Ex Akoēs Pisteōs”] in Ex Auditu 16 (2000): 47-53.

“‘The Christ Must Suffer’: New Light on the Jesus—Peter, Stephen, Paul Parallels in Luke-Acts,” in The Composition of Luke’s Gospel, ed. D. E. Orton (Leiden: Brill, 1999), 117-53. Reprint from Novum Testamentum 28, 3 (1986): 220-56.

“The Lukan Prologues in the Light of Ancient Narrative Hermeneutics. ΠΑΡΗΚΟΛΟΥΘΗΚΟΤΙ and the Credentialed Author” in The Unity of Luke-Acts, ed. J. Verheyden (BETL 133; Leuven: Peeters Press, 1999), 399-417.

“The Appeal and Power of Poetics (Luke 1:1-4).  Luke's Superior Credentials (παρηκολουθηκότι), Narrative Sequence (καθεξῆς), and Firmness of Understanding ( ἀσφάλεια) for the Reader” in Jesus and the Heritage of Israel, ed. D. P. Moessner; vol.1 of Luke the Interpreter of Israel (gen. ed. D. P. Moessner and D. L. Tiede) (Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 1999), 84-123. 

Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation (ed. J. H. Hayes [Nashville: Abingdon, 1999]).

“G. B. Caird,” I.156-57.

“Oscar Cullmann,” I.234-36.

“B. Reicke,” II.380.

“K. L. Schmidt,” II.444-45.

“Mattias Schneckenberger,” II.445-46.

Two Lords ‘at the Right Hand’?  The Psalms and an Intertextual Reading of Peter's Pentecost Speech (Acts 2:14-36)” in Literary Studies in Luke-Acts. Essays in Honor of Joseph B. Tyson, ed. R. P. Thompson and T. E. Phillips (Macon: Mercer University Press, 1998), 215-232.

“‘Eyewitnesses,’ ‘Informed Contemporaries,’ and ‘Unknowing Inquirers’:  Josephus' Criteria for Authentic Historiography and the Meaning of ΠΑΡΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΕΩ.” Festschrift for J. Smit Sibinga, Novum Testamentum 38 (1996): 105-22.

“The ‘Script’ of the Scriptures in Acts:  Suffering as God's ‘Plan’ (βουλ) for the World for the ‘Release of Sins’” in History, Literature and Society in the Book of Acts, ed. B. Witherington (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996), 218-50.

“Good News for the Wilderness Generation: The Death of the Prophet Like Moses According to Luke,” in Good News in History: Essays in Honor of Bo Reicke, ed. E. L. Miller; Scholars Press Homage Series (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993), 1-34.

“Suffering, Intercession, and Eschatological Atonement: An Uncommon Common View in the Testament of Moses and in Luke-Acts,” in The Pseudepigrapha and Early Biblical Interpretation, ed. J. H. Charlesworth and C. A. Evans (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993), 202-27.

“The Meaning of ΚΑΘΕΞΗΣ in the Lukan Prologue As a Key to the Distinctive Contribution of Luke's Narrative Among the ‘Many,’” in The Four Gospels 1992  Festschrift Frans Neirynck, ed. F. Van Segbroeck, C. M. Tuckett, G. Van Belle, J. Verheyden; 3 vols.; BETL 100 (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1992) 2.1513-1528.

“Oscar Cullmann.  Scholar of Early Christianity, Doctor of the Contemporary Church.  The Significance of His Contribution.  For Professor Cullmann on His 90th Birthday,” Theologische Zeitschrift 47 (1992): 238-42.

“Re-reading Talbert's Luke: The Bios of ‘Balance’ or the ‘Bias’ of History?" in Cadbury, Knox, and Talbert.  American Contributions to the Study of Acts, ed. J. B. Tyson, M. Parsons (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991), 203-28.

“IN MEMORIAM Karl Ludwig Schmidt (1891-1956),” Theologische Zeitschrift 47 (1991): 3-6 [Festschrift for K. L. Schmidt].

“‘The Christ Must Suffer,’ The Church Must Suffer. Rethinking the Theology of the Cross in Luke-Acts,” in SBL Seminar Papers (1990): 165-95.

“The ‘Leaven of the Pharisees’ and ‘This Generation’:  Israel's Rejection of Jesus According to Luke,” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 34 (1988): 21-46.

(reprint in) Reimaging the Death of the Lukan Jesus, ed. D. D. Sylva; Bonner Biblische Beiträge 73 (Frankfurt: A. Hain, 1990), 79-107, 190-94.

“And Once Again, What Sort of ‘Essence?’ A Response to Charles Talbert,” Semeia 43 (1988): 75-84.

“The Ironic Fulfillment of Israel's Glory,” in Luke-Acts and the Jewish People, ed. J. B. Tyson (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1988), 35-50, 142-43.

“Paul in Acts: Preacher of Eschatological Repentance to Israel,” New Testament Studies 34 (1988): 96-104.

“‘The Christ Must Suffer’: New Light on the Jesus—Peter, Stephen, Paul Parallels in Luke-Acts,” Novum Testamentum 28, 3 (1986): 220-56.

“Paul and the Pattern of the Prophet Like Moses in the Acts,” SBL Seminar Papers (1983): 203-12.

 “Jesus and the ‘Wilderness Generation’: The Death of the Prophet Like Moses According to Luke,” SBL Seminar Papers (1982): 319-40.

 “Luke 9:1-50: Luke's Preview of the Journey of the Prophet Like Moses of Deuteronomy,” Journal of Biblical Literature 102/4 (1983): 575-605.


K. Rudolph, Die Gnosis. Wesen und Geschichte einer spaetantiken Religion, Theologische Zeitschrift 35 (1979): 307-09.

 G. Muhlack, Die Parallelen von Lukas-Evangelium und Apostelgeschichte, Theologische Zeitschrift 35 (1979): 372-73.

 P. W. Walaskay, 'And so we came to Rome': The Political Perspective of St. Luke, Interpretation 39/3 (1985): 318-20.

L. T. Johnson, The Writings of the New Testament.  An Interpretation. Theology Today  44 (1988): 416.

 G. Nebe, Prophetische Züge in Bilde Jesu bei Lukas, Journal of Biblical Literature 110 (1991): 534-36.

 M. Korn, Die Geschichte Jesu in veränderter Zeit. Studien zur bleibenden Bedeutung Jesu im lukanischen Doppelwerk,  Journal of Biblical Literature 114 (1995): 336-38.

 T. W. Gillespie, The First Theologians:  A Study in Early Christian Prophecy, The Princeton Seminary Bulletin 16/3 (1995): 338-41.

 O. Cullmann, Das Gebet im Neuen Testament.  Zugleich Versuch einer vom Neuen Testamentaus zu erteilenden Antwort auf heutige Fragen, Novum Testamentum 39  (1997): 92-94.

C. I K Story, The Fourth Gospel: Its Purpose, Pattern, and Power, The Princeton Seminary Bulletin 20/1 (1999): 85-86.

 P. Jenkins, The Hidden Gospels. How the Search for Jesus Lost Its Way, Journal of Religion, (2003): 127-28.

 P. Trebilco, Self-designations and Group Identity in the New Testament (Cambridge University Press) for The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 77 (2015): 381-83.





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