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Service for Refugees

Student applicants with a refugee background at the UR

We are glad that you are interested in studying at UR.

Counseling Sessions at the International Office

In the counseling interview at the International Office, we can show you which options you can pursue with regard to your desired studies at UR. We clarify your university entrance qualification (HZB) and inform you about German courses at the university.

We offer weekly office hours. During these hours, applications can be explained and general questions can be answered.

Counseling for Orientation in a Field of Study

Information about the study programs at the University of Regensburg can be obtained from the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB). The ZSB is happy to support and advise you in your search for a suitable degree program. Before you go to the ZSB, please first clarify at the International Office whether and for which subjects your certificates from your home country qualify you.

Central Academic Advisory Service (ZSB)

CampusAsyl University Group

Who is the university group?

  • Whether you are a refugee or not, students/students interested in studying come together here!
  • Do you need support around language or studies?
  • Exciting workshops: Anti-Racism, Flight & Life in Regensburg, How do I give a presentation without getting nervous? and much more.
  •  Co-organized activities: e.g. cooking workshop, bicycle tour, mystery dinner, bowling, canoeing
  • Regulars' meetings for a relaxed exchange & closing party

Join us and register at hochschulgruppe@campus-asyl.de
Registration deadline: always in the second week after the start of lectures.

Detailed information about the university group

Other Contact Centers on Campus

The network CAMPUSAsyl works in many projects for and with refugees. There are also some projects that may be of interest to you as a student applicant at the University of Regensburg.

The Refugee Law Clinic project provides support in legal matters and in communicating with the relevant authorities. If you need legal advice in your situation, please contact the International Office. They will put you in touch with the contact persons at the Law Clinic.


Refugee Law Clinic project

  1. UR International Office

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